Yes, you can keep contributing to the community goal even after your personal goal has been achieved.
Community contributions.

So we are still only on 1.6 mil broken gens... can I just keep this challenge active and continue to pump out gens/break them and it count? This goes as a question for all community tingssss so behvr pls explain or answer k love you bye.
Are you saying that we need to keep the community challenges selected to count towards the goal? If so it would be helpful to state that in game because im sure most people are switching challenges once their personal contribution is done.
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Well if your contribution goes past 40 you'll know.
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Mine happened to stop right in 40 so i moved on....
Just seems like most people would assume bhvr was counting everything on the back end for community challenges like they have done in the past
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Hi, I don't think you've answered the question. Once we have completed our "Personal Contribution", what do we need to do for our further efforts to be counted toward the "Global Progression"?
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Do we need to keep the challenge selected to contribute to the community goal?
If yes, then I think it should be changed. It should count towards community contribution even if not selected.
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Looking at the current rate of achievement, I don't think it's physically possible for these goals to be done in time.
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Peanits, Mandy just said the exact opposite.
Very confused right now.
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yes it was a misunderstanding. But can confirm that the maximum a player can communicate to the overall Community Challenge is the individual amount on their own personal challenge.
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Thanks for the confirmation.
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Ah, thanks Mandy.
In the case I'm even more confused, as the first objective has slowed to a trickle. I did a bit of napkin math, and even if it worked in the way I thought, these would be very difficult to obtain.
As they stand, they are...frankly impossible.
Hopefully this isn't some sort of anniversary prank, and these do get substantially adjusted.
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I know you guys can’t give specifics, but can you at least say that you’ve taken community concern about the achievability of these challenges to be talked about? Because right now I think that’s the most disheartening part, feeling like there’s not going to even be a discussion about it
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Guess no dredge or haddie outfit 🤔
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I like Haddie's top and I'd like to get the whole outfit for my Dredgie boi... T_T
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We might get the Dredge one, and that'll be at the tail end of the event. We'll cap out somewhere on Drop or Chop at best, as that one feels like it's going to take the longest.
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I wanted the dredge's outfit since I main killer and I thought it looked better than his doll skin. I'm hoping something changes I just think changing something quick can make it still feel like we earned them.
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What a shame, I wanted both skins even though I dont play the characters. They look cool
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Just his body, I'm 80% sure he has a head cosmetic that had a crown type hat and I want the full outfit. I'd rather have none of them if I can't get them all and I don't want that to sound to rudely but it's just how I am. I hope something changes
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I'm a big fan of its doll outfit, but this one looks pretty good as well!
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I like his 'white' look, personally :D.
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Nightfall? Dredge is so scary, I love to face him.
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i'm sorry, but that's kind of silly. there's simply no way we get through all that. why release a bunch of cool rewards it isn't mathematically possible to unlock?
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Same here, we would need at least 750.000 Individual Players who do the whole 40 Points for it (little less on the later Quests), not seeing that happening, especially not in the given Timeframe, hope they adjust it, don't wanna miss what looks like the first decent Haddie Skin xP
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No, 'albino' now considered politically incorrect? His...lighter pigmented skin.
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I couldn't answer earlier I'm afraid, we have confirmed that we have rebalanced the numbers now.
All your feedback is invaluable and whilst we might not be able to respond to things - we do always pay attention and bring it to the right ears.
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Hmm, yea I'll definitely bookmark this thread and keep an eye on it, I mean I realize community challenges should be challenges, but they need to be obtainable at least... and I agree, it's looking like there is no way we are getting all of these done during the event as it stands, especially not if there are more on page 2.
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Its lowered now
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Yeah I just did the Math, all 4 Quests are around 33% to 40% of needed minimum participating Players now, so hopefully we can check of a quest every 2 Days now. - Thanks for listening BHVR <3
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They just updated the community event. Looks like we'll make it. I didn't expect 10 million on the first challenge but hey, glad it's changed!
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Can I just say I personally think that the cap of how many an individual can do towards the goal is b*llsh*t.
40? I did that in 3 matches.
It should be 100 or more if we're really expected to hit that high of a number.
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Really appreciate it! Thank you - I know you’re prevented from saying a lot, was just trying to find an angle to get something, anything to confirm it wasn’t just being disregarded
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no feedback gets disregarded, especially when it's about something like this. Even when not posting we're lurking across all the platforms, streams and getting as much information as possible with regards to community feeling around things.
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Appreciate the change on this - makes the event more enjoyable. Looking forward to tackling the next one!
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Thank you for making those challenges doable. Also can you consider to issue in-game message for players each time community challenge is completed? So that people are aware and can select and work on next one?
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Okay, time to take a look at page 2? Seriously, It's Saturday and we aren't even done with the 1st one yet. Plus, Evader or Chaser emblems? Really? Who in this game actually cares about emblems when all that matters is your kills vs. escapes? Sure, we might say that we care about bloodpoints, but... that's not how games actually go...
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First one is done since yesterday, Chaser/Evader is 2nd Quest, and it's just Gold not Iridescent,
and even if it wouldn't be that huge a deal, just activate the Quest and play some rounds, Gold Emblems are easy to come by.
It's not like we need all 4 Iridescant like it's a Killer Adept on Grade Iris 1 :P
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I guess, I just also am kind of worried that we won't get all the rest of them done by the end, plus I hate how Haddie's pieces have been the last earned on BOTH pages... IMO it should have been reversed on the second page. Which is also tied to my worry that we might not finish them all in time.
Honestly, I hate the entire emblem system has been made worthless with the new MMR rules, like why do we even still have it when literally the only thing it matters to is the grade and killer adepts?
So the challenges on page 2 are all tied to an outdated mechanic that so many players don't even care about.
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I wouldn't be worried too much. If it looks like it's not going to be finished then they'll probably just extend the event, calling it an after party or something like that and give a couple extra days or however many they think is needed.
When it comes to community stuff, it's pretty rare any company would ever let a timed event end in failure. It's why they reduced the numbers for the first part and why I think they'll change the 2nd part if they have to.
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They wouldn't of even needed to change the numbers if they actually followed the QOL features other games with challenges have and let people either select up to X amount or just have them do the nearest nodes. I got a feeling that despite the community challenge showcasing that design flaw they're gonna ignore it like every other rift pass.
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Didn't we have an event end in failure a long time ago? Like the 2018 summer or autumn event, I think.
But yes, I wouldn't be surprised if they extended it if the community fails to meet the goals by a sliver. They don't want to create rewards and then not give them out.
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I'm not sure actually. I've been playing around when Clown first came in, whatever year that was and I don't think any events have been failures since then. I'll check the wiki and see if anything comes up though as I'd be pretty surprised if one did fail.
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Yup, you were right. It was the Fall Masquerade 2017 where you had to hook survivors or escape the killers grasp 12m times over four days in any gamemode. The community got to around 6 million and was given a huntress mask cosmetic recolor as a consolation prize while the real prize was never revealed.
I imagine if the prize was a cosmetic, they've probably already released it in some form. I am surprised they didn't do any kind of extension to it though, even if it was small event. Then again, it was early in DBD's life so they we're probably still testing some things out. Still surprising though.
From my quick peruse through the wiki, that seems to be the only failure.
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Yeah, that's it. Good sleuthing - I knew it was where the black Huntress mask was from, but didn't know what year.
I do agree that they don't seem as likely to withhold rewards nowadays. Especially in this case, when the rewards have already been revealed and can't be repurposed in the shop. They're not going to want to waste content. I think an extension is more likely... and it might well happen, because the current line of challenges isn't progressing as fast as I think anyone hoped, and they allow less individual contributions as you move down the line (meaning more players are necessary to complete it.)