Make the Game Darker And Fog More Foggy

Dead by daylight actually used to be a scary game for new and veteran players. It was dark and the fog offerings where actually foggy. I do agree that the old fog was a little over the top (super hard killer tracking) and the moonlight offerings got a little insane sometimes (crazy dark), but there still needs to be a more stealthy aspect to the game, which contributes to a more horror aspect.
Stealth now (urban) is not very fun at all, you just crouch around a car and piss off your teammates when they see you stealthing, but stealth back in 2017 was actully fun and urban was believe it or not a meta perk.
There were actually dark spots back then and fog actually helped with immersion which makes stealthing FUN. The maps now are just so bright and there is no darkness what so ever.
Dredged old ptb nightfall- I actully really liked this, but as a base look to maps. Obviously if it was gonna be base it would need a couple tweaks but I really liked the sky in the ptb nightfall and think it should be the base sky for every outdoor map.
Many of Killer mains reading this may be saying "I don't want 30 minute stealth matches any more this is a terrible Idea. Well would you rather have 10 min games where you get "gen rushed" and depip constantly or would you rather longer games where you spend time looking around for stealthy survivors, but don't have to worry about gens popping left and right and still pipping at the end of the game? Pretty sure most killers would rather the stealth option.
Overall the game needs more dark spots and darkness, plus better fog to bring back that horror feel. For the most part that horror feel is out the door for most people because of how modern this game is getting (elephant costumes, k-pop killers, etc), but there can still be a little bit of actually horror in this game just by changing lighting and effects of a map.
Many people have complained that the dredge's nightfall makes them dizzy I don't have that issue but some people have spoke about it, and seeing as dbd has very limited accesibility options, making it more hard to play for people who have these issues is something bad.
Furthermore fog can really take away a big part of killer and survivor skill, using crows flying in the distance to track someone will be useless thanks yo the fog/darkness and overall making one aspect of thr game completely irrelevant.
Finally idk what veteran of dbd considered it scary, there is nothing really scary in this game, the game is a horror game but its more of a mechanically and multiplayer intensive game than a scary game like outlast or alien isolation.
I genuinly don't see how you can get scared in dbd, like stealth killers are mostly a joke, so even if they jump you, you know you can loop them for days on end so there is no need to be scared of their presence at all and personally a jumpscare is something that surprises you not really something that scares you.
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1. The fog should be more at your feet qnd not in the air.
2. This game used to be scary for everyone back in 2016 and 2017 cause it was actually a scary game.
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There are a lot of horror games that have accessibilities and they don't make the game any brighter (other than having a gamma/brightness option in game). It's possible to make this game darker in a sense, and add more realistic fog on the ground without ruining it for people who need accessibilities. I just think the devs need to make it happen and I'm not sure what's stopping them from doing it.
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If thats the case I also have another topic I couldn't bring before, which is optimization, dbd is horribly optimized and addind these things can be done right, hell it can even make the optimization better with certain rendering techniques and using the fog to hide it, but we are talking about bhvr, so adding fog and darkness will abdolutely destroy fps and probably make switch have polygonal fog again.
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Adding fog and darkness with the new engine (I believe Unreal Engine 5) actually won't cause any issues with FPS as UE5 was built to build better looking games with less stress a user's system. I recently played the Matrix demo on XBox Series X... The things UE5 can do is out of this world. It'll just take the devs time to get used to the new system and learn to incorporate it with a game that was built on the older engine. But I look at games like Fortnite that was also built on UE4 like this game, and they ported it over just fine. Of course, they are the same company that made Unreal Engine, so they don't have to learn the engine like the devs here do. So what I'm saying is it's in the realm of possibilities.
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You are telling me they can pull if off when they are the same people who gave up on making hoarder work because they couldnt find out why it was not applying the rarity multiplier?
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I mean, not them specifically... Whoever said that couldn't be done with a perk. But that's also a bit more in-depth. I'm talking about graphics with a new system that automatically applies most of the settings, and then options to adjust graphic and audio settings. But if they have people who can't figure out how to program something, then they need to look to hire someone who can. My overall point is developers should be able to figure it out. I'm horrible at math, and I even know that a rarity multiplier can be done. When it comes to general settings like graphics and basic options, those are easier. I look at this from an Microsoft Excel perspective. It's easy to input buttons, change the layout, set up drop downs that are automated to filter based on selections. Then there's more in-depth coding like formulas, which would be similar to perks if comparing the two. Then you have the overall programming of the game, or in Excel it'd be Visual Basic and Macros. If someone can't perform basic formulas, let alone know how to format an Excel spreadsheet, then they shouldn't work in IT. And I program Excel spreadsheets at my day job, not that it's required because I work in insurance... But it makes my job easier and since I have free reign to make my job easier, I do that. Skills I learned from my first semester of college to earn a degree in IT, although I never finished because I'd rather one day become a game developer if I can. But that's besides the point. If they can't do simple tasks like fix brightness, put in accessibility options, or even program a perk to have a rarity multiplier, then they shouldn't be employed because there are others out there who can do it. Makes me wonder why they don't hire better programmers. But yeah, I hope that get's my point across. Not saying they specifically can pull it off but typical developers can.
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Darker i don´t need really - but the Fog more foggy - i´m in.
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They'll just remake all the remaining maps to the broad daylight and the dark, creepy maps will be the past. I miss when maps were actually spooky.
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There was a suggestion to make different times and wheather for the maps.
That would be really great.
Dawn, Day, Evening, Night. Rain or Snow. Thunderstorm would be cool even without Thunder due to sound. But Lightning strikes.
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I miss the OLD version of the game where it was DARK and SCARY. loved it and love the suggestion. Thank you for the post!
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I think many of us do. I still remember the boquet offerings that let you make the trial very dark and scary. Myers loved these offerings
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Moonlight offerings. If everyone brought one you couldn't see 3 feet in front of you lmao. it was basically a base nightfall. I miss the the good ol days