Dead by daylight the game were if you have bad internet you get banned for a day :]

Ok this is just a comment I don't care what anyone else says about this Ok the penalty system it's getting out of hand I can't help that I have bad internet I read the thing saying the penalty is to help people chill out but I hate when I'm at the exit gate internet goes out log back into dbd bam 24h ban ######### seriously at that point it's most likely going to extend to weeks if so I'm just gonna quit I love the game but if the penalty system keeps ######### me I might as well quit nobody needs a WHOLE DAY to chill and I know it also wants you to know what will happen so you won't do it again for you from leaving in my case I can't help it I'm in an area where the internet is ######### but the max penalty needs to be 30mins over an hour it's too much cause I was in silver 4 I made it go down to silver 2 but when I lag out 5 ######### hours fix that ######### cause I have a passion for playing Dead by Daylight like bro why would I leave when I'm about to win

sorry that I can't shrink it lol
