Next Week Perks Rework Info

Anyone here afraid what they may do with some of the perks ?! I mean they don t know anything about "Balance". Probably the most part of the reworks may be buff the survivor perks and Nerf Killers perks once again...
Your opinion guys !
I'm afraid it won't be easy from now on. Never really struggle with it for simple reason: I assumed absolutely everyone has DH, DS and BT, and played accordingly. Now, if it is not basic perk, I will have to guess. Many perks will become completely useless (fearmonger, blood echo, etc).
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Survivors have plagued the game with Dead Hard long enough, thats the big thing i can say. Killers always get the end of the stick
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This overhaul will either open a chance for the game's health or shatter it to even more pieces. I'm hoping for the best.
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I feel the same although I'm also worried about what they are doing to survivor perks. I get it that DH is way too omnipresent but it's also the only truly fun and interesting exhaustion perk, I fear that they are going to kill its versatility. I also don't see how they could change Iron Will without completely killing it. I really hope they are not nerfing meta perks for the sake of it but sadly I think that is what is happening.
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For what I gathered from the Anniversary stream, I'm a bit concerned, but also hopeful. They are finally addressing generator speeds which is why I believe 2/3s of the perks in the list were there because they affected generator repairing and regression which I believe is a change in the positive side. I literally just got off of a match where the Survivors repaired a generator before I even rounded the map once as Killer, but then I also remember Forever Freddy was a thing a few years back up to the point it was impossible to do anything during matches as Survivor so I hope there can be a middle ground.
I only ever used Dead Hard as Survivor for challenges that required me to be chased for 240+ seconds so I could do it in one match and move to the next so I'm not too overly concerned about it. I'm curious about some perks that I rarely see used that were on the list, such as Tenacity, so we will see how it goes.
This game has needed a health patch for quite some time and much like many people I have my doubts, but I hope this is finally the patch where they address a series of errors and complaints from both parties.
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Are we talking about the same devs who work in dbd ?
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What they need to do is stop trying to do so many killer survivor patches and fix the main mechanics of the game like servers and hit boxes.
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Yeah, but they are not going to do that. I say as I always get hit through pallets by Killers who are a mile away and when I try I get pallet-stunned. Tasks always fail successfully.
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Killers should be much powerful than survivors because is 4 heads vs 1 and between the Main objectivo from both sides, survivor objective is way more Faster than the Main objective of the killer... I guess you guys who love this game know what kind of message i am trying to give...
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Sadly i know they will just try to rework these perks and add 100 more bugs into the game.
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Thats not true tho its a 1v1v1v1v1 since getting out is the objective so without communication there is no teamwork. Try playing some solo q's and tell me how it goes. I cant tell you how many times my teammates don't try to come rescue me off hook after looping the killer the whole game just so they can get out and raise their mmr and mine goes down. So yea definitely not a 4v1 bud
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If they mess with Iron Will Jeff needs an emergency hotfix
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I hope they are at least fun bugs like the entity getting kinky from the previous patch or the one where the Killers would wear the Survivors like their extraorbital hats with a completely new sense of "It's fashion", extra points for style when it happened to Plague and her runway catwalk.
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Bro i am killer Main However i play survivor too, Survivor i play most of the Marches solo, and believe me i don t fear the Killers at all and even without communication i escape 96% of the Times... When i am in full Squad (SWF) its even worse... The gens are done way way fast and i almost don t see the Killer in the match xD
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If only we are so lucky i mean look at the state of the game now vaults are broken red stains are broken and worst of all 4 patches and we still have rubber banding issues. Reworking all those perks sorry to say with bhvrs track record this game will be more broken than ever. Remember when we got the perk smash hit and for a month pallet stuns didn't work anymore which is the only way to trigger smash hit smh.
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Lol xD
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Exactly you get out because you gen jockey for the people who get chased they don't get out and I bet you get out because you don't go save them thank you for proving my point. Making it a 1v1v1v1v1
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No bro... I do a little bit everything, save, heal, chase, etc etc... Solo or with a Squad the trial Will always be 1v4... 4 Heads thinking against 1 xD Its just pain... I don t even understand where that (1v1v1v1v1) came out xD
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You literally just said you never see the killer so how do you get chased.
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Read again bro i didn t Said "Never saw the Killer" my play Style is stealth...
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So then you don't get chased lol exactly which is why solo q sucks because its a 1v1v1v1v1 if your being "stealthy" then your moving slow and not getting anything done while someone else is taking the attack you are literally making my argument for me.
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Bro 207 posts i wonder how many hours of dbd you have... And since when you start playing the game ? Trust me i am really fast doing things in dbd xD Most of the survivors don t like the stealth playstyle ya know xD
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I have 2.3k hours on pc started playing in Jan last year pc and 3k hours on ps4 played since 2017 so total about 5k hours. You are not understanding that you cant be "stealthy" while you loop right lol. yes they don't like it because it hurts the team again proving its not a 4v1 is this conversation going over your head? I think I'm going to stop having this conversation with you since it seems like its making you think to hard and you cant comprehend what I am saying.
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The meta needs to be shaken up TBH and DH the Devs themselves have said that survivors are using as not how it was intended to be used for so more then likely they will remove the distance and keep the IFrames and as for IW I predict that they will only reduce the suppression from 100% to 90% because frankly taking away the biggest way for Killers to track was silly and making it fully counter Stridor was stupid tbh no perk should fully counter the perk of the other be it Killer or Survivor.
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But the distance isn't the problem its the I-frames people are mad about. No one complained 6 months ago when there was no hit validation.
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Sorry for breaking your heart but i play since the beta of the game xD You know the beta right ? When survivors could constantly doing fast vaults and i mean it very fast vaults because the slow vaults never existed xD The beta that the Killer check had 2 Windows and 1 pallet... I guess i said everything bro... Lets end this confront because this not gonna help in anything... I don t discuss playstyles because i can have fun with any of them espacially now with this actual meta perks... XD
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Yea probably best doesn't seem like English is your first language so what I am saying about 1v1v1v1v1 is going over your head they didn't have mmr in beta so the beta means nothing your not breaking anything to me.
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No people are complaining about the distance where have you been every DH Nerf post is about the distance gained that allows survivors to get to a pallet and extend the chase. People don't have issues with the IFrames.
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Literally everything I've seen says loose the I frames using it for distance is just like using sprint burst might wanna go re-read the posts to make sure you read it right. My whole argument has been sprint burst is even more useful and everyone keeps saying at least sb doesn't have iframes.
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heres one you might want to read
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The concept of what they want to do which is fixing the games base problems instead of having it bandaid fixed with perks which is how it's been for years is a good idea. So great if done correctly. The problem is based on their track record of not understanding how to balance the game from the top down the likelyhood of them getting it correct is very low. I'm going to hope for the best but it's probably going to be a complete disaster.
They really need to get some of the higher hour players as consults to understand how to balance their game.
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You clearly don't read the forums that often because DH for distance has ALWAYS been the issue not IFrames because the IFrames is what DH was supposed to be dodge a attack and that's what the IFrames did. The reason why DH was better than SB is because players could CHOOSE when to use it while SB they can use it by mistake if they run too soon.
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You can choose to use sb whenever you want and get more distance im literally in 5 other posts and everyone is complaining about iframes not distance. I don't know if you play a lot of survivor but mastering 99 is one of the easiest things to learn to do in the game that's why pre dh working correctly no one complained about it and only complained about sb. If you think that once you use it its gone off a gen just use vigil and it comes right back.
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Lmao nothing in this game's history would suggest that they are just going to nerf the killer perks and buff survivor perks. How stupid is that?
Why do people have to still act like the devs only care for one side? It's getting so incrediby ridiculous at this point.
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My only concern is sweeping nerfs to regression, while not touching stuff like PTS and gen speeds in general, if you're against a group that knows to split up and hammer them out ASAP.
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Killers are definitely stronger than a survivor. Some of them not enough, but it's also really not that bad anymore.
Survivors objective time also grows the better a killer does. This is probably why some people feel this game is more survivor sided than it actually is, because they have these matches where they can't gain a lot of pressure at any time so the match goes by pretty fast.