The Fact that there are no changes for Solo Q in the 7th year roadmap is pretty worrying

Just months ago, there was talk about solo q improvements but now it's like non-existent. Just simple changes like making Kindred basekit would be nice. It doesn't have to be giving voice comms or anything like that. I honestly would not for voice comms to be in this game. Guess we'll have to wait another year or something....copium
Edit: Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for all these changes we are getting for dbd, and I understand these things take time and of course implementing changes is not very easy, but I'm just a bit disappointed that this wasn't considered a higher priority
For some reason BHVR thinks making a perk basekit is generally a bad idea.
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Nahhh, we'll be fine. Definitely.
Most certainly.
31 -
But there going to be possibly making BT base kit in the next mid chapter and some other gameplay changes
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except for when Patrick was hinting at BT may or may not be basekit. So that's a bit weird, but I see what you mean
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Maybe they plan something next patch with perks reworks and some "base game mechanics" changes
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The truly sad part is that the "big SoloQ buff" is probably going to be nothing more than a basekit Kindred without the Killer's aura, because it would be too broken in SWF or some other horrible excuse. We desperately need a ping system to let the other survivors know I have BT so I can save in front of the killer, unlike the adept Meghead running straight towards the hook.
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Unpopular opinion incoming:
Solo queue is fine. You can't fix bad players that don't want to improve and suicide/dc whenever they face a minor challenge.
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You're right, it is an unpopular opinion!
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The roadmap is missing some stuff like the RCPD rework and the Attack on Titan crossover. So hopefully it's just not included but still coming.
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yea but both these things were announced in the anniversary stream anyways, there was no mention of solo q improvements tho :/
I think the massive perk overhaul will tell us what we need to know. Either perks will be reworked to cater to solo q, or nerf it further in hopes of nerfing SWF which would be very disappointing.
Besides the perks rework that could help solo q, i hope we'll hear about the icons showing what your teammates are doing that have been mentionned in the past, and that we'll get them early next year (considering we're most definitely not getting them this year).
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And a fact.
No basekit perks can fix up bad players.
Post edited by fulltonon on3 -
yeah it should be higher priority, I like survivor gameplay but sometimes it's not even worth playing solo Q, BP gain is bad I feel like wasting my time when I could play killer right now, especially because a lot of matches are auto lose, someone DC or they're just bad, they give up, they suicide on hook, they're not playing the game for X reason
this game would be instantly better if BP gain was good on both sides just my 2 cents
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The thing that I was most disappointed about the 6th anniversary stream was the fact they never mentioned these changes whatsoever.
I'm assuming they decided against doing it which is a real shame. We'll see if next weeks changes have some sort of effect on this.
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IF BT becomes basekit, survs will hookrush even more, soloq is non stop hook farming, basekit BT will make it worse.survs will do what they always do and abuse a good thing like they do already with BT bodyblocking doorways etc,... expect soloq farming to be even worse.
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You defend killer on all your posts, so your opinion is not really unbiased.
As someone who mains solo q, no it is not fine. And I'm not saying this as a noob either.
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As long as they stop unhooking me in front of the Pyramid Head while I'm tormented without BT.
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Sounds like a killer main who is scared of not being able to stomp on solo players anymore. Where will your easy 4ks go?
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bro basekit BT errybody getting farmed, gonna love it on Bubba and as my Nea LOL
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Literally everywhere I go, no perks can really change up how they act, and easy 4k will always be there.
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If it's such an easy 4k why are you scared of them making something as simple as kindred basekit?
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The next update is coming with a whole host of base game changes. There's nothing to suggest those aren't things that will aid solo survivors. No evidence that they will either, but it's too early to say nothing is coming.
For example, something as simple and giving all base unhooks some limited form of invulnerability, such as non-collision for 2 seconds as an anti-camping measure to make unhooks in front of the killer safer, will aid solo survivors disproportionately more than SWFs. As it'll be a benefit to non-BT saves or 'hook farming', and prevent instant BT body blocks.
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There is no fear in making kindred basekit, just feels stupid, pointless and kinda unfair.
Add it or not bad players gonna do bad but I don't like giving advantages to non-bad players.
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In solo Q, if a good looper with Dead Hard is chased first you actually had some hope to escape (without using the hatch). Prepare for even more 4k's in SoloQ
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Kinda like the "early game collapse" to fix the problem of first hook = 3 gens. Poofed into nothing
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This would just reward and promote early game perks. Rather than becoming redundant, perks like Corrupt Intervention and Lethal Pursuer would become more worthwhile, and basically guarantee a great killer lead at the start of the game.
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I myself have very few, if any, issues with solo Q myself and play a good portion survivors, always solo Q, but I can see why some people would complain. In theory the idea doesn't sound too bad: close the gap between solo Q and SWF players, by giving the solo Q peeps the good and sweet information and then buff killer accordingly. My honestly fear though that they will somehow forget/mess up the last part, until we get the next humongous killer exodos wave.
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It's not about fixing bad players, it's just simply the lack of information you get from other teammates. Yes there are perks for it, but why waste a perk slot on it when I can run something else much better. Just having something in the HUD like, Meg's on a gen, Dwight's getting chased, Claudette is cleansing or blessing a totem. Just something simple is good enough info you can get from other players.
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A yes, invalidate someone else's opinion by claiming he's biased.
We both play in the same timezone and I never had any major issues like you always claim to have. Probably because we have vastly different mmr.
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The tutorial, training mode against bots, information about what the killers powers and status effects actually do. Would help new players improve. But simply giving players more information during the match won't do much. Because they'll simply ignore it.
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That's my fear. Certain changes would affect the gameplay so profoundly, that killers would require a massive overhaul to compensate. Which is highly unlikely.
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I use bond very often. It's extremely helpful to see if a teammate is getting chased nearby.
Good players would profit from a general aura reading. However, Killers would require a general compensation buff in return. Because good players gameplay would significantly improve. To the point of SWF levels.
What this change is aimed at, wouldn't improve though: bad players, that don't want to improve.
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It's not just an unpopular opinion, it's a usual biased killer-main opinion. Why am I not surprised that soloQ is fine for you...
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I think people really underrate how incredibly strong those action icons will make survivors. Grouped or not it'll increase gen efficiency by a great deal.
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The thing is it doesn't benefit SWF in anyway way, because it's all info they already have anyway. A buff to solo players that doesn't buff SWF is exactly what's needed, and if it makes survivor in general much more efficient, then they can buff killers slow down in turn.
Buff to solo + buff to killers = nerf to SWF
5 -
Do..... Do you play with a group? I'm rarely communicating every action I do to my friends with a constant stream of information. Mostly because the game is fundamentally casual and I'm there to hang out, but also because a constant stream of chatter from everyone is annoying.
It's undoubtedly more useful in solo, but it's also undeniably useful in a group. More information is never gonna hurt regardless of circumstance.
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I'm totally on your page. My SWF groups are not optimal in the least, but there are optimal SWF groups out there. This would only bring everyone else up (solo survivors or non-optimal groups) closer to that top level of optimal SWFs. Which is exactly the kind of buffs survivors need to level the playing field, that way SWFs are no longer such a hot topic issue and we can all stop complaining about how unfair they are.
What you're arguing is exactly my argument for why this is the best buff to tackle the SWF "problem".
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People totally sleep on how good the basic info perks Bond and Kindred are, especially if you couple them with Aces Open Handed. Even when playing with a group via phones there is a MASSIVE difference between knowing "I am in that jungle gym and I think the killer is on my toes", and seeing EXACTLY were everyone is. Heck, the constant info on the killer of Kindred+Open Handed is so unbelievable strong and has such a massive radius that its sometimes tempting the keep survivors hanging, just so that you know exactly what the killer is doing. With kindred I have looped poor killers far away from the hook around structures for way too long, and won every "mind game", because I could just see them through the walls.
But people who regularly play on coms handwave this perks as "training wheel perks" or "babies first perk lul" and skip them in favor or good, old DH, IW, BT and Unbreakable/CoH/the odd one personal touch perk.
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Every time someone says "I play solo queue and it's totally fine as is." it's almost a 100% guarantee that it's someone who's never played solo in their entire lives lmao. Or a killer main in disguise, twirling their mustache as they try to convince us that solo queue is in a good place.
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Your experience more accurately reflects reality because your invisible number is higher than theirs? That's not a particularly compelling argument.
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I have to agree with him. Most matches where solo queue bothers me is not due to the killer or lack of awareness of what teammates are doing. It's due to poor decision making by bad teammates. Nothing makes me rage more while playing solos lol. Even with kindred on bad players will still make bad plays, and that's the main problem.
You'll have kindred equipped and 3 people will still try and come save you. You'll save someone with we'll make it and they'll see you have we'll make it, but will refuse to stop self caring for you to heal them even though you're 50% slower while self caring. Survivors that will let you go to 2nd stage while they're hiding in a corner 5 feet away, even though the killer is on the other side of the map. Running the killer for 2 minutes before going down only to find out that not a single other person was doing generators.
No amount of buffs to solo queue is going to fix bad teammates. You wanna know what will? Fixes to matchmaking. Right now it's a lot easier to lose a few matches and be teamed with bad players than it is to lose a few matches and be paired with a bad killer. So you have instances where you're starting to get teamed with bad players, but because of how killer MMR works and the differential there, as well as backfill, you're still going against really good killers. So the likelihood of you escaping drops even further. Which means you'll have even worse teammates. So you're stuck in this ELO hell. Which makes survivors sweat harder to not lose because they don't want to get stuck in that situation. It's all just... Bad
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You have to agree? Yeah, sure, another killer main "agrees" that solo q is fine. Who would have thought..?
EVERYTIME I read "solo q is fine" it's ALWAYS a killer-main soloQ "god", who "wins" most of his solo q games and all other soloQ players just "can't play".
And just to prove my theory, here are your quotes:
"Oh no.... Killers now have 3 maps that are killer sided. Such unfair balance lol"
"Current dead hard allows them to press a single button and completely erase any outplay I did, and fix any mistake they made by getting them to the next area of safety. "
"Clicking and teabagging are toxic playstyles as well, both have been in the game since it started. Camping does not take advantage of any exploits or bugs, but is rather a playstyle around the mechanics of the game."
"Slugging the 3rd person to deny hatch for the 4th person is a strategy. If we're to remove a valid strategy for killer as OP suggested, then I'd like to see a strategy removed from survivors as well"
Another Killer-main biased opinion detected and successfully ignored.
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Oh a biased survivor main opinion. Ignored.
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More quotes taken out of context while all other information is tossed aside to fit your narrative.
I play both sides equally, including today in which I'm currently playing survivor solo q only. In fact I haven't played killer in about a week. I comment on both sides equally, and don't prefer either to the other.
Perhaps speak with intelligence next time? Instead of just trying to find stuff that fits the story the way you want it to
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It have an easy explanation my friend
They are gonna nerf/buff/balance all perks and they will recollect data for 3 years to see if they finally add info for the solo Q
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Where did I claim higher?
I just said it must be vastly different.
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Out of curiosity. Does this "you're a killer main, because your opinion varies from mine" actually mean anything else than a boring attempt to invalidate someone else's opinion?
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I could send you a couple of screenshots, if you want.
Jeez, this is starting to sound like a echo chamber, where every opinion that varies is instantly regarded as a killer main in disguise.
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Yes! I love using non meta builds and surprise killers with them. Everyone expects a DS hit, but no one expects to get hit by a pallet, when no one else is around. Thx to flip flop and power struggle I've escaped more often than using DS.
Bond tells me, if that heartbeat belongs to a approaching killer or if he's chasing someone else. I can see if someone is repairing nearby or if they are afk in the corner of the map. It's great!
2 -
How's your MMR then? Since you claim yours is very different than mine, I hope you know how much yours is?