Here is a better iron will nerf suggestion.

Since iron will is getting completly gutted to become useless ( even though in my opinion it didn't need to be changed, maybe a slight nerf but thats it)
Here is a better suggestion to nerf iron will that still keep it strong or at lest decent instead of outright terrible now
Iron will
You're able to concentrate and enter a meditative-like state to numb some pain.
When your go from healthy to injured iron will activates for 75 seconds and your grunts of pain noise are reduced by 100%
For every 25 seconds your still injured your grunts of pain noise increases by 45/35/25%
Iron will timer reset when your fully healed.
I think this change if fair as it still provides the stealth it needed for be good but also continues to punish survivor that choose to stay injured for long periods of time.
What do you think about this idea?
any idea is better than what they're currently planning tbh. i'd take that any day over it being utter garbage
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Yep I agree anything is better then the change
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IMO if they want to nerf it, the Exhaustion-part of the new effect is an alright Nerf on its own. And then they should keep it at 100%. So if a Survivor is really completely silent, the Killer at least does not have to deal with an Exhaustion Perk and vice-versa.
However, if they want to reduce the Noise Reduction, something overtime is an option. Basically your idea, but with bigger numbers, which get smaller over time, since the biggest jump is from 100% to 75%. (So it takes longer for the Survivor to make any injured sounds, but at this point, they become louder pretty fast)
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I agree completely the exhaustion part would have been enought for it.
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The nerf is fine. The original change was only made to counter spirit. You have all the cues in the world to beat her now so there's no reason to keep IW busted.
At least you'll have killer variety. 🙃🙈
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I think your take of "outright terrible" is just wrong. Have you ever played against a T2 Iron Will user before? Because that is exactly 75% reduction and it's still very much noticeable and significantly harder to track.
Current Iron Will is absolute overkill. I run it pretty much on every single one of my survivor builds because it's just so broken. It even removes breathing sounds when you are injured.
I think the current changes seem okay. 75% is absolutely usable, if you can mindgame the killer a bit to get further away it's hard to hear you.
Is it much worse than it was? Yes.
Is it unusable? No, it's still usable if you want to be safer while injured.
Now I do understand most people won't actually run it, because we got used to the OP version and won't even consider using the new one
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I have never seen Tier 2-Iron Will-Users, because the Perk is useless at Tier 2.
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How would you know if you've never seen it?
I have played against it multiple times and it was pretty confusing. Which can mean a lot of things. Either it is not useless, or I am just completely terrible. (which of course may be the case)
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Do you play killer with a headset?
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Yes, and I rely a lot on sounds generally. Judging by my survivor matches I hear a lot more than an average killer I face. (tho again, with MMR that does not prove anything. idk what it is but like 85% of the killers I face don't hear if I do a totem close to them, which is weird to me, because I always hear it when I play killer.)
I play a decent amount of nurse lately where sound is a massive advantage too
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My only problem with the nerf is that some survivors will suffer more because of this: Ash, Jeff, Bill, Jane, Haddie etc. They need to make the volume of the grunts of the same across all survivors
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Except if you are Ace.
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So you went against babies that didn’t even have time to upgrade the perk. What person in high mmr has a tier 2 perk?
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You mean the changes to Noise in general*? EDIT: My bad.
Cause all the changes Iron Will got was to make it more consistent across tiers... Which still didn't matter for tier 2 and 3.
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Anyone who does not play his main survivor may have IW T2 in the current system.
I think your point is completely irrelevant. What you are potentially saying is that I got confused by babies with my at that time 1k+ hours on killer, in which case it just proves my point.
Actually, scratch that. It's not that your point is irrelevant, it's that I don't see you making one in the first place.
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That'd be a really cool thing, imo! Some survivors just seem to shout across the map, very unpleasant :(
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I appreciate the creativity - but I think it would be more than enough to simply reduce the grunts of pain entirely, and only suppress breathing when crouching.
You want survivors to feel powerful for bringing the perk, and see it working in their favor, while giving them opportunities to make it work more optimally. Putting an expiration on the perks viability, especially when it's outside of its core philosophy, can prove daunting and may backfire.
That being said. I'd rather have your suggested incarnation than the one Behavior has proposed.
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Honestly, what I think they should do is make it mute grunts of pain BUT add a new set of sounds for when survivors are Exhausted that isn't masked by Iron Will (could make it a benefit of Calm Spirit instead).
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The 100% to 75% automatically kills the perk. Not saying it doesn't need any nerf of course.
Exhaustion effect is kinda problematic to me since it has always had a specific purpose and now it's just "oh yeah, it doesn't just disable perks that give you speed/dodge mechanic", it's more broad now. Unless I'm forgetting some other perks reliant on it, it's possible.
If I was however to use this effect for Iron Will nerf, I think it should be actually in reverse - Iron Will would only work when exhausted - why? Right now all Sprint Burst users won't be able to use it almost at all, obviously especially in chases.
Also with IW working before exhausted the survivors will have 1 perk working and 1 perk ready to use. If it was in reverse they would have 1 ready to use and the other one working after they do and I feel like it brings a bit more consistency to the chase, not just "you used your 1 perk? the other one won't work as well, you're just dead now".
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The way I see it is they're trying to apply logic to the game. In real life, if you sprint or do anything exhausting, you breathe louder while recovering from your exhaustion. Same way in game, you're wounded, AND exhausted, therefore you make more noise.
Not saying I like the change, I love Iron Will, and 75% is probably fine, but not being able to pair exhaustion perks with it is bad. I'm not a huge exhaustion perk fan in the first place, but this will make me want to use them even less, or to pick one or the other, not both.