The 39 confirmed perks being reworked

BHVR officially confirmed which perks are being reworked on twitter. Here's my thoughts about what will happen to them some of these. They may be right or wrong. This is just to start discussion around the future of the perks.
Tinkerer - (nerf) - undetectable only activates the first time each generator reaches 70%
BBQ - (buff) - stackable bloodpoint bonus for hooking becomes base-kit. generators being repaired are highlighted in yellow for 4 seconds in addition to auras of survivors being revealed from 40m away.
Borrowed Time - (nerf) - if a Survivor takes a protection hit with endurance, the endurance effect is ignored.
Botany Knowledge - (buff) - +50% healing and med-kit efficiency.
Calm Spirit - (rework) - do not disturb crows. gain notifications when the Killer disturbs crows in a 40m range.
Coulrophobia - (rework) - healing is decreased by 50%. no longer terror radius based. has a flat range of 40m.
Corrupt Intervention - (rework) - the three farthest generators are blocked for 30 seconds base kit. corrupt extends the duration by 90 seconds.
Dark Devotion - (buff) - undetectable buffed to 60 seconds after hitting the obsession. 5 second aura reveal of all survivors within 32m.
Dark Sense - (buff) - additional effect of being able to see the Killer within 8m of any generator.
Dead Hard - (nerf) - dash distance doubled. invincibility frames removed.
Decisive Strike - (nerf) - additionally deactivates when a Survivor enters a locker.
Deja Vu - (buff) - no cooldown. can permanently see the three unfinished generators closest together.
Distortion - (buff) - breaking a chase gains will cause the survivor to gain a token. max tokens is 5.
Eruption - (buff) - regression from perk buffed from 6% to 12%
Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain - (buff) - slowdown effect becomes active immediately after being unhooked and is only reset when downed.
Hope - (rework) - gain 0.5% stackable movement speed bonus for each generator completed.
Iron Will - (nerf) - make no grunts of pain for 60 seconds after being injured or unhooked. cooldown resets every time healed or hooked.
Surge - (buff) - removed basic attack requirement.
Knockout - (buff) - removed basic attack requirement.
Lethal Pursuer - (buff) - additional effect of giving 1% haste while in chase.
Lightweight - (rework) - footsteps are silent. scratch marks disappear for 3 seconds every 15 seconds.
Lucky Break - (rework) - scratch marks and blood trails disappear for 5 seconds after being injured. perk resets once healed.
Monstrous Shrine - (rework) - sabotaging and unhooking all hooks takes 15% longer.
Hex: No ED - (rework) - all survivor auras are revealed once the last generator is completed for the remainder of the trial or until cleansed.
No One Left Behind - (buff) - effects activate when the last generator is completed.
Overzealous - (rework) - the first time a totem is cleansed or blessed by the survivor with the perk they gain a stackable 2% generator speed bonus for the remainder of the trial. cap is 10% for the 5 totems in the trial.
Off the Record - (rework) - after being unhooked, your aura and scratches are hidden for 60 seconds. grunts of pain are hidden for the remainder of the trial.
Overcharge - (rework) - all skill checks on an overcharged generator are "extremely difficult" for the remainder of the trial.
Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance - (rework/nerf) - removed scream effect. generator chosen is random as long as multiple generators have over 15% progress.
Pop Goes the Weasel - (buff) - duration reverted to 60 seconds.
Pharmacy - (buff) - all chests opened are guaranteed to contain a med-kit.
Hex: Ruin - (nerf) - generators automatically regress after 15 seconds of not being worked on.
Saboteur - (buff) - the auras of all hooks can be seen for the duration of the trial.
Self-Care - (rework) - health bar passively increases when not in chase. full heal takes 90 seconds. ignores effects hemorrhage.
Sole Survivor - (rework) - the killer cannot read your aura within 8 meters. Each teammate hook grants a stack that increases aura immunity by 8 meters.
Spine Chill - (nerf) - spine chill not longer affects vault speeds. spine chill now affects blessing speeds.
Tenacity - (buff) - can recover while crawling. recovery speed is decreased by 50%. can completely recover from the dying state independently.
Thanatophobia - (rework) - after being injured for 45 seconds. Repairing, Sabotaging, Blessing and Cleansing speeds are decreased by 30% until healed.
We're Gonna Live Forever - (buff) - stackable bloodpoint bonus for unhooking becomes base-kit. survivors within 8m of you gain the ability to fully recover from the dying state while within range.
I am 100% doubting BBQ is getting buffed. They specifically labeled it as meta in the anniversary stream.
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I'm assuming the Devs know its picked for the blood points more than the aura reading.
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I'm sad seeing none of Jane's perks on there.
They have potential but are heavily handicapped with specific conditions and limitations.
Especially Head On. It's so dynamic but needs a little bit more love.
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Imagine if Head On stunned the killer from vaulting into them
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There’s no way Pop gets buffed. I also think botany is getting nerfed, not buffed, but I could be wrong about that one.
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I hope Knock Out isn't buffed. They don't need to buff keeping survivors on the ground for 4 minutes.
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Dumb Tech buff?!?!?!?!?
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Borrowed Time - (nerf) - if a Survivor takes a protection hit with endurance, the endurance effect is ignored.
This would be a crippling nerf that would demote Borrowed Time to F tier, mostly because it's very unlikely for Borrowed Time to proc without the unhooker still being nearby, thus qualifying any hit taken as a protection hit. It'd narrow the usability of this perk down so badly that the only perks that would be worse than it would be No Mither and Autodidact, which are both actively detrimental.
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You have only few killers that play BBQ for being good -> Huntress / Blight or other fast killers, but even on them there are perks that works more or less same.
Most players just want BP even tho it's not an optimal perk for their killer.
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That would be so much fun. Great way to make Head On competitive with the other exhaustion and keep the meme factor everyone loves
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If a Survivor is healthy, the hit wouldn't count as a protection hit. And maybe the description could be reworked to say hit within 2m of an injured Survivor to be more strict than a protection hit.
But regardless BT needs to be an anti-tunnel perk not an unhook in the Killer's face and force the protection hit to get both Survivors out the exit gate perk
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That's still fumbling the purpose of the perk and narrowing it down dramatically when the only problem with it is BT bodyblocking.
A much, much more tailored solution with no collateral damage is to have Endurance remove survivor-killer collision for the duration.
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That would be fun tbh.
It still keeps the "offensive" theme the perk has and gives it more opportunities to be used. The new lockers on every map were already appreciated but vaulting into the killer aside from lockers would be fun.
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Dead Hard - (nerf) - dash distance doubled. invincibility frames removed.
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I still feel like the Survivors could abuse that. Sorta like how two downed Survivors can stack on top of each other to prevent the Killer from choosing which Survivor to pick up and cause an accidental Decisive Strike.
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I actually really like the NOED change, as long as it doesnt warn the survivors they're cursed.
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Spine Chill shouldn't work when blind/oblivious.
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Lots of things they're changing here, hopefully they don't ruin their game by doing this.
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Your DH change is actually a buff and misses the entire reason the perk is overpowered in the first place. The I frame has counter play, the distance does not. The problem is the distance. Keep the i frame, remove the distance. Most the time the perk extends every chase is because of the distance not the I frame and you made the distance even better…. However I love your noed idea.
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The noed idea is cool although if it became popular I would 100% run object every match and refuse to cleanse it :p
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So you know how protection hits work? That bt nerf is Super bad.
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Lets just hope the base changes are meaningful enough to make up for removing all gen defence from the game. If they aren't then be prepared for 15-30 minute q times as survivor.
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There is no i frames on console so removing I frames needs to be done on pc so console and pc can be more equal. Invulnerability needs to also go and the time dead hard takes to activate should be increased so if survivors do it even bit late he should be lying on the floor.
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I think Ruin is fine as it is? Since Totems usually get killed within a minute of a match?
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I actually do as well. But its confirmed to be getting updated so I had to come up with a change for it
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I really hope BBQ keeps the aura reading ability, I feel naked without it
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WGLF is on the list so they might be deleting bp bonuses after the update to counteract the grind changes and make it take just as long anyway.
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Borrowed Time - (nerf) - if a Survivor takes a protection hit with endurance, the endurance effect is ignored.
So BT is gonna be useless 90% of the time?
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Why they would do that? We still have to grind to p3 every characters. And if they remove bp bonuses, grind will be issue for new players as well.
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Dead Hard - (nerf) - dash distance doubled. invincibility frames removed.
You mean a buff, not a nerf. cuz in no way is that a nerf. the chance of you hitting someone Dhing with I frames is slim to none, and Double dash distance is insane and will extend chases even longer
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Because they always do this.
Just look at legion changes. They gave some form of lethality to his power, but took away duration addons and only gave him 10 seconds to do it. The chance of getting 5 hits is exceptionally slim.
There is no other reason for WGLF to be on that list other than they are taking away the bp bonus on BBQ and need to match it on WGLF for fairness.
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and i think hex need to be buffed in general, not their effects but their actual staying power. majority of games your hexes get obliterated before you can even get any worthwhile use out of them if any at all.
in my opinion, make them like boons. Spend a few seconds to relight them and give a survivors a perk to permanently destroy the hex.
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"There is no i frames on console so removing I frames needs to be done on pc so console and pc can be more equal."
That doesn't make any sense. I could use that exact same statement to make the argument that that's why console should be changed to match pc.
"Invulnerability needs to also go and the time dead hard takes to activate should be increased so if survivors do it even bit late he should be lying on the floor."
That doesn't fix the problem at all. The way DH distance is used you could give it a delay and it would still be nearly just as strong.
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That's why it's specifically survivor-killer colission, not colission in general.
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you were going so well till i read dead hard and i just stopped reading.
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This is so untrue. I get screwed by bbq nearly every match. Every killer can make use of the aura reading. The BP is the cherry on top. This one gets a nerf. I’d like to see aura reading only kick in for each unique survivor hooked.
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I think all the killer perks are getting destroyed
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They are reworking grind for make it better and then they are nerfing best bp perks for making grind harder? This does not makes any sense. I just hope they will add bp bonuses to basekits.
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I really hope they make BBQ and WGLF's BP gains basekit so I don't have to use those damn Perks every game anymore.
And that is probably why they are going to do it. Almost everyone uses it for the BP, making it extremely meta.
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That would be great
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Mmm what am I gonna use now
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I hate your dead hard rework, everyone complains about dead hard for distance and not the invencible part, i would like if when you were injured you could crouch to protect you from a attack and then it would give you the exhausted status
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Not true. Killers that down with their powers more than traditional M1s are weakened more by the invincibility frames more than the distance like Nurse, Blight, Twins, Huntress, Trickster, Nemesis, Spirit, Artist, Pyramid Head, Hag, Doctor and Deathslinger.
Survivors will be shocked how many things they used to be able to "dodge" will hit without the invincibility frames.
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And M1 Killers will still suffer. The distance is the biggest problem. Having the i-frames againt strong Killer is fine in my opinion, but the distance crushes the already weak M1 Killers.
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Basic M1 Killers will always be weak. That's a design issue that has existed since the game was released and will never be fixed.
Also, Coup de Grace exists for M1 Killers determined to counter a nerfed Dead Head without invincibility frames.
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You know that you can hide behind a gen from it, right?
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somehow I get the feeling people assume they are going to rework the meta by buffing the perks 🙄
As far as I understand it, they are going to nerf those 40 perks so they break up the meta and get people choose perks besides the 99% they currently use
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Probably because removing it from BBQ will be the only way to lower its pick rate. And at that point it would not be fair to allow WGLF to keep it.
Ideally though they would just make those bonuses basekit instead.
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Thats what i sayed a long long time ago bc that would even help the surv if the killer is waiting bt out bc his an a##hole
But in general this perk changed are all insanly good besides the bt one it needs the collison removed and thats it
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I dont get what you mean bc all changes are perfect besides the bt thing but the rest is just grest my total personal favorit is noed is no more its finally balanced and not a free win card after losing with three gen perks tunnel and camp plus strongest addons i,m in love with that
And the changes are great for me as killer main as well surge erruption but thana is the real insane one finally people are getting forced to heal i waitet long for that xD