What's your favorite 'non-meta' perk to run?

Curious where this thread will end up. For me personally, Blood Echo is one of my favorites to run, specifically on Legion.
Legion, a killer who can get first hits easier than most others, can force survivors to heal against them if they want to keep their Dead Hards or whatever Exhaustion perks they're running, and typically, the counterplay to Legion is to stay injured. Because of this Catch 22 that Blood Echo provides Legion, I run Blood Echo as my main form of slowdown in an unorthodox way as opposed to Pop or Ruin or whatever gen defense.
Survivor: Fixated
Killer: Enduring
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(Assuming you are Solo Queue)
Bond is such a wonderful information perk that I run it on damn near everyone. Am I hurt and need help? Bond will find me a buddy! Is someone hurt and needs my help? Bond will show me where my hurt future buddy is! Do I hear the terror radius and I'm not sure what's going on? Well that guy running around demonstrates that they're being chased and therefore I am good to just keep working on this generator. Am I running from the bad guy? Oh snap, I can see with Bond that my buddy is on that generator so instead of turning left to them, I'm gonna turn right!
Information is King in this game and Bond gives you the most bang for your buck when it comes to info.
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In the right hands Bond can be such a game changer. As soon as I unlocked it I started making decisions I wouldn't have otherwise made without it. Solid solo queue perk I'd recommend to anyone.
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Survivor: Breakdown
Killer: Merciless storm... its just too funny seeing how many people fail at those skillchecks
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Devour hope and autodidact
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mmm autodidact
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I have tried using Autodidact in a build before of Solidarity and Botany tied together, I think I dubbed it 'The Deadpool Build'.
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There's two combo's that I'm a big fan of, Pentimento paired with Plaything and Counterforce with Inner Healing.
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Usually I'd say Head On, but I was using Power Struggle yesterday and every time I got it to go off, it was sooooo satisfying. Not something I'd run every day, but it's fun to surprise your killers. Someone was using Boil Over today, and it was annoyingly fun. Let her leave for that, lol.
On killer, Mad Grit. No one expects a Sadoka to start swinging wildly.
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Was using Mad Grit as Demogordon yesterday, got 2 kills out of it on Midwich. Love that perk.
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I used to always be a Bond guy, but lately ive switched to Empathy and kinda like it more. The advantage of bein able to see whats goin on map-wide is worth the trade off to me. Either way, one of those is an absolute necessity.
On killer side, ive been enjoying Plaything lately. Even by itself, it offers a decent amount of early to late game slowdown. I underestimated how far ppl will go to get rid of their hexes.
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I can see my people and they can see me, and the information is so helpful.
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Killer: Lethal Pursuer
Survivor: Mettle Of Man
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Bond for survivor because aura reading is all-important for solo
I’m All Ears for killer, specifically Blight, Pyramid Head, or Oni. Its helped me out so many times.
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Survivor: We'll Make It for actual value, Blast Mine and Autodickdackpaddywhack for memes.
Killer: Plaything. God, the slowdown and opportunistic hits on this bad boy pay dividends.
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Survivor- Windows of Opportunity. This one has started becoming better since its recent buff, but just the sheer amount of info this can give me. Whether the Killer is chasing someone close by cause the pallet suddenly gor thrown, to whether or not I have a pallent in that loop.
Killer- Unrelenting. And yes yes, I know. I shouldn't plan to miss. Well I'm not good, so I can whiff hits, or make a bad play. But the fact that I can get back in much quicker really helps, especially when Survivors try to spin me, cause me to miss, but than essentially reset themselves by going for the fault anyways
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Pentimento the perk Idea is awesome and it helped me alot :D
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Survivor: Default Dwight that gets in a locker mid chase and stuns the killer with Head on
Killer: Fire Up to avoid flashlight saves right when I pick up so I mess with survivors timing.
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Both are solid perks. I always leaned Bond though just because while a more limited range, it let's me find anyone on my team, not just the injured.
Which is super useful when we need to get a gen done ASAP.
But both are good. Really any information perk I feel like gets overlooked just because it's more of a passive benefit than an active one. People can SEE how DH saved them in that chase but not really how Bond allowed them to get together with that one survivor and finish that last generator just in the nick of time...
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Agitation for sure. The act of hooking is the least efficient thing a killer can do. This speeds up the process. It also gives you a greater hook selection which can completely swing games. On top of all that, you can get some cheeky hits on overly enthusiastic survivors.
Wake Up on survivor. It has saved me so many times. 4 seconds doesn't seem like a lot until the heartbeat is getting faster and louder as you open the gate. Can also be really valuable for solo queue when teammates aren't sure which gate to run to.
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Any means Necessary- help a lot for tracking where is happen a chase and sometimes reset pallet
Bond + Open Handed - Massive other survivor auras reveal
Surveillence, specially if im using Pain Resonance
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On Killer: Whispers
On Survivor.... UMMMM.... yea what's "meta" on Survivor again
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Yes, yes I know, it means "I miss many swings" and insert joke about getting glasses.
This perk seems like it would suck, but then remember about that one survivor who is injured and pulls off that sweet move with Dead Hard at a critical moment in the match. Unrelenting prevents survivors from getting to a safe tile in time or reaching the gate. It seems to come in most handy when you need it most. I like to play without gen slowdown perks so I need to end chases quickly. This perk gives me downs or hook grabs that I would not have gotten otherwise consistently. It will always have a place in my perk rotations.
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On survivor : Aftercare and We'll make it I just love taking care of my teammates and being able to heal them quickly feels nice and with Aftercare they can always see me at all times if they need to be healed or need me to take a hit for them.
On killer: I love Agitation it's just a feel good perk most of the time it won't do much but paired with Pain Resonance or certain killers that can defend basement well it can be a game changing perk and help you win games by good hook placements so you have a easier time defending the gens + the hooked survivor.
Also shadowborn having a higher FOV on certain killers like Blight and Oni makes you feels so fast and smooth even tho the perk does nothing it's just a "feel good" perk.
Agitation might start becoming a meta perk if we keep getting scourge hooks perks in the next few upcoming chapters.
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Survivor: Renewal/Second Wind - Used as part of a healing build it isn't hard to get a heal before a hook unless you're found first.
Killer: spies from the Shadows - An underrated tracking perk imo, though map RNG can affect how many crows are around.
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I am trying very hard to unlock this on my Doctor! :)
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I don’t know if it’s meta or not but I love seeing the fear in survivors eyes when I have Lightborn.
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Survivor No Mither
Killer Blood Favor
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Deerstalker. It's definitely not a meta perk, but it's such a nice quality of life effect being able to see the people you're slugging. It gets around all those annoying times they crawl off and you have to spend 10 or 15 seconds looking for them, or those embarrassing times you accidentally forget where you downed them in the first place. Plus it indirectly helps you keep watch for other survivors heading to revive a dying ally. This is one of those filler perks that I'll just throw in because why not? 🙂
I'll also give honorable mention to Unrelenting. Sure, if you "never miss" it's a worthless perk. But hey, I'm a klutz, I get juked a lot, and when I'm playing a basic attack killer and I run this perk I can definitely tell the difference in how much distance they gain after a whiff. I have definitely gotten downs on people after a miss that I would not have gotten without the perk. It's also a ton of fun running this perk in combination with Save the Best for Last and, if a killer has them, similar speed up add-ons so you can just chase and attack pretty much at will and stay right on the survivor's tail. (One of my favorite Demogorgon loadouts is those two perks plus two of his add-ons that speed up his recovery after Shreds. It's hilarious! 😄)
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Survivor side: Small Game. Helps me find hex totems more easily and I’ve often been able to find NOED during endgame with it.
Killer side: Make Your Choice. Hooray for instadowns
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On killer: Spies from the Shadows
On survivor: Autodidact maybe? I don't know depends on the situation.
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Blastmine and jolt
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I ran no mither unironicly for like a year straight.
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Aftercare is my favourite non meta perk, it's awesome.
Basically if you want to be cool, don't use Empathy, or Bond or even Kindred. Use Aftercare and earn your auras!
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Power Struggle. It may not come up much but when it hits, IT HITS.
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Yeah it's one of those hit or miss perks.. It doesn't pay off often, but oh dear, when it does, IT DOES!
I had a match once I forgot I had it.. I could have dropped the pallet while being carried but only noticed the prompt as we were leaving the pallet range.. I still feel bad about it :/
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I have been having quite a bit of fun giving killers PTSD picking up in pallets with my Power Struggle, Flip Flop, Unbreakable combo. Nothing funnier than watching them search the area, get pallet stunned anyway, then lose their mind searching the area again thinking they are going insane.
Apart from that: Renewal and Deliverance are two of my favorites when I actually get to use them because they encourage me to help my team while helping me. Also like Any Means Necessary or Windows of Opportunity so I know which pallets have been used
As killer, I prefer Dying Light for a gen slowdown that permanently will remain active (seeing as how no one normally dies in my games till way later). Hex: Plaything is also a lot more useful then some people would think.
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I've found success running Breakdown against Scourge Hooks.Also useful against good killer hook spots like the one in front of Gas Haven.
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Survivor- windows of opportunity
killer- Bamboozle
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Monitor and Abuse on Myers.
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Objective of Obsession, Oppression
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Autodidact all the way. It's so fun
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Second Wind. Paired with We'll Make It and Sprint Burst, it comes in clutch quite often.
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Small game, Because im a giga chad who does bones.
Iron maiden Huntress reloads
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Pharmacy + Resurgence. A simple but fun combo, even if it's far from the meta.
Bond or Aftercare. The information is very valuable, and I'd rather take one of them over Dead Hard.
Is Devour Hope meta or not? It's good for sure, but also a gamble to use.
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Survivor: Red Herring, I love the mindgames and watching the killer pass your locker to get to the gen that has zero importants to anyone in that match, is very rewarding, every single time.
Killer: Unrelenting, same as @TatsuiChiyo , killer is much more difficult than survivor, so I'm still lerning and this helps me not to throw a chase out of the window because I missed.
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Red herring i like when killer run 5km to get that its not even progressing much killers doesnt expect that