The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Taking a protection hit and/or being fully healed should count as "conspicuous action"

This is mostly concerning the new off the record buff. If the perk is active 80 seconds or so after unhooking a survivor has time to get healed very easily by the one unhooking. Now let's say the survivor has a build with off the record, dead hard and mettle of man for example and maybe also even a styptic agent or the syringe. Killer isn't tunneling you, they're chasing some else. The other survivor is injured and maybe they're your friend and they're on death hook. You go take a protection hit with off the record, then another which makes you injured, then another with dead hard and now you've taken three protection hits and mettle of man activates so you can take yet another hit. Maybe now you have time to use the styptic or the syringe and then you can take yet another hit before being downed.

And this is even if the killer isn't trying to tunnel you and I would assume that off the record is supposed to be an anti-tunnel perk, right? But you know people are going to use it to take protection hits. We can see that with how people use borrowed time currently which i think is still fine since that you can wait out but waiting 80 seconds you cant really do.

Even if you had only off the record and dead hard, if you get fully healed after unhooking, you could take 4 hits before being downed and that's ridiculous, especially if you get the speed boost from all of the hits. Also i dont see why it doesnt disable in endgame like ds. If a person has off the record and adrenaline, they are most likely going to escape very easily during endgame even just by bodyblocking the killer to protect the others.

So please BHVR add taking a protection hit and/or being fully healed to the conspicuous actions. If you can do either one of those things, you are most likely not being tunneled. Exception would be the use of for the people but that is quite rare i think and you'd still have the speed boost and basekit borrowed time for a few second at least to prevent tunneling.


  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    If survivors actually start taking a lot of protection hits look for Forced Penance meta coming soon. 🙂

    Anyway, if someone is running around trying to get lots of protection hits instead of doing gens I’m perfectly fine with that as a killer. I’m getting two survivors off the gens for the price of one chase, go for it!

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,307
    edited June 2022

    Yes I would love having my BT cancelled because I got hit while there was an injured Claudette in a bush nearby the killer didn't even know was there, sounds fantastic. Protection hits are an awful idea both for that reason and because as long as you play to hit the unhooker on the way to the hook, the hit you land on the freshly unhooked survivor will be a protection hit every time lol. So in the case of BT it makes the counter to a perk/mechanic intended to help with camping and tunneling... camping and tunneling.

    For full heals eh I honestly don't think it's necessary, but I wouldn't really mind it either. Might make We'll Make It gamers sad as people hold shift and run away from them to keep their DS/OTR/whatever though, which sounds like a very epic solo queue moment indeed.

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,260
    edited June 2022

    Having no collision with the Killer would counter body block.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    edited June 2022

    That's stupid. Teammate sandbags you? No more perk. Teammate uses For the people, a syringe? No more perk. Teammate is nearby when you take a hit? No more perk. Teammate doesn't know you have OTR, tries to take hit but fails so you get hit instead? No more perk.

    Also your example requires someone to dedicate en entire build for trying to do something they could pull off max twice the entire game (and honestly unless you're in a swf it sounds impossible to even pull off once), and implies that this person isn't doing anything for 80 seconds but chasing after the killer to try to pull it of, idk about you but when i play killer and someone doesn't do anything for 80 seconds I'm not complaining and i usually win.

  • Urur
    Urur Member Posts: 5

    Did people miss out that these 80 seconds will most likely be a total number per game and not 80 seconds each per hook?

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Even if it's per hook a survivor not doing anything for 160 seconds is a free win for the killer tbh.

  • Urur
    Urur Member Posts: 5

    If it really was fresh 80seconds per hook (and we keep in mind beeing healed is not a conspicious action), then 2 mates could heal you no time and you still had enough time to interrupt a killer chase with bodyblocking and 2-3(deadhard?) free hits. Thats insane

  • NoTerrorRadius
    NoTerrorRadius Member Posts: 201

    That's what I was thinking too (forced penance). Maybe combine forced penance with make your choice and blood echo or something.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,197
    edited June 2022

    Protection hits, no. Fully healed, yes.

    The point of Endurance is to give you an additional emergency health state, well being fully healed is an additional health state too.

    "But Zarina took my BT away when she used FtP on me!"

    Oh boo hoo, you still get an extra health state.

    This is like complaining that your Unbreakable was wasted because David WGLF'ed you instead.

    Getting an additional health state via healing AND retaining endurance is broken AF.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,327

    Genuinely love how now that DH has been dealt with, people are immediately on top of another survivor perk without having gone against it lol.

    So if OtR gets dealt with, which perk are you going to complain about next?

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Being full health doesn't help with insta downs, endurance does. Teammate saves you, pops FTP and you immediately die to NOED, how fun.

    Nothing op about an extra health state when doing anything remotely helpful to win disables it. If you've been healed full health and decide to not do any objectives to keep it when the killer isn't tunneling you that's helping the killer, not your team. Also full heals wouldn't help when people can 99% their health bar anyway.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,197

    Not if that "not doing anything" is actually body blocking you and preventing you from hitting anyone else.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    If they bodyblock you just take the hit and tunnel them it's really not that complicated. Yall are acting like they'll be invincible for 80 seconds, but you can literally just ignore them or hit them and leave them to mend, like with BT. They won't stun you like with DS, you can literally just keep chasing them and tunnel them out if it annoys you so much. For every second they're trying to take a hit they're not doing gens, or totems, or healing, you'll be fine (and again i highly doubt the perk won't be nerfed before it goes live, it'll most definitely desactivate in end-game like DS and the time will probably be shorter too)