You forgot to nerf SWF with the 40 perk changes

SWF is literally the strongest perk in the game. You can get at least 12 perks worth of information per game by talking. How do we nerf SWF in a fun and fair way?
It's really simple : change SWF so that no character/perk/item can be repeated.
This makes solo queue strong because you can use whatever perk you want. This keeps SWF fun because you can talk to your friends but now you have limits.
Counter point : the killer is punished by playing against SWF. See 4 people dressed the same? that's a good time to find a new lobby.
You should not get an immediate advantage for playing SWF and that is exactly what happens. The moment you enter a SWF group and have voice communication you are better at the game.
If you tell your group he dropped chase then they get a 10 second warning. If you tell your group your generator is 50% completed then you just saved 40 seconds. If you tell your group when you see a hex totem you can save minutes of time searching.
The devs released statistics last year that showed being in a SWF increased escape rates by 15% on average. Meanwhile some killers got nerfed for having a 4% higher kill rate (RIP Freddy/Billy).
Meanwhile the post about the 40 perk changes literally says : The average kill rates are lower than we would like.
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Survive with friends shouldnt be nerfed. some aspects of killer and solo queue should be buffed
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If you're in a SWF on voice coms you have the potential to basically be getting 12-16 perks worth of information. How are you going to make that fair to the killer. If we ignore limiting SWF then that means two options.
1) Efficiency reduction by 5% for each SWF member. The penalty will last the entire game regardless of alive status and stack with all other negatives. (This was Truetalent's suggestion years ago).
2) Killer gets to pick 4 perks that only activate : in case of SWF. In short when playing against SWF the killer would get 8 perks and the SWF would get voice coms. That would "almost" level the playing field.
You're one of those people that wants to have their cake and eat it too. Since SWF is a fun mode to play with friends - the limits won't matter as it won't really limit how you play since you're not sweaty anyway.
What you don't realize is that 75% of the survivor player base only plays DBD in a SWF. This is the data devs gave us years ago. Even if it is only a 2 man SWF - that's still huge. It removes the doubt and hesitation upon which the game is balanced. Your friend on the hook can tell you if you need to come for the save or you can stay to work on a generator. This could save 30 seconds for a single communication. An extra 30 seconds to finish the last generator is an ocean of time.
It would be different if the devs gave killers BBQ vision by default, and Lethal Pursuit too. SImply put SWF gives a colossal advantage and not "adjusting" for it makes killers quit all the time. During the majority of the 24 hour play cycle there is never enough killers. Know why? Because people get tired of playing against SWF groups.
Take a tournament winning team like Oracle and remove their voice coms. Let them play against another lower ranking team but allow the "underdogs" voice coms. Do you know what would happen? Oracle would lose.
SWF is the biggest advantage you can have in DBD and it has zero "cost" for the team.
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make it so you can only party with 2, maybe 3 man, but not all 4. need to have one potato rando. XD
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what is so problematic about SWF? I'm a killer main and I seriously don't understand, like who cares if you lose one game. It's not like your rank is going to determine if you can make an e-sports team or prove anything, and one game isn't even gonna change much. Besides, there's basically zero way to nerf SWF, you're essentially saying "take away the option to play with friends", to which I say wheres the challenge at that point? I love when I get lobbies where people are actively communicating, its challenging and funny that people are try-harding at a game like DBD lmao, but presents a good challenge for me as a killer. It's not an immediate L, I would love to see anybody complaining about SWF play quite literally any team-based game competitively (IE: Splatoon, Valorant, Overwatch etc.). This could just be me since I've grown up and continue to play in competitive environments with games, but coming from that standpoint, complaining about people using comms is literally just saying "I hate it when people play the game together". I get the difference being "well its a 1v4", but dude its literally DBD, who cares. Like seriously is one game against survivors using comms really that mentally damaging.
Also to your main point, that's a terrible idea. You're actively limiting the players options, and how would that even work? So perks can repeat if you go in solo, but other players in said solo can still have repeating perks? Playing with +1 is where that would come into effect, and what happens when you're just playing with a +1? Does the game have to search for survivors using different perks or does it not matter? Saying a "nerf" is needed for SWF is the silliest thing I've genuinely heard not just in DBD, but in any game I've literally ever played. and no, adding a separate queue for SWF is a terrible idea. if theres already this many people complaining, why would anybody play it. It'd literally be a dead queue.
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Reading comprehension is not your friend. I said another team in the tournament.
You're a survivor main if you don't think SWF needs to be balanced. The second you join a SWF with voice coms you are better at the game because you get free info perks.
Also a 2 man SWF is still SWF. Gens are too fast because everyone knows exactly where to go and exactly when to do everything. Nobody in a swf is going to go start a generator when one is at 50% progression.
Since SWF is just to play with your friends it really won't matter what restrictions we put on it. The bottom line is that SWF gives a 15% escape advantage. There is nothing in the game with that much influence except maybe DH which is getting a huge nerf soonโข.
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same ong
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what does that mean?