Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,266
edited June 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Barbecue and Chili

  • I don't understand the need to remove x2 from this perk, honestly, there are players who want to play for points, why remove it? I understand the events, the 75% grind reduction, but we players take it for the points.

Hex: Ruin

  • With the changes made, in my opinion you should remove the fact that it is a Hex Totem, for the simple fact that a hex totem does not last even 3 minutes, obviously there are cases where the map makes it difficult to find it, but as a general rule, it does not last much. I think that removing it from being a hex totem with the changes made would be much better.

Pop Goes the Weasel

  • Well, I don't see such a massive nerf. Obviously it's not the same as before, but I guess it will be deprecated on slow killers (those who don't have mobility) and probably less on other types of killers.
  • Edit: I understand that it is a nerf and that the vast majority of players will stop using it, because it was a perk widely used by the vast majority of players, with the gen rush situation I understand that perks are not the solutions to those problems, those problems, they must be nipped in the bud, I mean by changing the base gameplay.

Corrupt Intervention

  • I have a lot to say about this perk and what the game itself is. There are very few killers that can face the early game of the game, the beginning part is super decisive for a fun or boring game. I would keep an eye on the perk and the core game.


  • Okay.


  • Okay.

Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance

  • Ok, but I think it would add +5% more, 20% since they removed the notification, 5% would be for moving to the generator if there was someone.

Dead Hard

  • Ok, I think there should be a gesture or some feedback so that the killer knows that he is going to launch it, however, many players think that it will go to waste, I do not consider it and in many aspects it will be very useful to do body blocks and help your team.

Decisive Strike

  • Revert the change from 3s to 5s, we don't want the tunnel to be meta. The change that is deactivated at the end of the game seems 10/10 to me.

Borrowed Time

  • I think that the changes seem very good, but I think that the perk should not be activated at the end of the game, when the 5 generators were repaired.

Iron Will

  • Thank you! The FULL W meta is very "disgusting" thanks to this change we can really try to play the mindgame. On the other hand, I will finally be able to play Spirit thanks to this change!


  • An interesting change and I'll explain why this change, so I think they did. The devs want the survivors not to depend on themselves without spending a lot of time healing themselves so they brought this nerf so if you decide to heal yourself give the killer some time, however, with this nerf I think they also want to encourage other forms of healing heal up, find a partner or use med-kits.

Over...Spine Chill, Overcharge, Eruption, Knock Out, Coulrophobia, Dark Devotion, Jolt.

  • I like the changes, specifically I have the view on Overcharge and Jolt

Lethal Pursuer

  • I like that they have increased the time by +2s, but would add a second effect to encourage its use, when a survivor comes into contact with any survivor it is revealed for 1-2s.

Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain

  • I like that they increased the penalty, I thought it needed a buff.


  • I like it!

Scourge Hook: Monster Shrine

  • Interesting but I think that the basement hooks should be yes or yes as flagellants.

The following perks: Calm Spirit, Saboteur

  • Okay

Botany Knowledge

  • Interesting change to encourage the use of this perk along with self-healing, if one decides to self-heal on their own.

Off the record

  • A buff too dangerous and I don't agree, if you decide to leave it like that, I would make that borrowed time be disabled at the end of the game when the 5th generator has been repaired, just like DS STRIKE.

About... Lucky Break, Pharmacy, Sole Survivor, Distortion, Lightweight Déjà Vu:

  • I think it's ok, nothing to add.

No One Left Behind

  • Good change but as I mentioned the Borrowed time should be deactivated at the end when the 5th generator was repaired, so this perk would not make a very good synergy with the borrowed time, but it seems like a good perk on its own.

The following perks... Dark Sense, Tenacity, Hope:

  • nothing to add.


  • We cannot encourage repair perks, because you are nerfing the repair issue, breaking a totem is too easy for the % it gives you, so I would reverse the repair increase that the perk gives you.

We're Gonna Live Forever

  • As I said with BBQ, I don't understand the removal of point gains, nothing more to add.
Post edited by Th3Nightmare on


  • ThanosPAWG
    ThanosPAWG Member Posts: 412

    They didn't add 2 more seconds on lethal pursuer. The buff was lethal pursuer now adds 2 seconds to other aura reading perks and add-ons.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I do agree with a fair amount of this, but I do not think that perks like BT need to be deactivated during the end game. Killers have a fair chance of getting a 4k, survivors should have a chance for a 4 man escape. I dislike that DS deactivates during end game now as well.

    I still am hoping that they increase the baseline endurance and haste status effect after getting unhooked from 5 to at least 10, preferably 12 seconds, if they do that, DS deactivating in the end game wouldn't be that bad anymore. The DS stun duration nerf is terrible though, absolutely terrible.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    If you want more base endurance after being unhook, play with teammates that have Borrowed Time, that'll be 15 seconds. Or bring the new Off the Record, that way you'll have a minute and a half of endurance, more than enough to do 2 laps of the map and still have some time left on it. Just because they made endurance basekit doesn't mean you should stop using Borrowed Time if you feel it's necessary.

  • Hussein
    Hussein Member Posts: 29

    With Pop Goes the Weasel, if they are going to keep it at 45 seconds, I believe they should add a generator aura intensity while the perk is active. This makes it fair, since the perk is only effective on generators with a lot of progress.

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,266
    edited June 2022

    In immobile killer it will be stopped using, for sure. Maybe go back to 45 seconds and make it 22.5% (without the 2,5% base) of total progress? Idk

  • Hussein
    Hussein Member Posts: 29
    edited June 2022

    Yeah, or just revert back to the original Pop Goes the Weasel, and just nerf it to 17.5% (plus 2.5% base) which equals 20% of total progress (not current progress). But then increase the timer from 45 seconds to 60 seconds.