The same Event AGAIN! Are you kidding me!?

The same dump mechanics with the same result and still unfair as hell for survs. I mean you could just do 12 killer matches where you do absolutely nothing and be done with it but why would you do that?
And don't act like changing the "you have to escape" to "survive until gates are open", actually does something. Gates don't go open until the last minute and if your on a hook while that happens you loose anyway.
And a new archive is good and so on, but if those challange are theirs for only very limited time, then why didn't you gave us the option for 2 active ones, one from event and one from regular?
Yh its not perfect. Im fine bc i get it every second game, but others could not be that lucky. The problem is that otherwise survivor could suicide on hook and ruin the match. How would you fix this issue?
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Make a different event?
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But whatever the event is it must have one of this things. If you dont force survivor to the endgame, some will kill themself on hook.
Or do i miss something? Should you get the masks as login reward? That could work.
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make the condition to have the game last five minutes. Make it that you need to accumulate at least 2k points in three categories. Make it that you have to repair the equivalent of a full gen. Many options to make sure people don't just get the invitation and dip by getting themselves hooked ASAP while also effectively guaranteeing masks in every match thats remotely normal.
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I second the generator condition, if nothing else. As it stands, all it takes to not get a mask it to get tunneled at 5 gens or death hooked just before the gates open. You could earn 20k BP, finish three gens, run the killer for ten minutes, and still not get a mask in that game because of an atrocious conditional under the loosely enforced anti-throw clause. Meanwhile I can go pick it up and hide in a corner until the killer closes the hatch after my team have all died on their first hook.
It doesn't actually address any kind of toxicity on it's own, and is in fact exacerbated by existing toxicity (tunneling, slugging, sandbagging, etc) because any generic way you would ruin someone's game still applies, you just lose out on an additional thing now. Also, it's a finite reward, inevitably even if every single survivor specifically threw a game and killed themselves just to get the reward, eventually people wouldn't be throwing just to earn the cosmetics (although, this does nothing to address the ongoing throwing and the like that also still occurs in general, once again).
Additionally slash alternatively, just make the masks rewards as part of the community tome challenges. Bang, easy, now everybody has to contribute to a common goal, and if the data shows that games are still somehow being thrown en masse just to achieve this... _go back to the drawing board_ . It's not exactly high concept, it just sort of exposes itself as a symptom of a lot of other basic design struggles in terms of the games actual sportsmanship and objective design and how flawed it is from the ground up, in some specific areas.
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I personally like the event. If the mechanic is good I don't mind reusing it.
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I never said that the Idea isn't good. It really was like, 3 events ago. And it is unfair for survs.
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Wow. I didn't know somebody existed with more issues against this game than me XD.
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I mean the rewards aren't role exclusive so it's not that bad tbh, you can get all 12 masks playing killer and then go back to playing survivor.
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Just as I said, but we're is the fun in that. And you either randomly stumble across a piller (what never happens for me) or you tunnel for it and abbondon the game.
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I think i only had a couple killer games where I didn't get one, and that's bc I didn't have the offering so I couldn't see the aura of the pillar. usually i just stumble upon it, I don't throw the game to find it but if i didn't have it by the time the gens were done i would slug a survivor, drop them to the gate and go look for it while the survivors heal up, open the gate and leave.
I think it'd be better if, when you equip an anniversary offering, the aura of the pillar appeared after you've completed a gen / hooked a survivor (similar to purple glyphs) so people who play normally will get it easier than people throwing games to go look for it.
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OK, so after 3 times the same event they actually improved it. Good improvements, but still a little late.
But thanks.