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Why do survivors need to escape to earn the masks?

Why this injustice of the survivors needing to run away to win the masks and the killer win just finding it, this is irritating, I'm a main surv, I don't want to need to play killer to have the masks, this ends up generating stress, I thought you were done with this condition, I'm disappointed with the Devs, please excuse me =/

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  • Member Posts: 1,230
    edited June 2022

    you just have to open the gates, not necessarily escape. Or play killer and get them. Poor guy can't get stressed playing survivor 🙄

  • Member Posts: 659

    You don't. I just had a few games that never made it to endgame but I still got the mask.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    Not just escaping though. If you are the last person alive and hatch is open somewhere, you'll get it. Learned this the hard way when a killer decided to let me find hatch on RPD and we ran around for ages and couldn't find the darn thing. He ended up just hooking me, and I still got the mask lol

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    This didn't seem to be a problem though during the Lunar New Year when people were collecting envelopes. In my matches during that people would collect the envelopes then play normal. Why use an event from years ago as excuse when you have a more recent event that worked out better that didn't punish survivors for getting camped/tunneled out?

  • Member Posts: 556

    I also don't think this happens because of an event, most players kill themselves on the hook or quit because they find the match unpleasant, regardless of whether it's an event or not, the players even having prizes in the matches they don't want to lose and don't stay if killing for that reason that was quoted

  • Member Posts: 556

    That's not how it works, I like to play survivor and not killer, are you by any chance going to play an rpg or fps or any other game you don't like? I play for fun and I won't spoil my fun for reasons that devs didn't think straight

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Same. I'm pretty sure it's bugged and just gives you the mask regardless.

    I do think it's unfair that they intend to make things harder for survivors than killers, even if I see the logic behind it. It's better than last year's restrictions, at least.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    Yeah, I don't think that was a major problem for previous events. I doubt it would be for an event with up to 6x bloodpoints.

    And if these people who really want the cosmetics as fast as possible and are willing to throw the game are still around.. now they just have to go killer, grab an invitation, and AFK 'till everyone leaves.

    People who don't want to play normal won't play normal if you reinforce one side with steel and the other with paper.

  • Member Posts: 162
    edited June 2022

    All 12 masks already, and maybe like 2 escapes gang!!!!1! Edit: This event is brutal.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Are people really stressing out over not obtaining digital crap?


  • Member Posts: 767
    edited June 2022

    There’s so many conflicting points here.

    People are complaining killers get masks easier and to make it harder, but also complaining they are sweating and trying hard which would only get worse if things were harder.

    There’s complaints about survivors having it harder by having to escape, but also complaints about killers who might afk after getting their invitation which would allow survivors an easier way to get theirs.

    Just doesn’t seem to be a way to please everyone.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I get the reasoning behind it, but I wish there were some other way. If the survivor team is winning, this works fine -- when we're losing, people stop doing saves and start to hide. I wonder if it would work if you had to score a certain number of emblems or BP in addition to finding the invitation, instead of surviving to the end? Then, at least if people bailed, they would have to be helpful first, and the people who play normally could get their reward even if they die.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    The complaint about killer being able to AFK is that one side can be denied the reward even though they did their best while the only way the other side won't get the reward after finding the invitation is by DC. One side gets punished for dying before end game while the other doesn't have to worry about how the game goes. The end game requirement on survivors causes survivors to play more sweaty to make it to end game which then causes killers to play more sweaty - it's a vicious cycle. They didn't have the requirement for survivors during the winter and lunar new year events, everyone got their event reward if they sparkled and it was fair.

    If they want to attach criteria to getting the reward they could make it fair for both sides by having them need to get atleast bronze in every emblem category. This requires both sides to play the game, doesn't punish survivors for dying midgame or killers getting 0k, and the requirement is the same for everyone.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    I wish I'd known you didn't actually have to escape sooner, I may have ran wake up and just bolted a few times leaving my teammates to deal with their own problems D:

  • Member Posts: 91

    why would anyone afk for a mask? If anything that gives the survivors a chance to get the masks really easily so why would that even be unfair. And making them have to close the hatch is a lot more rng based than literally getting gens done.

  • Member Posts: 659

    Oh I agree! There should be a "Do 1 event gen and unhook 1 survivor from an event hook to unlock" kind of thing. That way events aren't so sweaty because then survivors might chill on genrush, and killers won't tunnel and camp, thus maybe ending the vicious event cycle that everyone hates lol

  • Member Posts: 767

    Maybe I’m missing something here so please forgive me if that’s the case.

    Afaik the only way a survivor gets denied the invitation is if the game ends before they find it or they are killed before the game ends.

    If the killer can afk after finding theirs then that would mean the survivors won’t risk dying and losing theirs?

    If the killer had to play even normally, this would increase the likelihood of survivors dying before the end and losing theirs?

    It seems like asking a lot of killers to get their invitation, let the survivors get theirs which they have no way of knowing if they have or not, and keep track mentally of who has gone to second hook state to avoid killing them while also playing the game normally just not to actually finish anyone until the gens are done.

    Maybe I’m not seeing something but it seems afking seems like the ‘nice’ thing to do to give the survivors chance to get theirs as well.

    The problem I see is that there’s no way to know who needs to get the invitations and who already has all the masks; as once the killer has all theirs there is no way to know if the survivors have theirs and just want a normal match; and of course the problem with that is that it could potentially be used as a dishonest excuse to get killers to throw games later during the event even though they already have all the masks.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    I didn't say killers should go afk/throw games for the survivors to get the reward. It shouldn't be the players responsibility to fix BHVR's poor decision for the unfair criteria.

    The problem is that one side (killer) is guaranteed to finish out the game unless they DC, they are guaranteed to get their reward if they found/grabbed an invitation - the afk comments are just saying that's how little they have to do not that they should go afk to make it easier for survivors. The other side (survivor) can be taken out of the game mid way through and denied the reward, compared to killers survivors have been given a much more difficult criteria which isn't fair. The requirement on the survivors also causes the vicious cycle of sweaty games because they need to try harder to get to the end. This isn't on killers to fix or make more fair, it's on BHVR.

    BHVR can fix this and make it fair by either 1. Doing what they did with the winter and lunar new year where if you did whatever was needed to collect sparkles (snowman/red envelope) you could still get your event reward no matter the outcome of the game - as survivor you could get camped out and you'd still get your reward. 2. Have both sides required to get atleast bronze in all categories - it's fair, doesn't punish players if the die early or get a 0k, and doesn't push players to play more sweaty.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    The excuse to make the events harder for survivors is kinda BS now that there's a DC penalty, and yet the devs are still doing it. Not only is it harder to get the scroll, with survivors wasting time to find them and having a slower movement speed than the killer, it makes games even harder to win.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    I don't even see scrolls even when I take the time to find them. We had a Huntress who was a worthy opponent. In the end, we all got out but I liked her so I stayed behind to give her a kill, and I was curious if I could find a scroll. NOPE.

    I seem to either see 2-3 a game, or I don't come across a scroll for eight or so games. I was playing with a friend last night and we were playing normally to try to balance out our teammates who wouldn't play until they found one, but he wasn't finding them either.

    Survivors don't seem to realize that it doesn't matter if you find a scroll or not if you throw the game at the beginning to find one. As always, these events suck for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 51
    edited June 2022

    @Peanits But why is it that you don't get the mask if you get the invitation after an exit gate is opened?

    Just had some matches where I wasn't able to find one ( thx to maps like Swamp, Ormond ) or it literally just disappeared infront of my face but at the end of the match where an exit was already opened. I got the points for receiving the Invitation but not the mask. That was different in events before. Like winter Solstice you still got your reward after an exit was already opened and the Killer smacked your Snowman after that.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited June 2022

    After finishing all the killer challenges and finishing my mask collection as survivor, I have to agree.

    It seems you either look for an invite, or you make it to EGC, very rarely both coincide.

    10 masks as killer in one evening. 2 masks as survivor, which took an entire evening as well.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    I don't see a problem. Escaping actually makes you earn it kind of.

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    i just discovered a bug (or a intended thing idk at this point). if you collect the invitation AFTER the gates are open, you won't gain the masque

  • Member Posts: 575
  • Member Posts: 556
    edited June 2022

    I complain yes, so what? I have the right to comment on things that I consider unfair, if it's not for you, great, but I think that if there are rules for one, there must be rules for the other side as well,

    Post edited by JoaoVanBlizzard on
  • Member Posts: 90

    Do you know how uncommon it should be and often is to close hatch? That'd make it nigh impossible for killers to get masks, shifting the balance back in the survivors favor. Also, survivors can grab a mask while their other 3 teammates complete objectives. The Killer has to go out of their way to drop their objectives and throw the match if they want to search for one. This is far easier for survivors from the start and would be even easier were this restriction not in place

  • Member Posts: 556

    It was just an example, but I recognize that after the hatch nerf it makes it really difficult for the killer to find it when he opens it, but it's not easy for me to get the surv masks, the condition could be lower, if 4 gens were completed I would already win the mask, in the games I played I notice a certain malice in the killers players, they are leaving the survs in slug so they don't receive the masks, since for them it's just picking up and that's it

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