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General Discussions

Time to quit

Member Posts: 200

As an exclusively solo survivor since 2017, the coming changes look disgusting for survivors, great for killers, they neeeded it but us solo players get screwed, yet again, this is the final nail in the coffin, this game was barely fun to begin with and now, it will truly be a miserable experience for solo

so they increase gen speeds, okay, so whats stopping killers from still bringing stacked regression perks, the devs took a problem and made it worse, right idea, stupid execution

every survivor meta perk decimated, why?, you kill perks because they are popular, thats backwards, are you going to nerf whatever paltry meta comes out of this because that too is popular, pathetic.

buffed bloodlust, thats also backwards

i was all for killer buffs, that seems great but to nerf survivors into the ground, i'm glad i didn't buy the last few DLCs 😅

expect a mass exodus of solo players when it goes live, killer queues will return to 30m and considerably less content being created by survivors, pretty good job so far

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  • Member Posts: 200

    i have been playing alot of chivalry 2 and having so much fun with it, i am also in the vhs beta but barely touched it, so there's that i guess

  • Member Posts: 1,265

    You should not lose hope too quickly, nothing has been finally decided yet.

    Let everyone check the changes on the PTB and read their feedback.

    I have faith that BHVR will make changes if needed and not insist on releasing them despite the majority of the players' feedback.

    But if they (God forbid) do it anyway, tag me and lecture me 😥

  • Member Posts: 279

    because nobody playing killer anymore thats why they nerfing all survivor perk. try to learn killer while this quantity of player of both sides become equal

  • Member Posts: 995

    Only at late evening and midnight.

    The reason is because for most people only at those times possible to play in SWF

  • Member Posts: 417

    Ah I knew it, the "skimmed through my post but didn't actually read any of it because all Survivor nerfs are bad and DSing right next to the exit gate is totally fun and fair, everyone loves tons of sandbagging too wdym Survivors can be brutally unfun to play against sometimes? No you're crazy."

  • Member Posts: 417

    Or the HUGE BUFF TO BOTANY. Oh my god that is so tragic.

  • Member Posts: 417

    Some regions have Killer shortages at certain times of the day, those same regions could have Survivor shortages as well. It's very region dependent, do consider 50 thousand people play this game daily around the world.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    I would give it a try, maybe Solo isnt as bad we think its going to be, altough I doubt it, camping was made stronger so people will camp even more and stuff like Nurse, Blight and Spirit who decimated Solos are going to be even harder to deal with because of the base changes, in any case the changes show a clear disconect from whoever makes the decissions and how the game is played but hey, its not my game so what do i know?.

    Thats why Europe has Killer queues from morning until ~21:30 almost for 2 months straight, sometimes even 7 minutes queues, sure its because there are no Killers around...

  • Member Posts: 847

    Thats hyperbolic. The changes arnt that bad unless you need those meta perks. Which good survivors dont really. What I'm concerned with is the camping tunneling change isnt big enough. Seems disproportionate killer buffs. The reason why I'm saying you're being hyperbolic is that they already said they are going to monitor the changes to make sure nothing gets out of hand. Which means that they are going to adjust things. Its not the end of the world just because changes were announced, and typically if theres a substantial issue to survivors BHVR are quick to fix it. So if you're worried thats fine but being all doom and gloom is not warranted

  • Member Posts: 206

    Didn't the devs say there was a 15% difference in escape rates between soloq and swf? How are many of these changes meant to address that imbalance if the emphasis is now being put on people taking hits for each other. That level of coordination doesn't happen consistently even against swf's, let alone soloq where people get frightened because they heard the terror radius for 5 seconds.

    Have I missed something?

  • Member Posts: 847

    Im assuming since they are addressing the core balance like this they are planning on snipping other outliers like nurse and blight. Hopefully swf too but I think theres an argument to be made that the killer buffs might bring killers up to that level.

  • Member Posts: 176

    Tried killer before and honestly took me 5 mins to get a game whilst survivor was instant. Unless it’s just an issue in the US but they shouldn’t really be forcing people to play a side they don’t want to play by nerfing player perks they like.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I guess you don't know how a single digit IQ person would perform, but I can never take this kind of claims seriously, no matter how well the rest might be constructed.

    I think DS deactivating in the endgame is cool, but the nerf to 3s? I am a bit baffled by this myself, and I am a killer main.

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    Yeah, I did have hope these changes would be good. Killer got some nice changes, they for some reason gave survivors haste and endurance off hook and made some bad perk decisions.

    Overall these of course were probably it what people expected

  • Member Posts: 465

    You guys are so dramatic

  • Member Posts: 417

    Bloodweb got 4 times easier to level up so that BBQ thing is irrelevant, agreed on everything else.

  • Member Posts: 417

    Imagine the insanely idiotic bodyblock plays with Off the Record, DS and Boon: Circle of Healing.

  • Member Posts: 575

    great for killers

    Not really, no.

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    They just had to do one thing: if 3+ players are in the ingame-friendlist, this survivors receive a speed penalty to all actions by X percent.

    So 2 players together is fine, more receive nerfs.

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