Idea nerf dead hard without touch the perk..

You can add a perk when you hit the survivor the survivor can't imediately use dead hard or other perk (jump pallets, fall from somewhere high...) That mean if you want use dead hard you need to wait until the killer stop to follow you and still injure.
Not this again.
There are only 4 slots. There is no way to fix things with perks.
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No. This failed miserably with the killer boon breaking perk.
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Pfft.. that was only added so they can make and keep overpowered boons and just point at that perk when people complain.
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similar to how killers point at perks like Detectives Hunch or Small Game when they complain about noed?
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Exactly lol
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Not even close. Plus you have 16 perks walkie talkies and basekit totem breaking at your disposal. Killers have 4 perk slots and are nerfed into being useless and weak.
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DH deserves whatever change it's going to get
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They said they want a dead hard to be i-frame rather than a distance perk. Which was the most probleamtic part of it. You mindgamed survivors hardly and they won a chase anyway by pressing e going to another good pallet. Extending chases massively by up to 12 uses of it. As one of the most unhealthy perk in the game it just carried bad plays.
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Dead hards fine. Leave it alone.
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And yet, they haven't made a single overpowered boon since CoH. Even before Shattered Hope existed.
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or Add extra lunge time to every killers.
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Just make it a one time use.
They will come up with something strange i guess.
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I mean you also have basekit snuffing at your disposal and a brain to actually make decisions to try to outplay your opponents
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Let's hope it's a good change
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The main problem with DH is NOT it's strength. It's so overused that something needs to be done. You can't just create a perk and hope that'll fix the problem, because that would have little to no effect on the actual pick rate of DH itself. There are a lot of players, who just got so comfortable running DH that there is only one possible solution to this problem: Nerf DH to hell and beyond.
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Wow... It's almost like you only play one half of this game. What are you going to say next?
Just bait the Dead Hard?
Infinites take skill?
Just break the pallet?
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Yeah it was definitely a cop out.
Killers shouldn't have to use 1/4th of their perk slots to counter 1/16th of the survivors overall perk slots because a single COH. Even then, you have to snuff out the boon a minimum of 5 times to completely get rid of it. A complete joke.
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Yeah I play one side more than the other, just isnt the side you were hoping for ;)
Just because I have a different opinion than yours and don't treat this game as a job, doesn't mean I'm one sided.
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Looks like mine, only i have more p3 lvl 50 survivors.