Scared of perk overhaul

During last year devs kinda shew that they are not very good at balancing game. Boil over got buff that make it abusable and uncounterable, annoying in some maps, got nerfed twice. Boon CoH was introduced, needed nerf and then a not really needed second nerf. Julie's mixtape got reworked and nerfed a week later. Overzelaus or how is it called getting rework one week after release. Legion's and Ghostface rework was so minor, that they are still hardly relying on add ons. New maps have busted loops and some infinites. Dead man switch was buffed from niche perk to extremely oppressive meta, making solo queues even more painfull. Yes, we will see. But hope devs understand that this update will be a huge step forward and defienetly on of most important one. Will either keep game alive or will kill it entirely. Hope devs understand that solo qeues need massive quality of life changes.


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I'm also really trepidatious about it, but not for your bizzare and wrong reasons. I'm concerned that they're nerfing every regression perk with nominal compensatory buffs.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    I'm worried 2 , mostly worried mind breaker will become meta lol, I love object of obsession 2 much.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Let’s say I'm cautiously optimistic.

    Dead Man's Switch is just so good, because it is combined with SH:PR witch let's it basically auto-proc at least once. Once you know the killer has DMS you just need to decide what you do after someone gets hooked and then commit. I'm fine with that. Maybe they should remove the block when one of 2 or 3 people leaves a Gen.

    I use Mindbreaker on Myers, because I hate people with SC and SB to notice me from 36m and run away before I can stalk. I also like Object although I think it's a bit underwhelming.

    This is also my biggest fear....

  • Metronix
    Metronix Member Posts: 226

    I'm a bit scared, but quite more curious and relaxed. The thing is, the outcome is already set. Someone will complain. There is nothing, that can be done about it.

    Besides this I think there will be good things and bad things. What's positive about that you might ask? Well, statisticly spoken it is "impossible" that every nerv/buff/rework will be a disaster. That means it will overall be a fresh breeze in the current game and that is something I'm looking forward to. :)

  • Elan
    Elan Member Posts: 83

    I'll leave a idea what changes I'd like too see to those 39 perks.

    Tinkerer - remove undetectable status effect.

    BBQ - Aura after hooking someone is basekit, BP bonus remanis same and BBQ now respawn hook after survivor dies on it.

    BT - basekit, perk now respawn survivor at different location after killer stays in close proximity for at least 5s.

    Bottany knowledge- healing others are 50 % faster, effeciency increased to 40 %, no longer increase self heal speed.

    Calm spirit - Avoid urge to scream, 30s after being injured grunts of pain are muffled.

    Corrupt - 2 generators are blocked for 80s at the start of the trial, each time generator is completed, the generator with least progress is blocked for 15s.

    Coulrophobia - mercilles storm skillchecks when healed in TR.

    Dark devotion - instead of survivor carries your TR, it's now muffled for 20s.

    Dark sense - Hiding inside locker reveals killer aura for 5s, 30s cooldown.

    Dead hard - Press the "E" to gain iframe and avoid a hit, distance you make is 0,5m instead of 2m.

    Decisive strike - when you are unhooked, DS activates for unlimited time. When picked up by killer you can stun him for 5s. Each individual DS is deactivated once a different survivor is hooked and you are not in the dying state.

    Deja Vu - Each time a generator is completed you see aura of a gen with most progress for 10s.

    Distortion - 5 tokens instead of 4.

    Eruption - Each survivor you hit but not downed is afflicted by Eruption, when survivor is put into dying state all healthy survivors afflicted with eruption become injured.

    SC: Gift of pain - Mangled and Hemmorage is removed when downed, 9 % penalty is now to vaulting, opening chests, gates, cleansing totems.

    Hope - 5 % haste instead of 7 %, now is activated untill you leave the trial.

    Iron will - Press E to muffled you grunts of pain for 20s, has 80s cooldown.

    Surge - 5 % from 8 %, generator regresses at 200 % after proc.

    Knock out - Survivor in the dying state have their grunts of pain 100 % louder.

    Lethal pursuer - basekit, now makes effect 5s longer.

    Leightweight - The intensity of SM is reversed. Means closer to you the less visible they are.

    Lucky break - is now paused when healing, during healing your aura is hidden from killer.

    Monstrous shrine - now is scourge hook, when survivor is unhooked from the hook, all other survivor screams and suffer from exhaustion and blidness for 25s.

    Noed - now longer hex, when a unique survivor is hooked Noed gains a token, when all generators are finished, all survivors are exposed for 15s per each token.

    Left behind - now activated once exit is powered.

    Overzelous - you lose the repair speed bonus when downed.

    Off the record - When healing survivor from the dying state both grunts of pain, auras and healing noses are muffled. Failed skillchecks dont trigger notification.

    Overcharge - regression from failed skillcheck is 5 % instead of 10 % and can be activated only on one generator atm.

    Pain resonance - If survivor is hooked on a scourge hook all generators that are not worked on regress at 200 % for as long as the hooked survivor remains on the scourge hook. When unhooked, the gererator with most progress is revealed to you in yellow aura.

    Pop - 12 % from 25 %, kicking gens when pop is active is 50 % faster.

    Pharmacy - opening speed 100 % faster. Now has two tokens, rummage to spend a token and scavenge an emergency medkit.

    Ruin - No longer hex, add 50 % regression. Mean if you run Call of brine and Ruin, gens regress at 250 % speed.

    Saboteur - Cooldown 30s, no longer disabled on sabo attempt.

    Self care - has 2/3/4 tokens. Each token grants you ability to heal self at 70 % of healing speed. No longer grants increased effeciency. When healing with medkit, self care lose a token, while your healing speed is increased by 20 %.

    Sole survivor - Each time survivor dies gain a token. 1st token grants you 3 % haste for the first 5s of each chase. 2nd token grants you 5 % increased vault speed, search speed and exit opening speed. 3rd token hide your aura from the killer and removes your scratch marks.

    Spine chill - No longer triggers when killer is undetectable.

    Tenacity - 70 % from 50 %.

    Thanatophobia - 3 % per survivor, now doesn't expire when survivor dies.

    We gonna live forever - healing speed is now 50 %, gain token when you save teamate from hook, take protection hit, pallet save, flashlight save, heal from dying state, late heals.

  • Xord
    Xord Member Posts: 517

    Trigger alert for this post.

    Boil over was still a pretty meh perk even at 100%. It got nerfed because it affects console players more than PC players. They should've looked for a fix rather than just make the perk console only.

    Boon CoH still heavily needs a nerf because it's never been properly nerfed. The healing speed has never been the problem.

    Julie's mixed nerfed? When? It just recharges Feral Frenzy when stunned.

    Legion's rework is huge. Just for the reduces stun after feral frenzy ends.

    Dead Man's switch is a good combo with pain resonance but... the generator also doesn't regress when blocked. You can take advantage of that by making sure you tap that gen when DMS ends.