So, uh... why did we add double lockers everywhere now?

GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850
edited June 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Just got out a match with the fabled 4man clicky squad (I was playing Sadako, rip) who seemed to be enthralled by the fact they could do the Dead Dawg Saloon locker blind but literally everywhere on the map. Like, I get it, we had to have lockers added because of Dredge, but did we really need double lockers within 2 centimetres of each other so that hooking was a genuine nightmare?

Like, I still got 7 hooks that game (0k, I like to go for the 12 hook games as Sadako because I cba to play to kill) so I'm kinda chuffed with the overall performance, but it wasn't at all fun hitting someone and having them run towards the Safe Space:tm:, with 2 people in lockers and the other two just sat there waiting. And waiting. And if you tried to chase them then out jumped the other two as the original waiters found another locker within licking distance and in they went.

Like, I tried. I got some sick ass mindgames. I'm actually really happy with how I played, I just don't know why we really needed to do this? Like, at least only have them spawn when facing Dredge because this was highkey kinda stupid.

Anyway, rant over, remember to play Pyramid Head both for clear skin and so you can deal with this :sparkles:

(And devs, can we make it single lockers, or at least add some walls in places like Cow Tree so that both lockers aren't safe and at least one of them is a death trap, cheers m'dears)

Addenum: oh as a little edit, they brought a Coldwind offering, they had clan tags. They knew what they were doing, and it was the fabled clicky 4man. I check these things before I make claims.

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