Every upcoming change is good: prove me wrong.



  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Prove you wrong?

    BHVR: We want to change the meta

    Also BHVR: We buffed BT in both duration and added haste.

  • Taxman232
    Taxman232 Member Posts: 139

    I think it will fundamentally change how the game needs to be played making it a more chase heavy rather than stealthy game

  • tester
    tester Member Posts: 792

    You got it wrong, but don't worry, I fixed it for you.

    BHVR: We want to change the meta and reduce camping and tunneling.

    Also BHVR: We changed the meta and we buffed BT in both duration and added haste which will reduce camping and tunneling.

  • tester
    tester Member Posts: 792

    Yes, but not by much. You can still hide while uninjured. Hopefully it will slightly reduce meta of genrushing against Plague and Legion, where most high MMR don't bother to heal.

  • JeanCharpentier
    JeanCharpentier Member Posts: 370
    edited June 2022

    We cannot know for now and have to try it. I doubt the game will feel balanced and most killers will still be not viable for high level.

    Fact is DbD needs core balance and not band aid balance. Changing the perks does not change the fact that there are too many safe loops with pallets/windows.

    Maybe the Bloodlust change will shift everything but i highly doubt it, survivors will adapt and be less greedy to survive longer.

  • loothound
    loothound Member Posts: 133

    I think it will be more stealth heavy than chase that’s for sure. Between the multiple stealth perks that have been buffed alongside the fact that you gain less distance when hit, faster pallet breaks, shorter recovery on m1s makes chases shorter.

    Meaning that survivors are less incentivized to go into chase and rather use their new perks to hide from the killer and do gens which I think is just a boring and non interactive playstyle for the killer and survivor

  • Taxman232
    Taxman232 Member Posts: 139

    Update jsreally just - how can we help killers kill faster and make survivors hold M1 longer while meta-perkless.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    They're not anti-camp. It doesn't prevent a Killer to camp me if they want to. It doesn't force my teammates to save me if a Killer is camping me.

    But if the Killer is tunneling me, it helps.

  • Taxman232
    Taxman232 Member Posts: 139

    I dont think it is meta to gen rush against plague or legion. Survivors want to get gens done and escspe - they are doing the objective not gen rushing (who can blame them after the edge lord rework of legion)

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,243

    Yep,nothing for anticamping,facing bubbas will still be the same,you cant go for the save

  • Norhc
    Norhc Member Posts: 575

    How much is Behaviour paying you?

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 508

    I thought most of them were complete garbage to be honest. Why change gen speeds then leave Prove Thyself and BNP's untouched. Healing speeds are already out of control so they buff botany further. Ruin useless, Coulrohobia still garbage, same with sole survivor. Dont even get me started on Off The Record.

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 410

    I think barely any of the changes are good. The wildly oscillate between way too powerful nerfs (rip spine chill and iron will) to buffs that won't make the perks any more desirable at all. I didn't take hope because it was a perk that helped when you had already won. Now there's no duration restriction whoopty do. I still won't take it ever.

    My go to build currently is sprint burst, iron will, bond, and borrowed time. After all this it will change too...wait for it... Sprint burst, Off the Record, Bond, and Borrowed Time.

    Somehow I don't think this was the shake up most people were hoping for.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944

    No I don't like the basekit buffs for all killers at all it's too much with the increased repair times, I hope these changes don't go live personally.

    I think it's better to only touch perks but we'll see PTB. Strongest killers will be even more oppressive, solo Q will suffer even more, gens are longer but hook timers are still the same, facecamp is buffed, it's kinda bad overall

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 410
    edited June 2022

    Agreed, every killer just having brutal strength tier 1 and 2 stacks of save the best for last AND survivors speed burst after hit being reduced and generator times on top of that....this is looking to be a bad go of it for survivors.

    All those changes will make chases less interesting, shorter duration, and less successful for survivors. This may be the beginning of the era of full stealth play style.

    And something that is getting overlooked with Dead Hard. It was strong in the right hands, but it was also by far the most FUN perk in the game for survivors. It was something active that allowed a variety of interesting, heroic, and hillarious outcomes that are just not going to be part of the game anymore. And with every chase ending more deterministically, is this patch just going to assassinate survivor fun?

  • tester
    tester Member Posts: 792

    "hillarious outcomes" - yeah, that's the problem. Some killers were just "hilariously" bullied. I hope the changes actually bring some horror into horror game. I mean, deadharding through trap is hilarious for survivor, but not so for trapper and just plainly didn't make any sense.

    "All those changes will make chases less interesting, shorter duration, and less successful for survivors."- not sure about less interesting, but shorter for sure. That's the objective. BHVR stated that they want to increase kill rates. So, naturally chases are going to get shorter.

  • tester
    tester Member Posts: 792

    Facecamp is not buffed at all. It's trivial to unhook against any killer without a chainsaw when you have base kit BT.