So, uh... why did we add double lockers everywhere now?

Just got out a match with the fabled 4man clicky squad (I was playing Sadako, rip) who seemed to be enthralled by the fact they could do the Dead Dawg Saloon locker blind but literally everywhere on the map. Like, I get it, we had to have lockers added because of Dredge, but did we really need double lockers within 2 centimetres of each other so that hooking was a genuine nightmare?
Like, I still got 7 hooks that game (0k, I like to go for the 12 hook games as Sadako because I cba to play to kill) so I'm kinda chuffed with the overall performance, but it wasn't at all fun hitting someone and having them run towards the Safe Space:tm:, with 2 people in lockers and the other two just sat there waiting. And waiting. And if you tried to chase them then out jumped the other two as the original waiters found another locker within licking distance and in they went.
Like, I tried. I got some sick ass mindgames. I'm actually really happy with how I played, I just don't know why we really needed to do this? Like, at least only have them spawn when facing Dredge because this was highkey kinda stupid.
Anyway, rant over, remember to play Pyramid Head both for clear skin and so you can deal with this :sparkles:
(And devs, can we make it single lockers, or at least add some walls in places like Cow Tree so that both lockers aren't safe and at least one of them is a death trap, cheers m'dears)
Addenum: oh as a little edit, they brought a Coldwind offering, they had clan tags. They knew what they were doing, and it was the fabled clicky 4man. I check these things before I make claims.
Because they hate artist and love bird cruelty 😭
But yeah no reason for them to be around when dredge isn't. I guess huntress would also enjoy them.
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Wow hope this doesn't sound bad but I didn't know you played killer 😅 but yikes, guess when they said lightborn would be meta they werent kidding. I may bring it if I see 2 or more flashies
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I cycle between anyone that's P3 50, excluding Spirit who I got there to prove a point. Everyone with any work put into them except Hag (who I'm working on currently) has every perk up to Sadako unlocked at T3, with Sadako herself having every perk in the game unlocked at T3.
I enjoy killer, which is why you see me give feedback on it far less, because solo survivor is an eternal hellscape that needs addressing alongside top-end killer gameplay.
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Yeah I definitely agree about solo survivor, the archives I feel don't help solo que either with some challenges. I really like those icons tho, hope you get a dredge one soon lol. Props to all the work you've put in those killers, especially sadako. 👏 I had done that but now I'm just prestiging the killers I want perks for everyone else, and it was a stupid idea on my part 😅🥲
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Actually, this change provides counterplay to Dredge.
A lot of people may not know this, but if you only lock one of the double lockers, Dredge will teleport to the locked one. After he breaks out, you can now lock the other one and slow him down yet again when he comes back later.
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This is true. I think they should slow down the lock animation so he has a slightly bigger window to grab you while locking. Jump scares are fun, right?
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But why have them when facing everyone else like why not make it Dredge exclusive or get rid of locker saves because staring at a locker for 20 minutes knowing neither of you can do anything is so boring 😭😭
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Tbh they probably just need to get rid of locker saves at this point. I don’t mind them if it’s not double lockers, but it would be the easiest solution.
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Not really, Huntress and Trickster only need one locker to recharge, having 2 paired together doesnt really give them anything useful.
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They look so out of place and overused now. Imo they should revert the change except for certain maps that were especially sparse. Dredge is strong enough without literally every gen having 4 lockers next to it.
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Oh did we? I wasn't aware we were in the development team. I think I'll use my newfound station to remove Dead Hard and about half of the pallets in every map, please excuse me.
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Yeah, I was annoyed they added double lockers everywhere. An extra locker is completely pointless when it comes to Dredge teleporting and doesn't really provide any additional safety to survivors (sure, if the killer picks the wrong locker, you have the opportunity to jump out and get hit 3 seconds later), just enables the semi-exploit of double locker saves to be performed all over the place.
Delightful portrait pack, by the way.
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Pov you get pedantic over someone's way of speaking for no reason
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Thanks! I can't show you how to download and install but they're made by Amnezis on Twitter and imo they look sick ✨
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Loving that icon for Legion
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joey supremacy so tru3
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Level pig up, force them to boop
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I dont wanna sound mean but isn't queuing up as sadako just playing to get stomped on purpose?, specially adding the fact that you play for hooks and not kills, so if you face a swf you already know they'll show no respect whatsoever and dunk on you, which honestly is fair since dunking on m1 killers is pretty funny, as they can do nothing about it.
Why even consider you fun when you play as an m1 against a swf? , It will make more sense to argue new ways to idk...nerf pig or make slinger more useless.
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Because I usually have fun playing her? Like the chase is what's fun for me hence why I go for 12 hooks, what isn't fun is knowing every chase will be them running instantly to a double locker and then the staring battle begins because I can't grab them without being blinded and they can't move since they just jumped into a locker right in front of me???
Like I know you don't like Sadako but this isn't even exclusively a her problem. Even Blight would probably have this issue (Nurse wouldn't but that's a Nurse thing) and he's defo not a basic M1 killer.
It's a fundamental flaw in map design creating a situation where neither side wins. That's my problem with it.
And the worst part is they weren't even good. Like I still got 7 hooks (2/2/2/1) on them despite them exploiting this with the intent to exploit it all game. I played well, all things considered, yet it was frustrating because the end of the game was just staring at a locker as they sat and waited.
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Sadako is the only killer I will ever P3. ❤️
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I don't understand why we need not only double lockers, but triple or quadruple lockers. It seems so silly and needless.
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If they actually fix or even respond to this, i will be shocked.
They did nothing and said nothing after that tru3 vid where he was held hostage on the saloon by the locker thing. So what makes you think they give any poops at all about this when it doesn't happen often in the mids (they love this section of the playerbase sooooooo much) and is deemed a fringe case and not worth a single thought?
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Double lockers I can understand: it gives survivors a 50/50 chance if the killer didn't see which locker they went into. More than two lockers I don't get, that always seems really excessive.
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Killers just abandoned at level 42, 43...46! This gives me anxiety. Level 40, ok that makes sense, grab the teachables and never play them again, okay.
If my Hillbilly was at level 43 I would't be able to sleep without levelling him up to 45 first!
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I decide I wanna play them, put some points into them, then realise I can't for whatever reason (unfun, motion sickness, emotional trauma, etc) and just stop ✨
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Huntress players achieving happi here. Makes Darkness Revealed more useful. Makes Head On more useful. I see it as a net positive overall tbh. In conclusion,just run Iron Maiden Kappa.
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Pros: Head On
Cons: Have perks equipped or be unable to hook people
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I think in this particular situation you may be right as locker blinds do not really have a way for the killer player to react and avoid them, and if slinger got absolutely clapped by the devs for that reason I cannot see why they cannot change that regarding locker blinds.
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Seems good to me! Kappa
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I said a long time ago that locker safes are stupid. But everyone said it is a rare occurence. And its true it never happened to me in 3k hours dbd. But is that a good reason to keep it? A map offering, a friend and two flashlights were everything you needed and you could do it almost every game.
So i think it was a great change. Every player should get to deal with this on a daily basis. Then when everyone is pissed and complains, they will change locker safes. Bc most things only change when the majority complains.
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To be honest, this is the first time it's ever actually been a problem for me- in all other circumstances it's only been one set of double lockers that's a problem and I can usually chase the third and fourth guy just sitting in the wings. It's when there's safe double lockers everywhere on some of the older maps (like Coldwind) that it just gets a bit absurd.
I'd be more than happy with removing locker saves, especially as it keeps double lockers for Dredge.
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They decided to add more lockers because Dwight needed more bathrooms to hide...
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Thats gigabrain. Using it.
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This is the correct answer to WHY they added so many double lockers.
HOWEVER, it REALLLY REALLY shouldn't be.
They set Dredge up by giving survivors a chance to counter play by letting them lock the lockers. They also put it in the game that each locker can only be locked ONCE so the Dredge wouldn't be constantly shut down. Forcing him to teleport into the locked one for double lockers (but not the double lockers in the basement), is either a bug, a stealth nerf, or a straight-up lie.
Double lockers and flashlights are an embarrassing exploit of bad code. Putting them everywhere was a terrible idea to begin with. If it was done with malice aforethought to secretly let survivors to effectively lock the lockers near gens TWICE despite the promise of once-per-locker, then that's extra awful.
Let's all hope the double-locker-double-locking thing is a bug, hrm?
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Well since he's a bit, ya know... 💅💅💅 I can't blame him
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Pov you have no sense of humor
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omg babes why you talking to yourself
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Really, a "no u"? Lame, expected better.