We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Dradge is too OP

Lentara Member Posts: 47
edited June 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

The new killer is completely unbalanced. She can teleport long distances anywhere, even if these lockers are closed, it will not be difficult for a new killer to get out of there and with an unbalanced addon it takes only 1 second, this is complete nonsense. After all, after that, she breaks the lock and you can no longer close the locker (although, again, even the fact that you closed it does not give you any security). Also, this killer has a strong debuff for all survivors - night. It's the worst thing I've seen because there's nothing you can do about it. Nothing at all. With all the fact that the killer teleports on lockers, controls the pallet by placing a portal nearby, so it also gives a debuff that you cannot control or avoid, isn't it too much power for one killer? Why do we need Sadako then if this killer Sadako is number 2 but much better and with additional features?

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 47

    Bro i son't care. I'm ukrainian and in my language its female.

  • dbd900bach
    dbd900bach Member Posts: 686

    Dredge is hardly OP. A+ tier max but definitely not S tier. It's a lot on paper and Nightfall can be a little disorienting for players not use to it but all I can say is get use to it.

    They might reduce the dark affect on screen in the future but that's the only kind of nerf Dredge deserves. Just have to learn how to counter the killer in your own way or with your team. Unlike Sadako who's power doesn't even work passively like it's suppose to

  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 47

    I think that you need to nerf her teleportation, or rather the time when she breaks the locker. 1 second is nothing at all, without addons it should be at least 5 seconds which is the size of a stun, because like a pallet it just breaks the lock and it doesn't work anymore

  • Smeagolthevile
    Smeagolthevile Member Posts: 175

    I cant disagree that she needs some tweaking. I'm working on a generator in the killer shack (no basement) and both of the lockers are locked. Greg teleports to the locker nearby to me that is locked. by the time I get to the door Greg has already broken out of the locker and is ontop of me for a hit.

    Also the darkness + no heart beat during a chase may as well be a free hook for the killer, its so hard to handle both navigation and trying to keep your eye on them.

  • dbd900bach
    dbd900bach Member Posts: 686

    Dredge has a locker prioritization which can be used against him. When there's clusters of lockers, normally two, Dredge will always teleport to the locked locker no matter what.

    If you lock both Dredge will break out one locker and instantly break the other. Instead you should be locking one at a time and locking the other after chase. This makes it so he has to break out of the locker both times and he can't do anything about it.

    Unfortunately this tactic becomes a teammate problem because I've seen certain survivors lock every single locker they see for points or they don't get that Dredge can just M1 the locker. It becomes frustrating after awhile for some people, that much I'm sure.

    Lastly 1 second will always be enough time to get away. If it's nightfall you may just want to be steering clear of lockers in general

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,881

    Skill issue; have you tried getting good or is your first instinct going to the forum to whine?

  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 47

    it's insanely bad for the game, it's time consuming when you're just hiding during the night. What does it mean that I have to stay away from the lockers? they are almost always near the generators. I'm not a rat that hides the whole game and does nothing, I still want to win maybe? 1 second is never enough, it shouldn't be that short. and I never got an answer why then does Sadako exist if this new assassin is just so much better

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    No you just need to get good

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    How is that even possible? It takes him 3 seconds in addition to the other time to get out of a locked locker. He shouldn't be up your ass in any way after that.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    he still is an m1 killer that relies so much on survivors making mistakes more than relying on his power to accomplish anything even his mobility can be rng cuz some maps still have a locker deadzone areas. Plus the what you call "portal" that he leaves behind will not work if you don't let it to and hold w and go to another loop or (fake) going to another loop or running through it before he can tp to it.

    as for nightfall you can still hear where he is cuz he makes a noise all the time while walking exposing his place nightfall is more about buffing his power than being a hindrance to survivors cuz it barely does anything except on really dark maps.

    maybe just take your time to learn his counterplay instead of complaining about the killer being op this soon?

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    People are playing the dredge in many different ways I've noticed. I know this killer's power may seem overwhelming at first, but its all about using it to your advantage. Keep an eye on the lockers around you and find the nearest loop. If you're working on a gen the dredge will likely teleport to the locker nearest you to which you will get a sudden audio sound and you can begin running to the loop. If the dredge attempts to control the loop run away to the nearest vault and use it to get more distance. For the nightfall mechanic its best for all the survivors to spread out and utilize familiar locations like the killer shack if the map has one. Just keep moving and it'll wear off before you know it. Try different builds even though you never know which killer it'll be because right now you're more likely to play against this killer. Perks revolved around distracting the killer might work well against this one especially if you can get the dredge to teleport away from you. I'm still figuring this killer out myself but so far I have been enjoying playing against the dredge. Hope this helps.

  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 47

    I play with friends and they have a lot more time in the game than I do, and even they confirm that the new assassin is too strong and I have given enough reasons why this is so. If we have problems with a completely "own" group, even though we have a discord, can you imagine what random groups do? 1 second (with addon) to get out of a locked cabinet is crazy, it's too strong. Also, the portal that he places does not give a noticeable decrease in speed. I dropped the palette and started running around it, but he set up a portal and it became impossible for me, so I tried to run to another palette, but he still caught up with me very quickly even without teleporting through the lockers. And when he chases you during the night and does the same thing, it’s basically impossible to run away even with a certain perk, when you see the nearest palettes and windows, it just doesn’t work. Isn't that enough to nerf a killer? And I repeat again - why do we need Sadako if the new killer has the same abilities as her, but much better?

  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 47

    As you know, Nurse is the weakest and strongest cbian, it all depends on your personal skill and how you got used to this character. The new killer though has a teleportation system but you don't need to have any skill to do -4.

  • eaebree
    eaebree Member Posts: 288

    New killer adapt to it git gud you know all people do here is complain.

  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 47

    Is complaining bad? I hi enough arguments. I know that 99% of killer miners will never admit that some killer is too strong🤡

    After all, yes, a killer who teleports as many times as he likes over long distances, who sees the auras of players 8 meters from the lockers of which there are a lot on the whole map and they are most often next to generators, who blocks the ability to abuse the palette simply by placing a portal there, which does not give survivors orient themselves in space during the night - all this is of course normal and playing against such a killer is a pleasure, yeah. And I came here just to cry for no reason👏

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620
  • Dramzar_Myers
    Dramzar_Myers Member Posts: 131

    Слава Україні, брате або сестро. Я теж з України

    Не думаю що він дуже стильний. Не на рівні Медсестри. Так, він новий і поки проти нього треба навчитися грати. Але вже в деяких іграх я на ньому іноді, проти потужних гравців, можу зробити лише -1, а то і -0. А я на секунду гарно граю на манах

    Translation from Ukrainian to English.

    Hello my dear brother or sister. I am from Ukraine too

    I don't think that it's too strong. He is new, so you need to get used to it. But even now sometimes, vs strong players, i can only get -1, or even -0. Despite that I good enough killer player

  • eaebree
    eaebree Member Posts: 288

    Sorry you cant abuse pallets that is sad i hope every killer get buffs so you cant abuse them too lol

  • dbd900bach
    dbd900bach Member Posts: 686

    Well first of all I didn't develop the game so I hardly care about the process they went through developing Dredge and leaving Sadako behind. Don't care. Secondly I'm only giving suggestions based on my experience, suggestions you're welcome to ignore.

    Just learn how to deal with the killer, ask how to deal with the killer from survivors who have found something that works. Clearly though he's not like other killers who can be looped for hours on end or have been around so long like Nurse and Blight. He's A tier at best but will never be S tier like Blight or Nurse. You want someone to be nerfed, nerf those two instead

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Ok so I know it’s a typo in the title of this post, but “Dradge” is such an awesome name for this killer!

  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 47

    I don't think the Nurse deserves a nerf. This character is completely dependent on the skill of the player, which cannot be said of the new killer. You know, there are cyber-cutlet survivors for whom any killer is not a problem, but such people are few. In my environment, absolutely everyone says that the new killer is too OP, but unfortunately they are not registered on the forum and do not post here because they think it does not make sense. I don't think so, so voicing what is really happening in the hope that the developers will pay attention to it

  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 47

    The opinion of another toxic killer, I would rather just flush it down the toilet, sorry.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    It's 2 seconds with the addon, not 1. Normal time is 3 seconds, which is definitely long enough, and the addon decreases it by 1 second.

    To be fair, that addon I can definitely see being nerfed just slightly in the future, easily one of his strongest addons.

    Dredge definitely has a fair amount of counterplay. People have been counterplaying me in chase often enough as well. Not saying I would be against giving him a bit of counterplay while looping him, I've suggested increasing the time it takes to teleport to his remnant to like 0,5+ seconds or so myself, but he does have a good amount of counterplay outside of simple looping. Dredge's chase potential is decently strong, but nothing crazy. The only thing they have to change for sure is him still gaining Bloodlust despite charging and even using his power.

    Sadako also isn't a good comparison, because almost everyone agrees she is really weak. The solution here is not to nerf Dredge, but to buff Sadako.

    Have you played him? He definitely doesn't have a skill floor even close to Nurse, but playing him well is not that easy. He definitely takes some skill, especially if you want to play him optimally. I would argue his skill ceiling is actually fairly high, because it depends a lot on prediction, and very good map awareness.

    Other people have enough arguments here as well. The cop out argument of people only being killer mains, not wanting to accept that a killer is too strong, is not going to do you much service though.

    His teleport has a 12 second cooldown, and it's not that fast. Survivors can lock lockers once, and most of the time, lockers are near generators, but not right next to them. There are also always some people that think a killer is too op after he releases. That's nothing new. Although I do think his Nightfall needs to be toned down a bit.

  • Ferrettongue
    Ferrettongue Member Posts: 3

    I agree, I can't loop or runaway from this killer. They made it too strong. Anti loop plus teleport plus nightfall. Thats not really balanced

  • dreamsy10
    dreamsy10 Member Posts: 142

    This killer is at best a B bottom / C tier. Against decent survivors he will struggle, a lot. But ofc beginners will complain about everything.

  • missionnhunter
    missionnhunter Member Posts: 39
    edited June 2022

    This new killer definitely needs a giant nerf. It's got excellent gen pressure on any size map, excellent chase with ability to block and jump back with husk, full speed movement. Locker exit speed is so fast it literally appears and you get hit, no chance to move. And it's got darkness. They've literally made a killer that's good at everything, no weaknesses.

    AND the skill needed to play it is very very low, so literally any noob can go destroy experienced survivors. This killer should not be on par with nurse which takes hundreds of hours to learn to play decently. At this point I'm done playing against it, literally just going to die first hook. I play for fun, and if there's no fun there's no point.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,209

    Sometimes languages are weird with pronouns. It's the same with sun and moon in German. Moon is male, sun female, but in many languages it's the other way around.

    But now to the post.

    The teleport is quite slow while not in nightfall and map dependent. Sure they added lockers though maps but wide open maps like Rotten Fields or maps with "empty centers" like swamp are bad, because lockers are rare or only at certain places. It's a lot worse than Freddy's or Onryō's teleport.

    About the lockers. There is a mechanic I only noticed because someone showed it in a video. If you have 2 lockers right next to each other, they count as a single locker and it doesn't matter which of them you close, the Dredge will always teleport to the closed locker. So you can actually lock them twice. It may be a bug and might get fixed in the future so don't nail me on it.

    About nightfall.

    I only had it activate for 2 times each match. A perticular long one had it activated 3 times. And it is only 60s I believe? Yes, navigating can be a bit difficult, but it's supposed to be that way. For me that has not hindered me with looping that much (except on the new map) because I know most maps' layout by heart (after 5k hrs that's not surprising). I can see that this can be difficult for newer or inexperienced players, but it's basically just memorizing your surroundings as you pass them. I did that for Freddy back then, when he was played often. Remembering where the real pallets were....

    If you are caught by surprise often, maybe consider using Spine Chill until you get the hang of the Dredge. It's a nice perk vs stealth killers and since Dredge is Undetectable during Nightfall this could help a lot. For navigating I recommend Windows of Opportunity. Also a great perk.

    About the remnant.

    Using the remnant as looping tool is OK I think. The mindgames are fun to do and to vs and it's the only thing he really has to cut chases (besides his one perk that destroyes pallets).

    So I don't think Dredge is OP. I just think we have to adapt as with every new killer. It was the same back when Freddy got reworked. People complained about him having a teleport DIRECTLY to the gen, sleep and pallets/snares was too much. He was tweaked and now nobody really plays him anymore, because his gameplay is a bit stale.

    I wish best for you and your people in these hard times. Slava Ukraini.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,209

    This is literally the same they said 3 years ago after the Freddy rework. Look where Freddy is now after they tweaked him a bit. Rarely played, because he's a loop able M1 killer and survivors don't give a ######### about snares or pallets and because his playstyle is just not that interesting

  • Libervita
    Libervita Member Posts: 248

    familiar image.

    Survivors who don't hone their skills ask killers to become weak.

  • ProfSinful
    ProfSinful Member Posts: 271

    Honestly the killer has only been out for 5 days. How about you learn to play around it before crying for a nerf, it's almost as bad as the people who think nemesis is somehow OP or that wraith was broken pre nerf. Mid mmr survivor players always expect the game to play the exact same way every time and never wanna take the time to learn how to play around a unique killer power, and that's why they'll always be mid mmr at best.

    His anti-loop is very much counterable, it's almost entirely a 50/50 and can be negated by simply leaving the loop if needed. His darkness punishes players who don't take the time to learn map layouts, I've personally never had an issue running it during it's nightfall power. Dredge's TP is such a telegraphed ability that if you get caught out by it anywhere outside of nightfall, that is 100% on the survivor and their reaction time/awareness. This is a killer that heavily punishes players for a lack of awareness, game knowledge, and reaction time, and the only way anyone will learn to play around it is by improving in chase themselves. In other words, if you're good at the game, you will have an easier time looping the Dredge.

  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 47

    I do not take the opinion of people with a killer on their profile picture seriously

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    He's definitely a strong A. He's good. But I see how he could be seen as meh considering I've never seen even one use his anti-loop.

  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 47

    I gave an example in Sadako because in my opinion it was stupid to immediately release a new addon with the exact same killer, but much stronger, immediately after the Sadako addon. It just takes away the meaning of Sadako. Definitely Sadako is very weak, I can't argue with that.

    Yes, I tried to play but not on my account, because I don't want to buy it. My experience is only 200+ hours and for some reason I win against people who have 4.000+ hours. No, not because I'm a pro gamer and not because I play against noobs, it's just that this killer is like that. I don't have to do any super complicated stuff, his power and imba perks do everything for me. I don't need to stress. That's why I can't stand such killers, including Nemesis, Clown, Bubba and this woman who always vomits. These guys are too imba when they use the best addons. All you can do against them is die. I'm a pyramid head miner because I think he's one of the most balanced killers in the game. Well, because I just love him😈

    I think that killer miners are not objective in this matter, that's why they are killer miners. These are the people who have strike wins of 50 matches but at 51 they lose and start crying that the killers are not strong enough and we need to nerf the survivors.

    You know, this killer is simply impossible to escape. It's not real at all. If by some miracle you find yourself far away from him, he simply teleports to the nearest locker, because he also sees the aura of the players next to them. When you drop the pallet, he will simply put the portal and all you have to do is run to the next pallet, but while you are running, he will catch you.

  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 47

    Yes, I'm talking about this and trying to say that this killer is simply devoid of cons, it's very stupid. But people who main killers think it's normal, because for them all that survivors deserve is a quick death) and for some reason there are a lot of such people under this post, but few people who main survivors, because their opinion is more objective in this issue. I am also not the one to main survivors, I play both sides and therefore I know how difficult it is to be a survivor, but this is a topic for another topic😄

  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 47

    He was at PTB. How about finally opening your eyes and facing the facts and arguments that I present? I understand for a killer miner it is difficult to take the position of a survivor, but it's worth a try.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    You're being dishonest, not becayse you think Dredge needs a nerf, but because you go as far as being adament that the killer has no cons.

    He's an M1. He needs to hit with a basic attack, which is an absolutely awful way to damage survivors in the current state of the game. That is a con.

    Luckily, he does have an anti loop ability. (which doesn't make this con suddenly not exist, it's just a pro, the same way being a 3.8 is a con for the Nurse, even if her pro, teleporting, makes her the best killer in the game)

    His anti loop, however, is heavily dependant on how well the survivor can mindgame. I've played dredge a lot and I've seen survivors play really well around his antiloop.

    But it's far easier yelling OP without actual arguments other than "killer mains always defend killers gnnn" while the game is gigantly survivor sided...

  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 47

    I'll surprise you but many assassins need to press m1 to hit with an attack. Oh, or do you, Mr. killer-mainer, want the survivors to be already lying on the ground from the start of the game? clear👍️

  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 47

    I just suggested increasing the release time from a closed box to 5 seconds, so that it would be commensurate with the stun, because after that the lock breaks and you can no longer close the cabinet, but the killer-mainers have already burst into tears that someone does not like imba killers🤡

  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 47
  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,501

    It's he and it's dredge not dradge.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    Threads like this are the exact reason why the balance in this game is such a joke.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,881

    Too true; also op is one of those "everyone who disagrees with me is a toxic killer main" types of people, who can't be argued with, so anything we say here is pointless anyway

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I am sorry, I think I just had a stroke there. Pyramid Head is one of the most balanced killers, yet Clown is an insta win? You realise how weak Clown is, and that almost everyone agress that he is weak?

    So you won against 4000+ hour survivors as Dredge? I have a hard time believing that, though of course, it is possible, perhaps Dredge is just right up your ally when it comes to playstyle though, which is why you had good results with him, people have different skillsets in the end. That doesn't immediately mean Dredge is op, especially since many survivors haven't learned to counterplay him effectively yet. In the end, Dredge does nothing for you for free. If you want to win against good survivors, you have to play well with him. And I would argue his skill ceiling is actually fairly high. Which, to be fair, is why it's not 100% clear if he really is fine, or might need some small nerfs. But if he does need some small nerfs in the future, I am sure it will only be very small ones. I would also argue that his counterplay has a surprisingly high skill ceiling as well for survivor.

    Of course the classic argument is that killers one doesn't like, don't take any skill, but that's just being completely dishonest. Even the easiest killers still take a certain amount of skill.

    I also find it fascinating that you mention Nemesis, Bubba, and of course Clown. And then go on to say that tunnel master himself is the most balanced killer in the game, who outshines every killer you listed in power. Because Pyramid Head, especially when you use his tunneling capabilities, is an absolute monster. He does requqire a lot of skill though, that's true. But so do Bubba, Clown, and Nemesis as well, although the last one isn't quite as hard to master. And to be fair, a camping Bubba takes no skill, that is indeed true.

    Your attempts here to dismiss all the people that disagree with you as killer mains, or killer miners, which I am not sure is intentionally worded, that just want easy wins and can't accept losses is just sad though. Especially some of your very provocative comments. It just shows that you are pretty damn immature, which also suggests a lot that you are very likely not even open to learn how to counterplay new killers, or those you simply don't like. It's your opinion or people are laughable.

    But guess what, this game is not designed specifically for you. Everyone has killers they dislike going against, but that doesn't mean they immediately need to be nerfed. And furthermore, I have seen a fair amount of survivor mains saying they enjoy going against Dredge a lot themselves. And I personally think he is one of BHVR's absolutely best designed killers.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Sadly OP is the target audience and they will listen to this rather than experienced players :(

  • Thalie
    Thalie Member Posts: 10

    Honestly, other than his ability to tunnel people out and nightfall literally giving me a headache, he's fine. (They should imho stop adding thigs that mess with visuals so much, same with flashlight blinds, why blind me IRL when I get blinded in game?)

    Like, it's just not a fun mechanic to play against.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    The dredge is perfectly balanced, the issue with the dredge, and a lot of killers like them, is the perks available. The meta perks on killers are simply way to strong for the viable killers. Perks like tinker, ruin ect are really hard to beat on dredge, despite being balanced on most killers. Leave the killer, nerf the perks.

  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 47

    Why can't you read what I write? I said Clown OP when he uses addons and it really is. Without addons it's nothing but with addons it's OP.

    I did not deny that he is a master of tunneling. How does that make it less balanced? You know, I have never seen some streamer killer miner, playing as a pyramid head, finish the match in 3 minutes by killing 4 survivors. Do you know where I saw it with? With Bubba, who uses addons. Again, this is completely irrelevant to this thread. I did not say that Dredge deserves huge nerfs, I clearly and clearly described what exactly needs to be fixed - 1 detail, that's all. But the tears from the killers in this topic accumulated on the whole river.

  • Lentara
    Lentara Member Posts: 47

    What should I be discussing? With people who are not happy with just the fact that I proposed to introduce 1 single change about Dredge coming out of locked cabinets too quickly?

This discussion has been closed.