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I don’t think SB will be meta after DH nerf



  • Member Posts: 514
    edited June 2022

    Okay well then I can assure as having over 2k hours of only survivor time on pc and like another 3k on ps4 and what you said is not how you would use sprint burst you don't bait swings with sprint burst or dead hard that's pointless you use it to get to another loop to combo the loops. Yes you definitely recharge it with vigil and fixated or self aware whatever its called now. Its not hard to recover sb while looping and 99 it again then using it again that is the point of sb loopers use it to run the night away so wither the killer has to be smart and leave which almost never happens or pay the price of chasing someone who is about to loop them to 0 gens left. Also I can assure you time in this game and studying your gameplay videos and watching others and being in a discord for people who do nothing but loop helps a lot. We don't play this game the same obviously.

  • Member Posts: 91

    All points aside, do you always sound really angry at killers? Sounds like a lot of pent up rage behind these comments.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    Good to know! I figured bc the perk says "whenever you become injured" BT wouldn't trigger it bc you're already injured but thanks for the correction !

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Just delude yourself. If SB was that good, why isn't it the top tier exhaustion perk right now?

  • Member Posts: 291

    SB is a great perk but most players don't like walking around the map and learning how to 99 Sprint burst can be tricky we might see more SB after the DH nerf but it's still won't be as strong as DH that's for sure.

    SB doesn't help you in chase,you just make distance and run away from the killer then it's up to them if they want to go after you or switch targets.

    I think Balanced Landing might become popular again this perk can help you get distance while in chase which is always nice,even tho it's still a situational perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    Bit off topic. But imagine facing basement trappers when DH gets nerfed. Awful thought! Hopefully it doesn't get too popular.

    Anyway when DH gets nerfed I imagine players will just replace it with perks like Prove Thyself, SB, Lithe or Adrenaline.

    Vault speed build might pickup a bit in popularity too since it has some of the benefits a DH for distance gives (albeit to a lesser extent, but at least it's consistent).

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    If the DH nerf is enough to make it garbage SB will take the spot, its the most reliable of every exhaustion perks, its always there, doesnt have any activation conditions, will always work, will always give you a decent headstart, can be used in any condition, its only problem is the others have more potential for greater plays but said potential is so hard and dependant almost never happens.

    Balanced Landing: extremely map and position dependant, some maps barely have any elevations and some of them only the hills, which are awful spots to go when being chased.

    Lithe: dependant on windows and sometimes vaulting a window/pallet and getting the speed may force you to change the tile if you want to take advantage of it and it may be a super safe tile.

    Overcome: doesnt work if you are injured or against an insta down Killer.

    Smash Hit: requires a pallet stun, if the pallet is safe you may not want to leave the tile, if the pallet is unsafe the Killer will respect it.

    Head On: please...

  • Member Posts: 514
    edited June 2022

    Because it is lol its the second best one if you go back into the forums when dh wasn't working for the last 5 years you would see that and 100% you will see it again. The reason its not talked about as much is new players aren't learning how to 99 it like they used to but once dh is gone again they will and just like before it will be the top discussion on the forums. If people learned how to 99 sb which in my opinion is way better than dh for distance instead of just relying on the iframes of dead hard all you would hear about is how sb is unfair.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Also people fail to take on account one of the reasons Sprint Burst is so underrepresented even when its so damn good is because its an exhaustion perk and you can only run one of those so people running DH will never equip SB, DH being picked 75% at high MMR means there is only room for a 25% SB usage.

    They are both mutually exclusive and SB being displaced by DH has made a lot of people forget how painful is to see someone SB away directly into Shack, Springwood houses of pain, the meat tree, Myers house etc... every single time you spot them (or directly never had to experience it because they started playing after DH overshadowed anything else).

  • Member Posts: 469

    Lithe is what I used to use thinking dead hard was overrated when I first started so I got it a little late but have been using dead hard ever since. That or sprint burst, but I don't have much experience using it. Definitely not running balanced since that perk is very situational and some maps have basically no high places to fall from.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I have seen survivors be doing all of these, but here is the thing: they do this at the START of the chase, and you can instantly decide: do I follow them, or do I chalk off this 5s as lost time? With DH you might chase someone for 35s, only for them to invalidate all your progress in an instand. SB can be annoying, but DH can be downright disheartening. No, I don't fear a SB meta more then I hate the current DH meta.

    And its also a skill issue: 99ing SB to be used at the purrfect moment takes some skill and I might salute you for that, while hitten E to reach that window that you had no business reaching just feels cheap and a lot of people can do it. Yes, bad plays can also waste DH much easier, but there is a reason why DH is used by over 50% of the population: reliable distance and I-frames on demand.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Eh, I don't like it because the killer gets to determine when it procs, not you, personally why I always run lithe

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    It's really not, SB is a very fair perk, you wanna save it for the chase? Good luck walking everywhere, you're 99ing it? Good, that's alot of setup so you deserve it

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Killers are going to complain about SB or wathever other perk, Killers ALWAYS complain about a perk, is a neverending cycle of complains, DH isnt the first perk to cause an outrage and it wont be the last, SB has a lot of potential to be the next contentious issue because it directly affects chases but the shift could go to any other perk, especially the reworked ones.

    On top of my head the complains since I started playing were: BT -> Self-Care -> Adrenaline -> DS -> MoM -> IW -> DH -> CoH -> DH and pretty much at least one perk from every Survivor on the PTB until the Survivor releases and the perks show they are actually useless. Not saying some perks werent worth of complaining, especially release MoM and first iteration DS, but it gets tiresome seeing a perk nerfed and 1 week later the same exact "Nerf [Perk] its OP and Killer feels miserable, this Survivor used [Perk] and now my feelings hurt badly" threads.

  • Member Posts: 7,777
  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited June 2022

    Because most of them werent nerfed yet they are not contetious anymore? Adrenaline, BT and IW are the exact same as they were when I started playing (I know BT was nerfed several times but it was pretty much the way it is now when I started, except the Deep Wounds mechanic).

    Where are the 4 daily threads about nerfing them into the ground? They are not broken anymore? The thing is people bandwagon and bandwagon bad, especially if Streamer™ says [Thing] is superbroken, even if the problems with [Thing] stem from their own mistakes, I do believe DH needs a change but once its changed it wont be long before something gets targeted again and SB has a lot of tickets to be the new target.

    Edit: It also feels tiresome a lot of the nerf perk daily threads invoke how miserable players are and how much it hurts their emotional being seeing someone using wathever perk is the current target, like come on, what kind of easy life you have for it for DH/Adrenaline/BT/Wathever being the thing that makes you miserable? give me a break with the sad feelings over a freaking game...

  • Member Posts: 7,777
    edited June 2022

    Iron Will received a bunch of complaint threads after the recent Stridor nerf/sound calculation change.

    BT also received a bunch of complaint threads after it allowed for almost guaranteed safe unhooks/teammate farming during the period that Emblems still determined rank.

    Most people are stating that SB will NOT be as powerful as DH and providing solid reasoning. The weaknesses of SB are more than apparent. Most of the posts stating otherwise come from the same old DH defenders and/or people known for just being contrary for the sake of being a contrarian - Time will certainly tell which is stronger.

    Finally, I hope you see the irony in your last paragraph - I don't think the topic is worth the emotional investment you're giving it.

  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited June 2022

    Im not putting any emotional investement into this, Im just discussing why I believe SB has a lot of tickets to be the next target for "nerf this" threads because its actually a very good perk, Im not saying is as powerful as DH or it will be, I dont know why you imply Im stating that, what Im implying is, people always bandwagon against something, then they bandwagon against something else even if the first thing that caused the outrage is left untouched and that is a fact because it has been happening since forever.

    Sure, BT and IW got some complaints, a lot of stuff get complains from time to time, but they never got the same attention they got when they were targeted, there wasnt a ton of daily threads about them, the complains after they were targeted lasted 1 week and then people went to pile up against wathever was the current target which is what Im saying is going to happen after DH gets changed, something else will get attention from someone and suddenly everyone wants to gut it.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Alright sureeeeeee, let's just pretend survivors are precious little angels that don't do no wrong and don't complain about anything...right

  • Member Posts: 7,777

    If anything feels unfair or broken, of course people will complain.

    People dogpiling on DH/SB now are about as silly as people dogpiling on Nurse - no one knows the perk/system changes at this point.

    If they, say, buff Self Care to CoH levels of silliness, why wouldn't people jump on the discussion?

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    No trapper you can force the m1 lothe is actively worse vs trapper because your encouraged to jump into traps.

    Wroath has to recloak post hit and spot you have overcome sooner to know ot worthwhile doing. Instadown killer is the only good example where sprint burst and lithe would be better pf which there is only two consistent instadowners the others have long periods of powercooldown.

    Nurse is more deadly when you hop thrpugh windows as your telling her exaclty where you are. Stop using windows vs nurse when possible. Lithe is terrible as it can be switched off very easily by a lack of windows. It will be sprint burst most likely. Though i will expect it a lot less then crutch hard. Assuming dead hard gets gutted wh8ch it wont. They porbably will half ass it and give you less distance on dead hard and itll still be to strong.

  • Member Posts: 901

    If Sprint Burst does become the new meta I don't think there will be much complaints with it because it's very easy to counter and it doesn't help you that much most of the time.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Of course stuff that feels unfair is deserving of complains that is normal but what its absurd is the way the comunity bandwagons stuff just because, a lot of complained stuff hasnt changed much or changed at all but since someone with visibility decided to go after something else they just forget about it so either it wasnt broken enough for people to literally cry or have mental breakdowns or they dont even know why they were complaining in the first place. I complain about Nurse being broken and if they buff Coulrophobia to give a 10000% gen slowdown to the entire map Ill complain about both things because Nurse is still broken.

    Then again, the thread is about how SB is actually a strong perk and has a lot of chances for being the next bandwagon because thats how the comunity behaves since 2018.

  • Member Posts: 7,777

    Not really the intent I got from the OP, but we can agree to disagree.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    You are right, it was the other way around, OP talked about SB not being meta and people started saying it will probably take the throne because its the best exhausting perk after DH and how it was going to get the target, my bad, I mixed the thread with another discussion in the channels.

  • Member Posts: 7,777

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