Let's talk about it...

Yes, like Salt and Pepper said lets talk about sex.

(Adults only.) Lets have a grown up discussion. 

I want to start about by saying at the end of the end this topic doesn't ultimately matter of effect the game and how anyone plays or enjoys its.

But I'm kinda curious about the sexuality of the survivors. And I want to know your thoughts and figures crossed some insight from the devs.

I am a huge fan of Nea. I like her strength and I like her style. I would make my day to find out if she is gay/bi. It adds to her character and would be nice to have someone to look up to.

So, lets be adults and tell me what do you think. Hate speech in a box to the left. 

Kim 😘


  • ZiNc
    ZiNc Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 250

    I... don't think this is the proper place for this discussion.

  • Kimberlysghost
    Kimberlysghost Member Posts: 7
    iAm_ZiNc said:

    I... don't think this is the proper place for this discussion.

    Fair enough. If mods/devs think it needs to be removed I understand. I'm not asking to be graphic in this topic. Just would be nice to know if there are any characters in the game for LGBT people to relate to. Not trying to cause drama.
  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    I can't say I care too much.

    I feel like it would come off as desperate if they just went 'hey guys btw Nea's gay!'

    Revel in the mystery.

  • Kimberlysghost
    Kimberlysghost Member Posts: 7

    I can't say I care too much.

    I feel like it would come off as desperate if they just went 'hey guys btw Nea's gay!'

    Revel in the mystery.

    Love this point of view. Like I said it really doesn't matter at the end of the day. If I want her to be cool. If not, no biggie.
  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165
    I would like to say it really depends on you yourself. I can say that Meg has a love triangle with Tapp and David, she has conflicts with David because he is always thinking of himself and he's an ######### to everyone. But with Detective Tapp he is way to obsessed (pun intended) on thinking he can catch The Entity. But he always makes sure she is safe and everyone else. So it really depends on you yourself, not what others think.
  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    As like as they aren't ######### I could care less what their sexuality is.

  • robin
    robin Member Posts: 149

    Honestly I feel like adding details like that are unnecessary, I'd rather them focus on the gameplay and balance. Plus, once they dive into topics like that I feel like they're opening up to possible controversy, it'd be best to let the users come up with that stuff.

  • Grandma
    Grandma Member Posts: 36

    Well we mostly know about the licensed characters. As for the originals, well... I'm not sure. I love to project random stuff onto people (Jake is ace, nea is gay, etc) but we really cannot know for sure.

  • owryen
    owryen Member Posts: 5

    I don't know why this would be inappropriate? It's a random, general question pertaining to the game? I'll be severely disappointed if it's removed.

    As soon as I saw Nea, I was like HI MY SUPER GAY FRIEND! lmao and it's honestly why I play as her so often. Also, I see Dwight and Meg as bisexual and Feng as ace. hugs my queer loves I think it would be great of we got to know their backstories more and so on. But I'm also okay if they don't.

    Just as a side note, I find it interesting how a lot of people are super quick to dismiss even the idea of this topic....it matters to some people. Just think about that sometimes.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    @owryen said:
    I don't know why this would be inappropriate? It's a random, general question pertaining to the game? I'll be severely disappointed if it's removed.

    As soon as I saw Nea, I was like HI MY SUPER GAY FRIEND! lmao and it's honestly why I play as her so often. Also, I see Dwight and Meg as bisexual and Feng as ace. hugs my queer loves I think it would be great of we got to know their backstories more and so on. But I'm also okay if they don't.

    Just as a side note, I find it interesting how a lot of people are super quick to dismiss even the idea of this topic....it matters to some people. Just think about that sometimes.

    Making things political and diverse for the sake of doing so defeats the purpose in the first place. Asking for this kind of thing to be expanded upon would simply be pandering at this point. I understand you I really do, and I'm not dismissing anything.

    I just fundamentally disagree with adding this kind of layer on top of the game when it would do nothing to further the creative vision of the product itself.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    I thought Nea right away was lesbian. Dwight not really sure about. Meg just stroke me as the futbol girl. The rest, never really thought about.

    I understand why people would want to know for certain, but I think personal projection is the best honestly

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    What in your mind said bringing up sex on a video game forum was a good idea?

  • owryen
    owryen Member Posts: 5

    @CallMeRusty420 said:
    What in your mind said bringing up sex on a video game forum was a good idea?

    They're talking about sexuality. Not erotica or anything like that.

  • swenpai
    swenpai Member Posts: 259
    edited May 2018
    Why do you care?
    It's multiplayer horror game.
    No one cares about their sexuality.
    If you do then DBD is not for you and I recommend moving to another game.
  • INoLuv
    INoLuv Member Posts: 464

    Would cause conflict on everyone, certain survivors should me loners outcasts

  • swenpai
    swenpai Member Posts: 259

    damn that's a really dumb and homophobic reply just came here to apologize for that lol

  • Livion
    Livion Member Posts: 162

    You've grown up a lot since 2018 (it still baffles me that this conversation is still up and running after so much time)