Truly disappointed with this event

While the idea of an event in itself is nice, the way it was designed is astonishgly lacking. Killers get many less points than survivors, resulting in almost every killer playing the survivor role, increasing waiting times for a lobby. Points needed to get a coin increase for every single coin you already got, making it an endless grind, rather than something you play because you have fun. Not to mention the absurd amount of sweaty killers this event has brought, effectively increasing tunneling even more (and I didn't think ot was even possible). This is just unbearable. Event offerings spawn much less than they should, when you need to spend 50-60k BPs to get ONE, and we still don't have dedicated servers, so having to rely on the killer's unexistant internet, when the killer is somebody else (IF you manage to join a lobby a killer doesn't quit from), is mandatory. Have you guys ever stopped thinking that something like rewarding killers with event points for say, giving the last survivor the hatch, could possibly lower toxicity by a bit, at least on killer side? Or giving survivors more points if they all manage to escape a trial? I am seeing NOEDs, tunneling, camping, Ruin, Nurse's and BBQ in EVERY SINGLE MATCH since the start of this event, as if the "vanilla" game was not full of that already. Really, I can't think of anything more toxic or poorly designed than this event is. Last, but definitely not least, 9.5/10 times I play survivor, all 4 of us spawn in the same exact location, without an offering that makes it be that way.


  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Though the points are very survivor sided on paper, the entire design has caused survivor point average to be horrible. Played 3 survivor matches tonight, and 15 yesterday. The point average was 12 or less. Survivors are hiding, sandbagging, and otherwise screwing over each other in order to escape via hatch with lantern. Killers are running Mori while hard camping. It is nuts!

    I average 20 or more points with killer easily. Just chasing and hooking. I have yet to get above 30 in a match, but that is ok. Better than getting 4-8 with the occassional 12.

  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    It truly is a terrible and toxic event killers need increased bloodpoints and offerings need higher spawn rates
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019

    Though the points are very survivor sided on paper, the entire design has caused survivor point average to be horrible. Played 3 survivor matches tonight, and 15 yesterday. The point average was 12 or less. Survivors are hiding, sandbagging, and otherwise screwing over each other in order to escape via hatch with lantern. Killers are running Mori while hard camping. It is nuts!

    I average 20 or more points with killer easily. Just chasing and hooking. I have yet to get above 30 in a match, but that is ok. Better than getting 4-8 with the occassional 12.

    I've never been sandbagged as much as I have this event. Its garbage.

    I dont know why devs keep pushing this "you can play together or against each other mentality", because that just screws solo survivors. SWF dont play against each other and thats why they're so strong.

    So now I feel i can only play swf, but then killers moan and lobby dodge.

    Nobody is happy with this idea. They need to just drop it and encourage survivors to work together.

    Edit: Oh cool, just had a game where a Claudette right from the start was hiding behind a rock. I'm using emotes to try and get her to help me on a gen but she wont do it even thoigh the killer is nowhere nearby by.

    So people really are hatchcamping from the start.

    Another disconnect from me. Screw it im done. Good job devs not just content with ruining killer with the new hook system you've now ruined solo survivor with this event. Guess i cant play it anymore. Its not worth it. This is garbage.
  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600
    I too am always playing solo, since the only friend I play DbD with is ill. As a killer, there are no problems for me, I can 3-4k without needing any BBQ, Nurse or NOED, even though the points rewarded are a joke. As a survivor, on the other hand, I am often left to die because of the event. There was a bug that rewarded you with 25 bonus points if another survivor managed to escape with the lantern, and they fixed it. The only thing that rewarded teamplay and made the obnoxious grinding easier, the only thing they should have left, they FIXED IT. In the end, even if they wouldn't allow such a community friendly behaviour, toxicity was way lower during the Hallowed Blight event, when killers were often letting survivor harvest nectar, while survivors would let the killer hook them in exchange for that. With all the aura reading perks/abilities they keep releasing for killers and the way they design events, I can just come to two conclusions:
    - They want killers to tunnel survivors for ages, until they die. This means, they are the roots of what makes the community toxic, as nobody likes being tunneled to death;

    - They are clueless about what they are doing and are running out of any ideas that make sense, throwing cosmetics and new untested and poorly designed content at us, just for the sake of making more money.
  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Honestly, I've noticed almost all survivors doing it. Solo or SWF. The one good group I had was a SWF (3-man). They actually worked together and risked themselves, and lanterns, to get me off the hook after gates were opened. Was the only fun match I had as a survivor.

    Been singling out the betrayers as killer though. Having fun letting the ones that are actually playing the game go, but murdering the azzhats. :)

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Deliverance is an absolutely vital perk right now.
  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    @Warlock_2020 said:
    Though the points are very survivor sided on paper, the entire design has caused survivor point average to be horrible. Played 3 survivor matches tonight, and 15 yesterday. The point average was 12 or less. Survivors are hiding, sandbagging, and otherwise screwing over each other in order to escape via hatch with lantern. Killers are running Mori while hard camping. It is nuts!

    I average 20 or more points with killer easily. Just chasing and hooking. I have yet to get above 30 in a match, but that is ok. Better than getting 4-8 with the occassional 12.

    This event make Dead By Daylight what it should ALWAYS be, a survival game. No tea bagging, no opening gates and going back for saves, no over the top altruistic BS. Survivors (myself included) want to get the heck out at all costs (to secure those event points).

    While this event doesn't make the game the horror design it was set out to be, but it puts survivors in a state of mind they should always have. This event totally changes the meta into what it should be all the time.

    Only way to make it the relaxed game it always has been is equal out the event points for killer and survivor. It's too easy as survivor to get max 45 event points at least 1/3 game and the other 2/3 its easy to get at least 20 event points granted your team knows how to do gens.

    Killers are playing dirty to maximize their event points. And I don't blame them.

  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533

    @The_Crusader said:
    Im fed up of being left to die.

    Did 3 gens in the last game, get hooked and left to die. Nobody made any intention of coming for me.

    Managed to kobe at the last second. So when the other survivors get hooked I dont bother going to rescue them. One uses deliverance to get off the hook, then the killer and that survivor work together to hunt me down as punishment for not saving them when I only did it because nobody saved they havent all event because nobody unhooks anymore.

    So thats another disconnect from me. Not letting that scumbag have his hook points. Lost an entire rank due to disconnects.

    Not allowed to say the game is bad though...oh no that gets you silenced on the forum.

    Yeah, let's not say the game is bad.
    Let's not say it needs a lot of work.
    Let's not say this event is crap.

    Let's not. :3

    Its is
  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    @TrAiNwReCk said:
    Only way to make it the relaxed game it always has been is equal out the event points for killer and survivor. It's too easy as survivor to get max 45 event points at least 1/3 game and the other 2/3 its easy to get at least 20 event points granted your team knows how to do gens.

    Killers are playing dirty to maximize their event points. And I don't blame them.

    Are you kidding? Have you even played survivor? Looking at your BS conclusion I assume not. It's not easy at all to get those 45 event points when it's literally all against each other, and that just for a piece of clothing.

  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246
    edited February 2019

    @JoannaVO said:

    @TrAiNwReCk said:
    Only way to make it the relaxed game it always has been is equal out the event points for killer and survivor. It's too easy as survivor to get max 45 event points at least 1/3 game and the other 2/3 its easy to get at least 20 event points granted your team knows how to do gens.

    Killers are playing dirty to maximize their event points. And I don't blame them.

    Are you kidding? Have you even played survivor? Looking at your BS conclusion I assume not. It's not easy at all to get those 45 event points when it's literally all against each other, and that just for a piece of clothing.

    I have 5 coins all but 37 event points EXCLUSIVE on survivor.

    You have to play stealthy and LET YOUR TEAM DIE. Don't be a moron and assume I am full of BS because you can't comprehend simple strategy to GET OUT ALIVE WITH THE LAMP.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    This is the problem with the game. It is not balanced, therefore not truly a competitive game. It encourages severely toxic play. So bad that when you are playing nice, nobody believes it. I had to change my name ot LanternGiveAway and just run around the map chasing, not hitting, before people actually believed that I was letting them get lanterns and escape.

    Yes, I did that, why? Because I could. If it is all good for killer players to be super toxic, it is all good for them to just be a decent human being as well. No, I don't expect others to do it. I expect them to play the game, but the level of toxicity from both survivors and killers is ruining this game.

  • Axelson
    Axelson Member Posts: 86

    Right now i feel bad for not getting Deliverence when it was in shrine, in this event is a vital perk if you are a solo survivor. After doing 2,5 generators by myself and rescued all the 3 survivors from the hook at least once when the killer got me down nobody comed to even try to save (even if the killer was in the other part of the map, lmao). I don't know why they made a event like this, the only thing survivors care about is escaping with theire lantern and genrush. I always go to save people, but they never come back. I think i'll start playing Adam 'till the event is done, even if i have him at level 1.

    About killers
    99% noed with bitter murmur
    99% bbq

    But i also meet nice killers that saw that i was the only survivor that saved people and when they got me down, they just let me escape. Looks like some killers feels solo survivors pain.

    From this event i learn that if you are a solo survivor your team mates are the killer, not the killer himself. The killers are a lot nicer than 90% of the survivors

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    The idea is cool but all of these events create greed and ruin the game for everyone, it just turns it into the Hunger Games. Everyone rush out and get your ######### before the others and make sure you get what you need, screw everyone else.
    For Killers, the Survivors can screw them over just as easy as every event and now they get less points so they have to work harder.

    This entire game was built around teamwork, we need an event that requires it, not fun? Don't play the game and don't make a team game if you're going to complain that teamwork isn't fun. These greed filled events shatter the community even more so than the normal game so we need events that REQUIRE helping each other. And we need cooler Objectives for Killer than just hooking, the smashing lanterns is cool but they screwed it up with the teeny tiny timer that good SWF can destroy instantly.

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    Just had a SWF match where EVERYONE DC´d because i did not want to farm coins

  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    I've experienced some of the most toxic bullshit during this event. I only play solo survivor because I feel swf breaks the game to its core. During this I've been sandbagged, tunneled, camped and farmed off the hook by "fellow" survivors. I hate it so ######### much. The devs truly think we're okay with this because "free cosmetics" but it's absolutely horrid. Nothing about this event makes me happy to play. I just want the Feng outfit then I'm ######### done till it's over. I've played a few Killer matches and got ######### destroyed by swf but when I play survivor my OWN team lets me down so hard. I can't understand it and I truly don't want to. I don't want to hate this game but come the ######### on, at this point the devs are asking people to hate them and the game. The one thing that made this event bearable was if someone walked out with the lantern and you got the full 25 points. They decided that it needed "fixed". What? Why? If the killer decides to DC because they couldn't do anything then NO ONE gets coins. That's something that needs to be ######### fixed immediately. Not the one thing that promoted team play.

  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246
    edited February 2019

    @Nickenzie said:
    TrAiNwReCk said:

    @TrAiNwReCk said:

    I have never said that nobody can do good this event, but I am sure that most (solo) survivors can agree that it is not as easy to get 45 points. Whatever is needed to break that wall of stupidity around your brain, I am not gonna bother myself. I have better things to do than have a argument of which 50% contains nothing more than salt (mainly from your side). Good for you that you let your team die and escape with those points, but not everybody wants to play like a selfish prick for just cosmetics that add nothing else to the game.

    You are SO stupid, it is easy to get 45 event points at least 1/3 of the time. ######### "it's too hard" survivors that cause terrible games aside. You stay away from the killer, You don't unhook unless you know killer is far away, You search for hatch ASAP when it spawns, You use lockers every hook, unless you have the perk. GET GOOD you trash ignorant little troll.

    And how old are you...

    "Good for you that you let your team die and escape with those points, but not everybody wants to play like a selfish prick for just cosmetics that add nothing else to the game"

    So bad you can't do what you have to and get the points. You rather complain on the forums LUL. Get good and grow up.

    Why are acting so immature? You don't have to insult people, ya know? Chill out.

    Why are you so blind? They want to shoot out insults "play like a selfish prick" I will return in kind. Get your facts straight.

  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    @Axelson said:
    Right now i feel bad for not getting Deliverence when it was in shrine, in this event is a vital perk if you are a solo survivor. After doing 2,5 generators by myself and rescued all the 3 survivors from the hook at least once when the killer got me down nobody comed to even try to save (even if the killer was in the other part of the map, lmao). I don't know why they made a event like this, the only thing survivors care about is escaping with theire lantern and genrush. I always go to save people, but they never come back. I think i'll start playing Adam 'till the event is done, even if i have him at level 1.

    About killers
    99% noed with bitter murmur
    99% bbq

    But i also meet nice killers that saw that i was the only survivor that saved people and when they got me down, they just let me escape. Looks like some killers feels solo survivors pain.

    From this event i learn that if you are a solo survivor your team mates are the killer, not the killer himself. The killers are a lot nicer than 90% of the survivors

    This event is made for survivors to compete. Making solo the way to go. The survivors who are playing the event will play much less altruistic, play smart, and wait for their opportunity to escape. It's not very much fun to play that way, but if you are playing to max event points 9/10 it's the only way you are going to rack them up.

  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    @HatCreature said:
    The idea is cool but all of these events create greed and ruin the game for everyone, it just turns it into the Hunger Games. Everyone rush out and get your ######### before the others and make sure you get what you need, screw everyone else.
    For Killers, the Survivors can screw them over just as easy as every event and now they get less points so they have to work harder.

    This entire game was built around teamwork, we need an event that requires it, not fun? Don't play the game and don't make a team game if you're going to complain that teamwork isn't fun. These greed filled events shatter the community even more so than the normal game so we need events that REQUIRE helping each other. And we need cooler Objectives for Killer than just hooking, the smashing lanterns is cool but they screwed it up with the teeny tiny timer that good SWF can destroy instantly.

    Events always seem survivor sided, or killer sided. Doubt they will ever be able to balance it out unless they keep the core game play the same and give a fair distribution of event points across both types of play.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    Just had a SWF match where EVERYONE DC´d because i did not want to farm coins

    I had a swf match where they were all dress Feng and made my game asinine I only managed 1 hook and broke one lantern before they all had a party at the exit gate. The last one out had d strike but got caught cause they had to gloat then dc'd before I could hook them 
  • TrAiNwReCk
    TrAiNwReCk Member Posts: 246

    @starkiller1286 said:
    Theluckyboi said:

    Just had a SWF match where EVERYONE DC´d because i did not want to farm coins

    I had a swf match where they were all dress Feng and made my game asinine I only managed 1 hook and broke one lantern before they all had a party at the exit gate. The last one out had d strike but got caught cause they had to gloat then dc'd before I could hook them 

    This event is far from over. Still a chance the developers might introduce something that might make game play less try hard and more fun for everyone.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited February 2019
    Your experience sounds exactly the same as mine.

    Can we all agree as a community that going forward the best way to handle events is to encourage survivors to play co-operatively rather than conpetitively?

    All this event is doing is making the game unfun for solo players and SWF aren't having the same problem because they have no reason to play against each other.

    In fact on a hunch I'd bet the swf genrush is pretty bad right now. Which just makes the game less fun for killers.

    Just brainstorming here but I think there needs to be a bonus based on how many survivors make it out alive to encourage people to rescue and help each other.
  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    @Axelson said:
    Right now i feel bad for not getting Deliverence when it was in shrine, in this event is a vital perk if you are a solo survivor. After doing 2,5 generators by myself and rescued all the 3 survivors from the hook at least once when the killer got me down nobody comed to even try to save (even if the killer was in the other part of the map, lmao). I don't know why they made a event like this, the only thing survivors care about is escaping with theire lantern and genrush. I always go to save people, but they never come back. I think i'll start playing Adam 'till the event is done, even if i have him at level 1.

    About killers
    99% noed with bitter murmur
    99% bbq

    But i also meet nice killers that saw that i was the only survivor that saved people and when they got me down, they just let me escape. Looks like some killers feels solo survivors pain.

    From this event i learn that if you are a solo survivor your team mates are the killer, not the killer himself. The killers are a lot nicer than 90% of the survivors

    This event is made for survivors to compete. Making solo the way to go. The survivors who are playing the event will play much less altruistic, play smart, and wait for their opportunity to escape. It's not very much fun to play that way, but if you are playing to max event points 9/10 it's the only way you are going to rack them up.

    The thing is, as flawed as it also was, the Hallowed Blight event was far better than this. Personally, I liked the idea of harvesting those thimgs BEFORE generators. And since harvesting nectar didn't imply working on gens, killers were much less sweaty. It was flawed, since killers kept getting loads of BPs even after they were done with the event task and by playing an offering that wasn't event related, while survivors only got derisory points (IF they had played the event offering and were not done with vials yet). Not to mention the impossibility to sabotage hooks during that event. Anyway, survivors are intended to work as a team, as others will be doing different gens across the map, while you work on yours. Saving your teammates while you can is mandatory to have a CHANCE of escaping, especially during this event. Oh, and another thing that doesn't make sense is that having a lantern makes you emit light, like you are screaming "I am here, come get me" to the killer. Had a match where I got a 4k because of that bs.
  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited February 2019

    Hallowed Blight was killer sided.
    Moonrise is survivor sided.
    The devs have a weird idea of what is balancing events...
    In both events one side must make wasting time actions that handicap them.
    Hallowed Blight - filling vials.
    Moonrise - destroying vessels.

    Why don't make an event in which none of the sides must waste time?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    IamFran said:

    Hallowed Blight was killer sided.
    Moonrise is survivor sided.
    The devs have a weird idea of what is balancing events...

    How was hollowed blight killer sided?
    It was survivor sided af.
  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    so many snowflakes on this forum damn, really sad to see. after all this is still a survival game and the event was meant to be survivor vs survivor aswell. watch the dev stream. this community is just spoonfeeded from the start of the game with all the double bloodpoints bs. play hello kitty if you cant compete in a PVP game jesus christ.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Kenshin said:

    so many snowflakes on this forum damn, really sad to see. after all this is still a survival game and the event was meant to be survivor vs survivor aswell. watch the dev stream. this community is just spoonfeeded from the start of the game with all the double bloodpoints bs. play hello kitty if you cant compete in a PVP game jesus christ.

    Survivors not playing as a team and wanting to 1vs1 the killer is what makes them ask for crazy buffs like multiple exhaustion perks again or decisive strike.

    Now imagine what happens when survivors of that strength play together as a cooperative SWF...

    In games where it is 1 vs 4, the 4 are expected to need to work together in order to escape. That's why they are weak individually but strong together.
  • terrortil
    terrortil Member Posts: 78

    A few positive things about the event: They have taken into account all major criticisms of the Halloween event.

    • This event allows absolutely normal style of play for all who do not want to participate
    • All event rewards are achievable through playing the game
    • You will not be forced to play both sides to get all the coins
    • The event allows you to collect blood points through event offerings even if you already have all the coins
    • People killed themselves as soon as they reached their event goal. That does not happen anymore

    Some points the developers have tried to take into account, even if they did not really work in the end:

    • People have complained about too many event offerings in the bloodweb
    • The event task does not distract too much from the actual game goal
    • Killers get more than just special hooks

    I think we are taking a step in the right direction, even if many things are not going well. Things I want for the next one:

    • I am not a friend of competition among the survivors
    • The effort to reach the event goal needs to be better balanced between killers and survivors
    • Event offerings should be unified to one for all events
    • Time is a critical factor. Event objectives should be designed so that when they slow down, both sides will slow down
  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600
    Adding injury to insult, I just managed to escape with a lamp and only got the 20 points for generators, no points for the lamp... This event just keeps getting worse. 

    Kenshin said:

    so many snowflakes on this forum damn, really sad to see. after all this is still a survival game and the event was meant to be survivor vs survivor aswell. watch the dev stream. this community is just spoonfeeded from the start of the game with all the double bloodpoints bs. play hello kitty if you cant compete in a PVP game jesus christ.

    Even if it was meant to be survivor vs survivor, which isn't the case, as it would turn the game from an asymmetrical kind into a free for all, you seem to be talking gibberish. You can't claim for a game to be "competitive" when, in 2019, it still relies on peer to peer. It would be fun and catastrophic to watch pro leagues playing with peer to peer.
  • terrortil
    terrortil Member Posts: 78
    edited February 2019

    @Tsulan said:
    How was hollowed blight killer sided?
    It was survivor sided af.

    Did you play the same event? Games were so slow. You could goof around forever and still win with 4-5 generators remaining.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    @Tsulan said:
    IamFran said:

    Hallowed Blight was killer sided.

    Moonrise is survivor sided.

    The devs have a weird idea of what is balancing events...

    How was hollowed blight killer sided?
    It was survivor sided af.

    No, it was killer sided. The survivors had to waste a lot of time filling the vials without repairing gens giving an obvious advantage to the killer while the killer only had to hook the survivors as always do.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    I've never seen so many disconnects.

    If people were salty they got sandbagged or left on the hook thats one thing, but pepople are rage quitting as soon as they go down.

    Then the message from the devs is "if you quit too you'll be punished, so you better stay in and learn to enjoy 2 vs 1 games".

    Might as well ban me now then. I'm not staying in games where 2 of my teammates have disconnected with no gens done.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    terrortil said:

    @Tsulan said:
    How was hollowed blight killer sided?
    It was survivor sided af.

    Did you play the same event? Games were so slow. You could goof around forever and still win with 4-5 generators remaining.

    So all flowers could could be harvested in 2 minutes, progress was faster when several survivors were on the same flower, survivors on the hook earned 20k+ bloodpoints while doing nothing all while killers had to reach specific hooks that could be on the other end of the map. But it was killer sided...
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    IamFran said:

    @Tsulan said:
    IamFran said:

    Hallowed Blight was killer sided.

    Moonrise is survivor sided.

    The devs have a weird idea of what is balancing events...

    How was hollowed blight killer sided?
    It was survivor sided af.

    No, it was killer sided. The survivors had to waste a lot of time filling the vials without repairing gens giving an obvious advantage to the killer while the killer only had to hook the survivors as always do.

    30 seconds for a flower really slowed the match down. 
    Are you sure it wasn't the survivors that just did the flowers and then suicided, that hurt the gen progress?
  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    @Tsulan said:
    terrortil said:

    @Tsulan said:

    How was hollowed blight killer sided?

    It was survivor sided af.

    Did you play the same event? Games were so slow. You could goof around forever and still win with 4-5 generators remaining.

    So all flowers could could be harvested in 2 minutes, progress was faster when several survivors were on the same flower, survivors on the hook earned 20k+ bloodpoints while doing nothing all while killers had to reach specific hooks that could be on the other end of the map. But it was killer sided...

    2 minutes are much time in this game, also in very few games I have seen the flowers harvested in only 2 minutes. A lot of games the game ended with a 4k or only one escaped with 3-4 gens unrepaired.

  • terrortil
    terrortil Member Posts: 78

    @Tsulan said:
    So all flowers could could be harvested in 2 minutes, progress was faster when several survivors were on the same flower

    2 Minutes are an incredible waste of time in DBD.

    survivors on the hook earned 20k+ bloodpoints while doing nothing all while killers had to reach specific hooks that could be on the other end of the map. But it was killer sided...

    So you're talking about blood points. Why is that crucial to the balance of the game?

    I climbed about 10 ranks as killer in 3 days without really playing that much. It was batshit crazy easy as a killer.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    @JoannaVO said:

    @TrAiNwReCk said:
    Only way to make it the relaxed game it always has been is equal out the event points for killer and survivor. It's too easy as survivor to get max 45 event points at least 1/3 game and the other 2/3 its easy to get at least 20 event points granted your team knows how to do gens.

    Killers are playing dirty to maximize their event points. And I don't blame them.

    Are you kidding? Have you even played survivor? Looking at your BS conclusion I assume not. It's not easy at all to get those 45 event points when it's literally all against each other, and that just for a piece of clothing.

    That's how people behave to each other in the real world :) You need to have a balls of steel to not surrender.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912
    edited February 2019

    @Damarus said:
    Adding injury to insult, I just managed to escape with a lamp and only got the 20 points for generators, no points for the lamp... This event just keeps getting worse. 

    Kenshin said:

    so many snowflakes on this forum damn, really sad to see. after all this is still a survival game and the event was meant to be survivor vs survivor aswell. watch the dev stream. this community is just spoonfeeded from the start of the game with all the double bloodpoints bs. play hello kitty if you cant compete in a PVP game jesus christ.

    Even if it was meant to be survivor vs survivor, which isn't the case, as it would turn the game from an asymmetrical kind into a free for all, you seem to be talking gibberish. You can't claim for a game to be "competitive" when, in 2019, it still relies on peer to peer. It would be fun and catastrophic to watch pro leagues playing with peer to peer.

    next time pls read before you are posting. i never said this game is competitive. no idea where you got that from. i said this is a PVP game and if you think every PVP=competitive than i dont know what to tell you. but thanks for adding nothing to this conversation.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    IamFran said:

    @Tsulan said:
    terrortil said:

    @Tsulan said:

    How was hollowed blight killer sided?

    It was survivor sided af.

    Did you play the same event? Games were so slow. You could goof around forever and still win with 4-5 generators remaining.

    So all flowers could could be harvested in 2 minutes, progress was faster when several survivors were on the same flower, survivors on the hook earned 20k+ bloodpoints while doing nothing all while killers had to reach specific hooks that could be on the other end of the map. But it was killer sided...

    2 minutes are much time in this game, also in very few games I have seen the flowers harvested in only 2 minutes. A lot of games the game ended with a 4k or only one escaped with 3-4 gens unrepaired.

    So what are we talking about now? The event (nectar) or repairing gens? Because you complain that you couldn't repair gens, AFTER finishing the event objective.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    terrortil said:

    @Tsulan said:
    So all flowers could could be harvested in 2 minutes, progress was faster when several survivors were on the same flower

    2 Minutes are an incredible waste of time in DBD.

    survivors on the hook earned 20k+ bloodpoints while doing nothing all while killers had to reach specific hooks that could be on the other end of the map. But it was killer sided...

    So you're talking about blood points. Why is that crucial to the balance of the game?

    I climbed about 10 ranks as killer in 3 days without really playing that much. It was batshit crazy easy as a killer.

    Are we talking about completing the event objective or ranking up? Those are 2 different things. 
    Please don't move the goalpost any further. 
  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    Tsulan said:
    IamFran said:

    @Tsulan said:
    terrortil said:

    @Tsulan said:

    How was hollowed blight killer sided?

    It was survivor sided af.

    Did you play the same event? Games were so slow. You could goof around forever and still win with 4-5 generators remaining.

    So all flowers could could be harvested in 2 minutes, progress was faster when several survivors were on the same flower, survivors on the hook earned 20k+ bloodpoints while doing nothing all while killers had to reach specific hooks that could be on the other end of the map. But it was killer sided...

    2 minutes are much time in this game, also in very few games I have seen the flowers harvested in only 2 minutes. A lot of games the game ended with a 4k or only one escaped with 3-4 gens unrepaired.

    So what are we talking about now? The event (nectar) or repairing gens? Because you complain that you couldn't repair gens, AFTER finishing the event objective.
    What? Don't recur to the straw man fallacy. The nectar slow down the game for survivors due the waste of time filling the vials, time filling the vial = time not spent repairing the gens. Is not that hard to understand. 
  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Damarus said:
    While the idea of an event in itself is nice, the way it was designed is astonishgly lacking. Killers get many less points than survivors, resulting in almost every killer playing the survivor role, increasing waiting times for a lobby.

    That's probably the biggest issue with this event.

    Killers heavily rely on survivors bringing the offerings into the game. Which survs can't do, since there's only one offering per bloodweb and one bloodweb costs 50k (and survs don't earn that many bloodpoints in one match).

    The devs should increase the amount of event points for killers.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    IamFran said:
    Tsulan said:
    IamFran said:

    @Tsulan said:
    terrortil said:

    @Tsulan said:

    How was hollowed blight killer sided?

    It was survivor sided af.

    Did you play the same event? Games were so slow. You could goof around forever and still win with 4-5 generators remaining.

    So all flowers could could be harvested in 2 minutes, progress was faster when several survivors were on the same flower, survivors on the hook earned 20k+ bloodpoints while doing nothing all while killers had to reach specific hooks that could be on the other end of the map. But it was killer sided...

    2 minutes are much time in this game, also in very few games I have seen the flowers harvested in only 2 minutes. A lot of games the game ended with a 4k or only one escaped with 3-4 gens unrepaired.

    So what are we talking about now? The event (nectar) or repairing gens? Because you complain that you couldn't repair gens, AFTER finishing the event objective.
    What? Don't recur to the straw man fallacy. The nectar slow down the game for survivors due the waste of time filling the vials, time filling the vial = time not spent repairing the gens. Is not that hard to understand. 
    We are talking about completing the event. Filling the vial. Which could be done in 2 minutes or less. No survival required. More points that completing the gens + escaping alive.
    Survivors didn't had to repair gens or escape in order to complete their event objective. 
    That's why people suicided right after filling their vial. Which slowed down the gen progress of the rest of the team.

    Why is escaping so important to you, when it's only more points in the end, but way less that what survivors got from doing a 2 minute objective?
  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    @Tsulan said:
    IamFran said:

    Tsulan said:

    IamFran said:

    @Tsulan said:

    terrortil said:

    @Tsulan said:
    How was hollowed blight killer sided?
    It was survivor sided af.
    Did you play the same event? Games were so slow. You could goof around forever and still win with 4-5 generators remaining.

    So all flowers could could be harvested in 2 minutes, progress was faster when several survivors were on the same flower, survivors on the hook earned 20k+ bloodpoints while doing nothing all while killers had to reach specific hooks that could be on the other end of the map. But it was killer sided...

    2 minutes are much time in this game, also in very few games I have seen the flowers harvested in only 2 minutes. A lot of games the game ended with a 4k or only one escaped with 3-4 gens unrepaired.

    So what are we talking about now? The event (nectar) or repairing gens? Because you complain that you couldn't repair gens, AFTER finishing the event objective.

    What? Don't recur to the straw man fallacy. The nectar slow down the game for survivors due the waste of time filling the vials, time filling the vial = time not spent repairing the gens. Is not that hard to understand. 

    We are talking about completing the event. Filling the vial. Which could be done in 2 minutes or less. No survival required. More points that completing the gens + escaping alive.
    Survivors didn't had to repair gens or escape in order to complete their event objective. 
    That's why people suicided right after filling their vial. Which slowed down the gen progress of the rest of the team.

    Why is escaping so important to you, when it's only more points in the end, but way less that what survivors got from doing a 2 minute objective?

    It's important because is the survivor objetive, filling a vial is not, on the other hand the killer can complete event objetive and do his game objetive at the same time.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    @Tsulan said:
    IamFran said:

    Tsulan said:

    IamFran said:

    @Tsulan said:

    terrortil said:

    @Tsulan said:
    How was hollowed blight killer sided?
    It was survivor sided af.
    Did you play the same event? Games were so slow. You could goof around forever and still win with 4-5 generators remaining.

    So all flowers could could be harvested in 2 minutes, progress was faster when several survivors were on the same flower, survivors on the hook earned 20k+ bloodpoints while doing nothing all while killers had to reach specific hooks that could be on the other end of the map. But it was killer sided...

    2 minutes are much time in this game, also in very few games I have seen the flowers harvested in only 2 minutes. A lot of games the game ended with a 4k or only one escaped with 3-4 gens unrepaired.

    So what are we talking about now? The event (nectar) or repairing gens? Because you complain that you couldn't repair gens, AFTER finishing the event objective.

    What? Don't recur to the straw man fallacy. The nectar slow down the game for survivors due the waste of time filling the vials, time filling the vial = time not spent repairing the gens. Is not that hard to understand. 

    We are talking about completing the event. Filling the vial. Which could be done in 2 minutes or less. No survival required. More points that completing the gens + escaping alive.
    Survivors didn't had to repair gens or escape in order to complete their event objective. 
    That's why people suicided right after filling their vial. Which slowed down the gen progress of the rest of the team.

    Why is escaping so important to you, when it's only more points in the end, but way less that what survivors got from doing a 2 minute objective?

    Halloweed Blight destroyd the normal gameplay experience in general, which was an important issue of the event.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    IamFran said:

    @Tsulan said:
    IamFran said:

    Tsulan said:

    IamFran said:

    @Tsulan said:

    terrortil said:

    @Tsulan said:
    How was hollowed blight killer sided?
    It was survivor sided af.
    Did you play the same event? Games were so slow. You could goof around forever and still win with 4-5 generators remaining.

    So all flowers could could be harvested in 2 minutes, progress was faster when several survivors were on the same flower, survivors on the hook earned 20k+ bloodpoints while doing nothing all while killers had to reach specific hooks that could be on the other end of the map. But it was killer sided...

    2 minutes are much time in this game, also in very few games I have seen the flowers harvested in only 2 minutes. A lot of games the game ended with a 4k or only one escaped with 3-4 gens unrepaired.

    So what are we talking about now? The event (nectar) or repairing gens? Because you complain that you couldn't repair gens, AFTER finishing the event objective.

    What? Don't recur to the straw man fallacy. The nectar slow down the game for survivors due the waste of time filling the vials, time filling the vial = time not spent repairing the gens. Is not that hard to understand. 

    We are talking about completing the event. Filling the vial. Which could be done in 2 minutes or less. No survival required. More points that completing the gens + escaping alive.
    Survivors didn't had to repair gens or escape in order to complete their event objective. 
    That's why people suicided right after filling their vial. Which slowed down the gen progress of the rest of the team.

    Why is escaping so important to you, when it's only more points in the end, but way less that what survivors got from doing a 2 minute objective?

    It's important because is the survivor objetive, filling a vial is not, on the other hand the killer can complete event objetive and do his game objetive at the same time.

    So the survivors could fill their vial without making an offering. All 4 survivors could harvest the same flower and would not only gain the same amount of nectar as if they would have done it alone, but would also harvest it faster. Completing their objective in 1 match.

    Killers couldn't fill their vial in 1 match unless survivors made several offerings. Even then, they often had to cross half of the map to reach the objective hooks. Because of that they couldn't use their normal load out and had to use Agitation and Iron Grip. 
    Since survivors had no will to survive after filling their vial, they often died on the first hook. Making it impossible to get the 6 event hooks for 1 vial.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Tsulan said:
    IamFran said:

    Tsulan said:

    IamFran said:

    @Tsulan said:

    terrortil said:

    @Tsulan said:
    How was hollowed blight killer sided?
    It was survivor sided af.
    Did you play the same event? Games were so slow. You could goof around forever and still win with 4-5 generators remaining.

    So all flowers could could be harvested in 2 minutes, progress was faster when several survivors were on the same flower, survivors on the hook earned 20k+ bloodpoints while doing nothing all while killers had to reach specific hooks that could be on the other end of the map. But it was killer sided...

    2 minutes are much time in this game, also in very few games I have seen the flowers harvested in only 2 minutes. A lot of games the game ended with a 4k or only one escaped with 3-4 gens unrepaired.

    So what are we talking about now? The event (nectar) or repairing gens? Because you complain that you couldn't repair gens, AFTER finishing the event objective.

    What? Don't recur to the straw man fallacy. The nectar slow down the game for survivors due the waste of time filling the vials, time filling the vial = time not spent repairing the gens. Is not that hard to understand. 

    We are talking about completing the event. Filling the vial. Which could be done in 2 minutes or less. No survival required. More points that completing the gens + escaping alive.
    Survivors didn't had to repair gens or escape in order to complete their event objective. 
    That's why people suicided right after filling their vial. Which slowed down the gen progress of the rest of the team.

    Why is escaping so important to you, when it's only more points in the end, but way less that what survivors got from doing a 2 minute objective?

    Halloweed Blight destroyd the normal gameplay experience in general, which was an important issue of the event.

    It destroyed the killer queues, since survivor mains had to play killer in order to get all vials. The devs had to change the event in order to allow 1 side to get all vials. Because it was unplayable. 
  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    For a "survivor sided" event, I got coins much faster as a killer. Odd.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    @Tsulan said:
    Freudentrauma said:

    @Tsulan said:

    IamFran said:

    Tsulan said:
    IamFran said:
    @Tsulan said:
    terrortil said:

    @Tsulan said: How was hollowed blight killer sided? It was survivor sided af. Did you play the same event? Games were so slow. You could goof around forever and still win with 4-5 generators remaining.

    So all flowers could could be harvested in 2 minutes, progress was faster when several survivors were on the same flower, survivors on the hook earned 20k+ bloodpoints while doing nothing all while killers had to reach specific hooks that could be on the other end of the map. But it was killer sided...
    2 minutes are much time in this game, also in very few games I have seen the flowers harvested in only 2 minutes. A lot of games the game ended with a 4k or only one escaped with 3-4 gens unrepaired.
    So what are we talking about now? The event (nectar) or repairing gens? Because you complain that you couldn't repair gens, AFTER finishing the event objective.
    What? Don't recur to the straw man fallacy. The nectar slow down the game for survivors due the waste of time filling the vials, time filling the vial = time not spent repairing the gens. Is not that hard to understand. 
    We are talking about completing the event. Filling the vial. Which could be done in 2 minutes or less. No survival required. More points that completing the gens + escaping alive.

    Survivors didn't had to repair gens or escape in order to complete their event objective. 

    That's why people suicided right after filling their vial. Which slowed down the gen progress of the rest of the team.

    Why is escaping so important to you, when it's only more points in the end, but way less that what survivors got from doing a 2 minute objective?

    Halloweed Blight destroyd the normal gameplay experience in general, which was an important issue of the event.

    It destroyed the killer queues, since survivor mains had to play killer in order to get all vials. The devs had to change the event in order to allow 1 side to get all vials. Because it was unplayable. 

    Not just that. Everything was suddenly about these plants. People didn't care about the rest of the game. It wasn't possible to play a normal match. Even after they changed the conditions, it still was still horrible and killer queues stayed long, because killers were still be able to do extra bps after reaching the goal and they had very easy matches without any struggle. It was an unbalanced mess which broke the game.