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Nurse has no business in modern DBD

Jasonisanicefella Member Posts: 377
edited June 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

DBD has changed a lot since I started playing in 2018 around the Legion chapter.

The meta on both sides has shifted substantially and a lot of the previous, silly and unfair things are out of the game.

For better, or for worse, many things have changed like holding W has, largely, substituted looping etc

Now the new perks rework is designed to shift this even more and, if this is done for real not just number changes, this will mark the further evolution of DBD.

Whether this will be good or bad, it remains to be seen. One thing is clear though, the direction the devs are taking the game is towards a shift of the meta.

In this process of evolution, a vestigial appendix from the past (Nurse) also needs to go.

She is the remnant of a period where DBD was a completely different game, and she is, at her essence, never been changed. She can ignore the majority of the physics of the game and that in modern dbd is unacceptable.

Nurse needs to go as she is, she needs to be brought in line with how the game works now, not how to game used to work in 2016.

She must be made accessible to everyone, including console, and fair to play as and against.

Current nurse needs to go.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Neither exhaustion perks, gen progression perks.

    The fact that nurse still bugs out in 2022 and people still ask for nerfs on her is funny.

    She is one of the only ones that can counter "modern" dbd where everything is hold W pre drop pallet, you want less killer players.

    Nurse is nowhere near where she once was and you should know that since you started with legion.

    Her blinks still bug, sometimes because a branch is on the way you still blink in place, you look up near the basement and you still go to it.

  • Ayamir
    Ayamir Member Posts: 291

    Alright guys we all hate Nurse but can we stop with the nerf nurse threads it's just pointless yknow everybody has been saying the same thing,the same arguments over and over for years now but to no success the devs are too scared to nerf her into the ground.

    I agree with everything you said,me and many others such as @Omans we all know that Nurse is unhealthy for the game and should be reworked but BHVR just won't listen to us they don't want to make the sweaty Nurse mains mad or else we're gonna have a civil war on the forums.

    You'll see the same nurse dickri- don't want to be rude but it's always gonna be the same people defending Nurse and bringing up some nonsense BS but what can you do they're too delusional they don't want their OP Toy to be nerfed.

    Braces yourselves they're coming "Break LoS 4Head" argument always makes me laugh it just shows how stupid these people can be.

    anyways no point spamming Nerf Nurse threads it's pointless and won't change anything.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Oh this is new a Delete Nurse thread. But hate to break it to you but Nurse isn't going anywhere so instead of being Poster # 2 bajillion let's all try to learn how to counter her. Nurse isn't all powerful can't be looped etc...her power has limits and she can be countered, you just have to not use every old strat that works on other Killers.

  • DeadByCommunity
    DeadByCommunity Member Posts: 157

    Nurse is hard to Master/Learn on all platforms an is one of the few strongest killers in the game. Imo there isn't that many nurses or good ones at that. I go against at least 1 everyday but it's not that bad. Besides out of the 28 killers she is 1 of the few good ones next to blight vs 4 people with 16 perks combine an outnumber by offerings if they bring maps.

  • Jasonisanicefella
    Jasonisanicefella Member Posts: 377

    exhaustion and gen progress perks can go too, hopefully they will (with exception of head-on because it is nowhere near the others)

    See? what you just said literally confirms the point "She is one of the only ones that can counter "modern" dbd where everything is hold W pre drop pallet, you want less killer players."

    If the new dbd is holding W, you cannot have in the game something which completely counters that, it does not make any sense. Holding W is the direction of the game, destroying the direction of the game with a killer from 2016 doesn't make sense.

    She cannot ignore most physics of modern DBD, she needs to respect the map rules like everyone else, see blight, or spirit.

  • Jasonisanicefella
    Jasonisanicefella Member Posts: 377

    You can still have a good killer who doesn't break the rules of the game.

    Nurse can be strong, but in line with the current rules.

    You cannot have a killer who can, largely, ignore maps. She can be as good as blight, or spirit, but her current skillset is game breaking and it needs to go.

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    Nurse is fine just get better at the game

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    And how is removing/nerfing current nurse healthy for current dbd? So there will be less killers that can counter that.

    You are just asking for hold W to be more trouble instead of fixing that first then killers.

    Also other killers can get around certain things better than nurse.

    Also the same physics you are talking about are the same they have been since release, some are even stronger for the survivor side.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    Nurse needs a complete rework without teleportation through everything. Not a single killer can do that and there’s a reason for that.

    Nurse is outdated game design.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    So what do you want? A 110% killer with 1 blink which has a max range of 15m that can't pass through walls?

  • Snivo
    Snivo Member Posts: 11

    wrote three long replies before scrapping them since its not even worth the effort, I just have three .txts named "nurse argument 1-3" now. What any nurse main says wont change anything since most survivors are unwilling to cope with the fact nurse isnt broken and find it more fun to complain than comply. Your skill issue bruh, cant say half of the nurse mains didn't try explaining it already lmao. Thats the truth, nurse hasnt gotten a rework (and wont get one) because shes isn't broken, join the smart party of people who learned her counterplay instead of typing how unfair nurse is, cus it wont do anything lmao