Nurse really needs to be reworked, and it's not that hard.

Very simple. She's a 110 killer, and can only teleport through pallets and windows. She still has good anti-loop and mobility. Especially now with a movement speed buff. She can still zone and make tons of distance on someone during chase. I'd also like to clarify, you would more than likely be able to angle your blinks from pallets and windows. Having it just be a straight blink would be dumb.
The main problem with nurse is she can go through walls. And it's her greatest strength. But this is such a massive advantage. It's what allows her to be the best. Because she doesn't have to play by the game's rules. I just don't think nurse can stay as she is if BHVR wants to balance DBD further. There's no way that a killer who doesn't even play by the basic rules of the game can be considered balanced.
I know there will be a lot of community out-cry about this. Even with Billy, who didn't receive such a massive nerf, there was tons of controversy and much of it was exaggerated. I'm certain many people reading this are already upset about the proposal. But it's necessary and best to just rip off the band-aid and get it over with.
I don't even play Nurse but I can tell you that would kill her entirely.
What the hell is she supposed to do on Lerys, Midwich or the Game?
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No. The exact suggestion was brought up in and shot down in another thread not more than like....three days old. The Nurse -literally- plays by the same rules. You're using the word wrong. What she has is different mechanics and there is nothing wrong with that.
I still never see Billy in game - but I'm pretty sure that's what most of these rework/nerf Nurse threads really want at the end of the day.
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Rot. Also, add RDP to that list - but I still rot on that map for the most part anyway.
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I never understand this line of thinking. She has her set of rules and survivors can play around them. Or they can refuse and get easily 4k'd. She's really strong when played well and punishes poor positioning/pathing. I don't see the problem with a killer that requires all 4 opponents to think about what they're doing to win.
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No, she doesn’t need a rework. She’s fine as is. Just as survivor mains say SWF is a non-issue, so too is Nurse a non-issue. She shouldn’t be touched until Devs decided to balance around well coordinated, comm-linked swf who know every loop on the map.
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I don't think this would work. Being able to blink and be faster than survivors is even worse, because then you can catch up to them and ignore pallets and windows and always land a blink and you can walk around the map. Her chase power would be insane.
All these people asking for Nurse reworks seem to forget that without your power you are 100% useless. Her being slower than survivors is perfect balance because without your blinks you can't do literally anything and she is the only killer in the entire roster that depends on her power in this way.
The only issue this community has with Nurse is that bunch of people think they are good at survivor because they can loop survivor sided maps and use dead hard and then get wiped in 2 minutes against a good Nurse because they never learned to play against the killer properly.
I have seen a bunch of videos of good survivors running good Nurses, and those are extremely fun chases because it's all about actual skill and mind games.
I am Nurse main and I do not win 100% of my matches nor is every match walk in the park. I do need add ons and good perks against good teams.
If we are not talking busted double range her base-kit is absolutely fine and not that hard to counter and anyone who says otherwise is just bad sorry lol
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There was an addon that did precisely this and it got changed, because no one used it.
Nurse doesn't really need a rework tho. Her power is largely fine and there's a few addon of hers that are fairly problematic while the rest are just not good.
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You really need to learn how to play against her, and it's not that hard.
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It always makes me happy to see an ignorant post like OPs get thoroughly dismissed
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Yes she does need a rework, a complete overhaul. Take away her teleportation and give her something else!
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Read as: This guy wants a killer that's thematically not Nurse.
OP wants a Nurse that never gets picked.
All we need now for 'Nurse Hatred Bingo' is the survivor main that drops in to tell us that she's a training wheels killer that only takes a few hours to get good at - while simultaneously betraying the fact that they've never played Nurse or even tried to practice against one.
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I'm decent with Nurse until I get an indoor map like RCPD. Then I end up teleporting into the wrong rooms, wrong floors, getting stuck in-between things, ect. She definitely could use some loving.
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The nurse can still be the nurse without teleportation as her power. They could give her anything lol
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This as usual. Giving her old torn bookmark basekit even with 110 speed would be horrible, there was a reason it was a meme addon, it's because even with 3 blink her power was pretty much useless anywhere, because it's not like blight that works "instantly" but needs to be charged and released.
Her basekit is fine
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It's only a matter of training. I can pretty much blind blink everywhere on that map but it took me many many games.
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All the people who criticize the nurse have absolutely no legitimacy to do so until they:
1) perfected their methods of playing against her
2) play her in order to understand her mechanics, and how to get around them
Until then, all their words are nothing more or less than endless and redundant whining.
Next topic.
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Nurse definitely needs a change, but I'm not sure this is a good idea.
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That would just make her less unique
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This is more often used to shut down arguments rather than provide anything useful. I'm not a pro nurse by any means, but as someone who's played the game for 4 years now I'm pretty sure I have good knowledge on how the game functions. Are all my thousands of hours in this game just nullified by the fact 2000 of them aren't put into nurse?
Killers who break chase mechanics are a problem, and always will be. Much of the chase is about distance and pathing. Which is also affected by how loops are designed, how close they are to each other, and the strength of connected tiles. Nurse avoids all of this. The only real thing you can do against nurse is break line of sight and try not to be predictable, which only lasts for so long as she can blink right to you.
You don't loop against nurse. You go through her blink cycles. You hope she makes the wrong prediction and extend the chase by about 10 more seconds. She gets closer with every cycle and eventually you run out of places to go. With nurses who aren't so good this is easy enough. But competent ones will take you down pretty fast. So fast you have to be extremely efficient and calculated to beat her. Which most survivors aren't going to do. Because the majority don't que up for that. They que up to just play the game casually.
She can be beat. But not by the majority of players. Without DH or comms she has an extreme advantage constantly. She's probably the only killer survivors are justified bringing meta builds against.
So yes, nurse needs a change.
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Never said any of that. I don't doubt her pick rate would drop. But as we've seen many of the top tier killers get dropped whenever they aren't busted anymore. Spirit is still very strong. But because she has feasible counter-play now, nobody wants to play her. Same with Deathslinger. He's a killer I'm very experience with and has insane potential. But he stopped being an "I win" killer so now everyone just deemed him weak and unusable. When that's very much the opposite.
Her kit will still be very strong, but just not at the level it is now. Just because she's hard or unique doesn't justify anything. She still breaks the game. She still isn't balanced. Painting any criticism against a killer as just "survivor mains are crying" doesn't do anything constructive. It doesn't challenge what's been said in a meaningful way. All it does is show you're viewing this from a "my side" perspective rather than characterizing what is being discussed.
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Fitting, that you would respond to the tongue and cheek post I made, as opposed to my first one, which directly called this out for being a rehashed suggestion. I'm not explaining it to you again just because it's your thread.
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The problem w nurse imo is not how she, and her mechanics, affect survivors but rather how she affects other killers. Like the devs will never be able to create another killer w new perks without thinking “this is good, but would this perk be op on nurse tho?”. Every other killer follows the games dynamics (pallets, windows, mindgames etc) except for her and because of that other killers are not allowed to have better usage of certain perks or builds. That’s just sad
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I play her consistently and know how to play against her. Now that according to your own comment I have the right to express my opinion:
Her range add-ons most specifically and her possibility to stack slowdowns and use one shot perks is broken and should be changed.
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Nurse really isn't that far off from being fine. She just needs a few smaller changes (mostly her addons). A rework is unnecessary.
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Nurse is intended to break the game's rules and forces survivors into playing differently. You're not supposed to loop her for 5 gens, that's by design. She's already been nerfed significantly, no need for more unnecessary changes.
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The fact that a nurse can use onshot perks does not make her an abused killer; for example "Make your choice": if the survivor is affected by it, he will usually be very sneaky for a while ... I also think of Devour Hope, which can do very very bad on a nurse: should it be made so that she can't use it? It would be quite unfair ... (I specify that I don't use it on her).
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I didn't see the first one you wrote. But it reads about the same. That this whole idea is just to assassinate the top tier killers. Which is ridiculous. Just because it's "rehashed" doesn't mean it doesn't have any legitimacy. As for what I've said, your first post doesn't argue against any of that. So as for not wanting to explain to me again, you don't have to because you never explained anything. It only writes it off as a way to kill nurse. I don't want her to be unplayable, but as she is there is a problem.
The killers who got nerfed aren't even bad. People just write them off as bad because they aren't as easy as they used to be. The only killer who has really been killed by nerfs was Freddy, but even then it wasn't because the nerfs themselves. His power is just really bad and people mainly used him to stack slowdowns to the point where it was basically impossible to escape.
I am certain that Nurse can be changed while still remaining strong. My suggestion isn't perfect I know that. But it was more of an idea to see how she could better fit the game without being busted.
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You're absolutely right. Just because it's rehashed does not mean it has zero legitimacy.
It has zero legitimacy because it's a terrible suggestion and those previous threads have correctly identified this.
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This looks like a bait. Nurse is ridicolously hard to play now and is barely a shadow of her former self. I can't agree with nerfing her. Other killers should receive buffs and QoL updates to match her. Good examples are Legion and Trapper. They are not as strong as Nurse, obviously... but their reworks and buffs make them actually good and fun. I just wish they reverted Hillbilly nerf... Just give us back old addons with exception of Tuning guide... it was the only problem he had.
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How exactly is it a terrible suggestion? I can see for the take I took on proposing it. But why is it so terrible to suggest that a killer who can down survivors in 10 seconds with no one shot ability may need to be toned down a bit?