Blood Warden Buff Ideas!

1. Every hook in the collapse extends the timer by another 30 seconds
2. Extend the Blood warden timer to 160 Secons
3. Token system
Every attack hit made in the endgame collapse cause the entity to block the gates for an extra 5 seconds ( up to 5 tokens)
Tokens grant a 1%hinder status
That's way too crazy ngl. I mean think about the endgame timer too. Bloodwarden is fine how it is but isn't it one of the 39 perks or am I wrong
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It isn't, but it really really needs something extra to it for those final moments. Something to really shake it up and throwdown
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Isn't EGC only 120 seconds long? I feel like blocking the gates for 160 seconds (minimum) is a fuzz OP...
I must be misunderstanding here
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Is it only 120? I thought it was longer, like 180 seconds. Hmmm. Guess the first one isn't very viable
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According to The Internet Dot Com, it is 2 minutes long. Though granted that can extend when someone's hooked or slugged
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Bloodwarden is very situational. Sometimes you can make it work, sometimes it will be the most useless perk you've ever equipped. I think it's fine as it is right now.
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Bloodwarden is one of the stronger perk. It's not used because of 99ing gates. It's as strong as No way out, gives you opportunity to harvest one more kill.