Is the shape's 'fragrant tuft of hair' a joke?

I must be missing the joke here, devs can't be this unaware of how to make a game can they?
For context, Fragrant Tuft of Hair is the Unlimited Tier 3 addon.
For more context, is the issue for you the survivor side (unending Exposed) or Killer (how long it takes to get to that unlimited Tier 3)?
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Unending exposed after 2-3 mins (as long as the killer isn't a new player). Great game design.
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It's fine for now because myers isn't that strong. If they ever buffed his basekit (which they should) then it would probably need to be changed.
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Sincere question: How often does a Fragrant Tuft user actually Tier 3 that fast? The whole trade off is getting to Tier 3 takes 200% more stealing to hit.
While there are ways to shorten that (like the faster stalking from the Obsession qddon), generally the only way a Shape in that situation tiers up that fast is of he catches all 4 survivors in the same place and none of them notice/get away.
It can happen, Puppers has a video where it does, but I can't imagine it's that frequent. It's more likely for Mikey to hit that tier up mid or late game.
I'm inclined to agree. Plus the addon is an Ultra Rare, so it should be strong.
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It's not that hard when perks like corrupt intervention and dead lock exist to stall the game. Honestly Tuft the Fur would be a problem if Myers was any stronger, but Myers is left in a weird state where he has to be weak since he has some real game changing addons.
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Getting it before a generator or two is complete yes. It's very possible in that scenario. It's the claim of getting it "after 2-3 mins", around the time Corrupt Intervention would even finish working, that I'm calling out.
Part of the whole idea of using that level of slowdown with the Tuft is to buy you the time needed to hit Tier 3 before too many generators pop. OP is hyperboling that a Tuft Myers would get it that fast regardless.
Post edited by Zeidoktor on0 -
Just don't get stalked 4head
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This is the penalty for letting him stalk so much. Just don't let that happen.
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Nice repsonse, but not possible unless the player is useless.
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If the meyers has any level of competency, this is very fast to achieve.
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you talk as though a competent group of survivors is incapable of breaking LOS consistently against a myers
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Not to mention if the survivors work injured Meyers becomes basically just a powerless killer. He can vault slightly faster and has a slightly longer lunge, but otherwise he’s like Legion at that point where the survivors are all injured but he still has to get downs in basic chases with pretty much no ability. (Only Legion actually still has tracking abilities if they want to use Frenzy on an injured survivor to get a sense of where everybody is.)
That said Infinite Evil is certainly a good add-on, I’d definitely rather use that than use no add-on.
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Sure Mikey will get it eventually, but how long that takes is completely dependent on the map and the team. Of course it's easier on Autoheaven or MacMillan, but that much harder on Lèry's or Rotten Fields. Spine Chill and Sprint Boost are basically a hard counter to Myers (especially in EWI).
Don't blame an addon or the Killer for your team's stupidity. I got perma EWIII once with 5 gens left on Lèry's. How? Because all of them were camping pallets and tbagged.
When I started to play almost 4 years ago, Myers was quite popular, so I had to deal with him quite often. I also mained him back then. So I learned how to deal with perms EWIII on both sides. It's not that hard. And you should not heal once you notice it anyways (it just wastes time).
Perma EWIII is fine. The Tombstone Piece is the one "OP" addon Myers has. Look at that one.
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Exactly, like it's an iridescent addon that does ONE thing with a pretty sizeable downside and it doesn't even get value when people play to counter it, which as you mentioned, is just staying injured. Like, people get so pissy about this addon when plague's BASE POWER literally forces a screwed if you do, screwed if you don't scenario in the form of cleansing vs not cleansing and nobody even considers crying about her. Like what is with people and wanting to nerf something that's not even remotely problematic?
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I mean, being able to vault faster with a longer lunge is HUGE. It's really on par with other killer's power.
I do think this add-on is problematic, too easy to farm for the reward. However, it doesn't make Myers necessarily OP. It just makes the game uninteresting. he will get a guaranteed kill Out of it. Maybe two. Depending on maps, he won't get more against good survivors but... Yeah I hate being the survivor getting first hook and killed right from P0.
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Against Plague you do have the option to cleanse back to full health which sometimes you have to do if the killer is staying near the hook and you want to go for the save.
You don't get that option against Myers.
The addon will likely see nerfs if the devs ever plan to buff base kit Myers along with the tomestone addons.
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yes, you can cleanse against plague and simultaneously give her one of the strongest powers in the game. Perma t3 Myers is still just an m1 killer. Base kit Plague is stronger than Myers could ever be in his current state, even with the best possible addons. That in itself is a strong enough argument in favor of Myers' fragrant tuft addon, and that's in addition to the addon being iridescent and requiring you to stalk survivor for a minimum of 18 seconds straight (though this number is assuming you're constantly stalking at 2.5m for maximum stalk efficiency, generally you're gonna be operating at about 80-50% efficiency edit: this means that instead of it taking about 18 seconds for t3, you'll instead be looking at approximately 22.5-36 straight seconds of stalking). I seriously am having a problem seeing where on this green Earth this addon is even remotely broken