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5 sec Haste to stop tunneling is a joke.

If anything DS needed a buff more than a nerf since the last change made the perk only work as anti-tunnel perk. 5 sec stun wasn't even enough against killers like Nurse/Spirit/Blight. Keeping in mind the perk only work once per match.
Now it's nerfed (again), to be 3 sec only and dosen't work in end game. Why? Because some streamers (for some reason) still hate it. But hey now we have 5 sec haste effect! Obviously tunnelling will stop now!
Solo survivors gl.
Use the new Off the Record if that bothers you.
10 -
DS, possibly the most counterplayable perk in the entire game, got a double nerf with no compensation.
-Clearly-, the devs want Off The Record to simply take its spot, since it now serves roughly the same function, but for a little longer, and it works off every hook, including EGC unhooks.
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What you have to protect against tunnelling at base now - 5 secs of haste and endurance
what you had before - literally nothing
I'm sorry if you feel that's a downgrade, it isn't though
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Thanks I'm sure that will help against Nurse and Blight. Oh and I'm sure they're terrified of my 3 second DS stun as well.
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Nothing to do with streamers hating it. That 5 second endurance and haste will make a big difference, you can't just instantly hit off hook, you actually have a chance, and the survivor who saved u, has a chance to body block and take a protection hit. We don't know exactly how it will be, but DS should be nerfed since there is buffs to prevent tunneling and things in that nature. Also BT and other perks make that effect even better. DS guaranteed u would escape end game, how lame is that? I think the changes are great. I never used DS that much anyways. I play both survivor and killer. We will see though, they'll be keeping an eye out on everything. I could be totally wrong about everything.
My concern is 5 seconds may not actually be enough, but we will see. and again, perks like BT and Off Record will buff those effects.
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Then run DS and off the record. If 5 seconds of haste, a 3 second stun, and 80 seconds of endurance can't help you, it's doubtful anything could.
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I thought they were shifting the meta from tunneling someone out of the game being the most effective option? Now I have to devote half my perks to maybe last another minute or two? Oh and that tier 2 bloodlust coming in at 25 seconds will help a lot of bad killers tunnel faster.
Great times all around. When are we buffing nurse and blight again?
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I really hope the speed boost stacks with baby sitter.
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DS should deactivate when other Survivor hooked after you. Sometimes I hooked 3 Survivors (or 2) and still first Survivor has a DS. It is not healthy for the game.
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lmao survivors are the most winey mfs i swear. 4 DS thats 4 hooks gone and lots of time wasted. survivors damn sure dont need a buff. What YOU need is to find friends and stop playing with randoms.
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I've had enough time to fully stalk someone, mori them, get lost on RPD, down someone else, only to then eat a DS.
Absurd. XD
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Yeah, I just really processed the OTR change, and holy cow. You're gonna have to be a dedicated tunneler to ride that one out.
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yeah, i read the effect and the numbers and thought: "That is even better than old DS"
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Well you are not terrified of the killer either, are you? Are you terrified of Omega Blink oe Alchemist Ring?
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What are you talking about?
You got basekti changes which will help a lot, for example Bubba will not be able to kill both survivors during unhooking, which is great.
BT is way better. DS should stay 5 sec imo, but Off the record is great alternative.
Only thing missing and needed is more time per hook stage, which will be needed with more time per gen. like 10 sec per stage should do the trick imo.
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Terrified? No. Are they both absurdly broken, meta, and entirely absent from this update? Yes.
I'm not even sure what your point was btw..
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I wouldn't necessarily object to it being slightly longer and I hope they do extend it if it turns out not to be enough, but I want to see how it plays out. Being able to guarantee sprint burst after being unhooked is also nice.
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Yes, DS has counterplay. But let's be honest: What choice do I have? Attempt a 12 hook match and have a very hard time against good teams or tunnel someone to death and have an easier time.
I don't like tunneling and I only do it if i really need to (aka 3 gens pop in 2min or during the EGC), but DS still messes with a lot of things. Especially if you are too effective and hook more people in short time. And even if you don't face a DS during the match, you will get stabbed during EGC. I've seen it and did it myself a hundred times. I lost count how many times I escaped, because I had DS. It is good that this is gone. I don'T like the 3s stun though. THey had it this short years ago, before they changed it, but they buffed it to 5s because you staggered after getting from the killer's shoulder and could not get the full momentum quick enough. So maybe a compromise of 4s?
And I guess that OTR will get nerfed quickly too. Although even that perk has counterplay, since Endurance doesn't work if you get grabbed. So pallets, non-fast-vault windows and Traps are your best friend.
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The 5 second haste and endurance effect isn't long enough, it should be 12 seconds. And DS really didn't need any nerf at all.
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So why should the killer be terrified of your 5s BT? Usually survivors don't. fear anything the killer has too.
Why Blight and Nurse are not in this update? because the killers themselves are not OP or broken. Bugged, yes, but not broken. Are some addons of these killers too strong? yes. (the recently confirmed not-a-bug-but-a-feature range addons and alchemist ring/blighted crow).
Please seperate addons from the killer before you scream "OP pls nerf".
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We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Right now, this is the effect that we have.
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DS is supposed to be an anti-tunnel perk. If the perk does nothing to prevent being tunneled, why does it exist? And since the devs wrote a lengthy paragraph about how survivors "can switch up their perk loadouts without fear that camping and tunneling will cut their next match short", why nerf the most effective anti-tunnel perk? Because 5 seconds of BT and an extra 1.4 meters of distance will stop a killer tunneling? LOL
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Nothing will stop a killer from tunneling ever. People who think that need to finally wake up.
But: these 5s will make it harder for the killer to capitalise on hook farms where the unhooker doesn't have BT. Usually the killer would go around the unhooker to get the person from the hook and prevent bodyblocking. This is what is harder to do now. And this is what was so frustrating about getting farmed. You can't decide if you want to get saved or not.
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well i do think they should have it like they do at tournys with swf. all survivors must run different builds.
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You're aware the anti-tunneling perks that used to exist still exist, right? Continue using those if you're so worried that the new basekit mini-BT isn't up to the task.
It was added to prevent people from feeling like they HAD TO bring BT, not fully replace it.. and heck the haste effect is a nice addition to it (and to BT itself) so I don't see why you're complaining, you used to not have that at all in the past.
And as TAG said, just bring Off the Record if you're worried, then you'll be able to run around the map twice and still have Endurance
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Actually no 7% additional ms means the nurse has to account for you having that much farther to go and forces more difficult blinks. Blight wise turning a corner that bit faster is huge for messing up his lethal rushes and turning those all important corners. If a killer's gonna tunnel you they will now know baseline that injured survivor will be that bit harder to catch. Useless is a nonsense statement. It will still be on the unhooker to encourage the killer to chase them over the injured survivor. Don't take the good loop from the injured survivor you should be baiting with a hit or a weaker tile.
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It's 1.4 meters of distance over 5 seconds lol. But I'm sure I'll dodge nurse blinking with range add ons or blights 180 degree hitbox with double speed no problem.
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They are blinking and using bump logic with base survivor movement speed it will take that bit more experiance to account for enhanced speed. Dont take my word for it try out hope vs nurse/blight and you will see her whiff at least one attack due to muscle memory.