The Dredge: See, BHVR - You *Can* Do It...

Despite the very, very annoying little exploit that survivors can do to force you to DC, this killer may be the most fun I've had since...Artist, maybe.
Mobility - fantastic. Takes a while to get used to, but this is how you make a killer decent without powerful anti loop. The amount of little tricks you can do, and ambushing survivors inside or entering lockers is the funniest thing I've done in ages. Where was this creativity when you were making Sadako?
Nightfall - powerful, but not game breakingly oppressive.
Remnants - interesting. I've barely even started experimenting, but it feels like you can do some really creative plays.
Addons - surprisingly decent.
Honestly, the only thing he's lacking is a skin that makes him not look like Cucumber The Conquerer...
Props all round, fantastic job.
I agree.
Its design is very unique and its whole power is different from the roster.
My favorite part about it is its idle animation and squishy sounds from the lobby. The game's squishy sounds in the menu have always been satisfying so hearing the dredge make similar noises is nice.
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Haven't heard of an exploit related to him, how bad is it?
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Without too many details, a survivor can DC plus do a thing, and essentially make you unable to take any actions for the rest of the game.
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I enjoy him a lot.
The only thing that annoys me is the remnant and the "run away from the loop or die" gameplay we just keep getting with killers nowadays, but other than that, they did a fantastic job.
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Granted, I've only faced 1 so far and he didn't use remnants in chase, but I think you could bait it out and turn it against him, much like savvy people do against Artist.
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I'm glad. This is a killer that I'd fun for both sides. It's not overpowered or terrible. It's a perfect balance.
We need to use it as a standard for all killers
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BHVR make a killer that isnt an anti loop night mare zzzz game kinda stale rn
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It's undoubtably something you can play against (assuming there's a loop nearby), it's just a little boring gameplay wise.
He puts down the remnant, you leave. Much like Artist, neither of us are very enthralled by this process.
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There's more to it than just that. One of the counters to a remnant drop is simply holding W. But that can also backfire badly as a remnant drop is an added layer to most mind games Killers already use.
If the Dredge attempts a mind game, the Survivor can take the risk and play the game as well or run. But Dredge can also fake a mind game to try and risk being looped for a chance to get the Survivor caught in the open when running away. Remnant dropping adds more interactive gameplay between Killer/Survivor if you ask me. Both sides needs to read and predict each other leaving both open to mistakes.
That's just the remnant. Locker teleporting is also useful mid chase at times adding even more to it all. Then you have nightfall as well who tips the scales in favor for Dredge.
There are a number of counters to Dredge. But they often come at a risk. Run? Risk getting caught in the open. Loop? Risk a remnant/locker teleport. Mind game? Risk losing it.
In short, to counter a Dredge you often need to out play or out think him instead of just holding W or looping like with most other Killers.
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Bhvr can, in fact, continue to make accessibility nightmares without any proper settings to help mitigate this despite better graphics settings being promised over a year ago (maybe 2), I'm so proud of them !!
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You mean Nightfall? Yeah, that's a tricky one, because the entire point of the ability is reduced visibility.
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This thread almost makes me want to play killer again.
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I have to agree, i really like the Dregde and even started to P3 him. An Honor only my most Valuable Killers have gotten so far (and Bubba)
wich is unsuprisingly just the Legion <3
Actually planning on playing the Dregde more, but after i did my Adept and didnt get it, my Motivation was kinda diminished again. Especially since i did everything correctly.
Anyways. Good Job BHVR on the Dredge, just like with the Legion Update a Solid Job :D
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I've played him for a total of 2 matches and must say that I really don't enjoy him.
His tp feels so slow outside Nightfall, his Anti Loop feels cheap and no matter how many Tokens you use, the cooldown is always the same. He feels really janky for me.
Personally, I hope they make his cooldown like Artist's, depending on how many Tokens you used, the cooldown is shorter or longer. And I hope they make his tp faster outside of Nightfall.
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Dredge is perfect and if they get nerfed in any way due to baseless complaining I will be very very sad.
They did this with Cenobite and they took a killer that was mostly fair but had trouble getting people to main them and basically ensured they will remain in twins playrate territory forever.
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Why do we suddenly pretend that BHVR hasnt done fun and well designed Killers? I will never understand this whole negativity nit picking.
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I notice survivors are already getting better at versing him but I still find him fun to play regardless. That is a good sign.
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this killer may be the most fun I've had since...Artist
I would love to give you 100 vote ups for mentioning The Artist <3 I also totally agree about Dredge. He's not OP at all (sry Sluzzy) but still very fun to play. I love scaring survivors with him and he still feels scary to play against. I mean, I like Sadako too, but Drussy is definitely better than her.
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BHVR: I think we made Dredge a bit op, those nerfs should make him better and balanced /s
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He's very unique. I generally play a lot of Hag and Artist, and he feels a bit similar in that he's more proactive than reactive.
- Always be teleporting. You'll constantly be spotting people and popping out of lockers lets you do some hilarious ambushes.
- Hit and run isn't too bad on him, as this will eventually proc Nightfall, which turns you into a real problem for a bit.
- Remnants are most useful in small, strong loops (Cowtree, gyms etc.), but this is the high 'skill cap' part of his kit so I'm barely even scratching the surface on that.
- If you know locker placements, chase someone towards them and pop out to ambush. It's...hilarious.
- People love to get into lockers to wait out Nightfall, and until they learn that this is a really, really bad idea against him - have fun jumpscaring them XD.
'You're only as good as your last creation' or something. I'll admit that Artist made me very hopeful (I know that people don't love her, but she's one of my favorite killers, her only weak point is her lame addons) - she was just so well designed. Then Sadako made me go 'oh, well then'.
I'd...hate to admit it, but Cenobite needed some nerfs. Some of his addons were bonkers OP, and allowed for near constant chain hunts and almost guaranteed box denials. A few went a bit far, but he's still very solidly 'B' tier. I play him a fair bit, and he's strong - but difficult to play.
There are a few killers - Artist, Demo, Vanity Mirror Myers, probably more I'm forgetting - that are sufficiently fun that even if I lose, I have a good time. Dredge is one of these, and aside from the exploit, my only gripe is his appearance...which I don't love (see: Cucumber the Conquerer).
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I agree that sadako was more of a dissapointment, but its not like the devs had bad intentions, there where quiete a few ppl out there that said they dislike Killers beeing so overcomplicated nowadays, so they tried to switch it up and make a more simple killers with sadako, which isnt the worst choice ever. However it turned out that ppl do like more complicated Killers so ye lesson learned I would say.
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Thing is - Sadako's issue isn't simplicity. It's that no single aspect of her toolkit does what it's supposed to, and has zero synergy with the other aspects. Hell, I'm not even sure if I'd call her simple.
You can make complicated good killers (Artist) and complicated mediocre killers (Ghostface).
You can make simple good killers (Legion) and simple bad killers (Myers).