This is just how powerful Sadako is lore wise for those who haven't seen the movies.

Adaez Member Posts: 1,239
edited June 2022 in General Discussions

Sadako Yamamura is by far the most powerful killer and I'm now going to explain why.

Before I explain I want to specify that I'm talking about the movie version of the character.The original novel version is many in different ways and her powers revolve around a smallpox virus that causes heart attacks.

Nensha: Nensha was an ability she inherited from her human mother (her dad is a water spirit/demon btw). Nensha has a wide variety of skills but is mostly used to burn images/thoughts into objects and people's minds. It normally is just used to let people see memories but she can also use it to instantly kill people by overloading their mind. She can also use it to create illusions and enter people's dreams. Any damage she deals in the dreams affect their real body.

Healing: She is able to heal other's wounds, let a crippled man walk, curse blindness and revive the dead.

Telepathy: Can read other people's minds and talk to them.

Telekinesis: Can lift massive objects with her mind and shake entire streets of large buildings.

Super strength: She can lift people with a single hand and easily tear a human apart.

Future sight: Sadako is able to see the future and look into the past.

Psychic aura: Her psychic powers are so powerful that any human standing near her will gain psychic powers. This is how Yoichi got powers btw.

Hair: She can control her hair like an appendage and grow it to cover buildings. this hair is strong enough to rip people and other ghosts apart and drain someone's energy/lifeforce.

Technology: She is able to completely control all electronics, using them to spread her curse or even explode.

Flight: She can fly/levitate and move at speeds faster than the eye can detect.

Mind control: She can control living people. She can give said controlled people super strength to kill others with ease. She can do this to multiple people at once including those with psychic powers.

DNA altering: She can alter someone's DNA. she once changed a man's DNA so his offspring will be identical to her.

Teleportation: She can teleport to anywhere on the planet instantly.

Invisibly: She can become invisible and can chose if a specific person can see her.

Water control: She can control massive amounts of water.

Bugs: She can create and control massive amounts of bugs including locust and cicadas.

Death vision: Looking in her eyes will instantly kill you. This has worked on other onryo and demons.

Duplication: Sadako is able to multiply herself to create an army of duplicates that can be in multiple places at once.

Weather manipulation: She can control the weather including a massive typhoon that affected all of Japan.

Size: She can change her size to as big as a building to as small as a finger.

Necromancy: She can turn the people she's killed into an army of minions.

Dimensional powers: Sadako created a dimension that she can pull people into. It's near impossible to escape from and she is all powerful there. She is able to create portals to this world through any technology and reflection. Her bugs can also form together into a portal. (The forest with the well is apart of this dimension btw).

Absorption and fusion: she is able to absorb other supernatural beings. in her crossover with the Grudge she meet Kayako, another onryo like her. She fused together with her to create Sadakaya. another time she met the demon king of the underworld. She then overpowered him with her hair and absorbed him, adding all of his power to her own.

Her Curse: Anyone that goes near her corpse or anything her Nensha has burned will get her curse. She can control and manipulate these people all she wants as shown above. it's impossible to remove. Giving someone a copy of her tape won't remove the curse, she will simply spare you.

Basically, she is more powerful than any other killer in the game.

So Behaviour,i'm not asking her to be the most powerful killer in the game,i'm asking so she can at least not be the weakest and the most prone to bullying from survivors.She is far too strong to be given a power this weak in Dead by Daylight,please buff her soon.
