Enduring Shadow Nerfed? Why?

So, I read the patch notes, and no where did I see it mentioned that Enduring no longer works while you are carrying a person. Even the wiki doesn't say it. When it happened, I thought it was a new bug until we saw it in the lobby. But now Enduring says it doesn't work while carrying a survivor. Why was this nerf done? Enduring was not a broken perk, and it seems in bad form to nerf it both without announcing it and when you are trying to change the meta.
It’s always worked that way. There was a period it was bugged and it didn’t. BHVR simply updated the perk description to clarify to everyone. And it’s totally fair it doesn’t work when carrying a survivor.
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I rember Enduring working on decisive strike (and therefore being the #1 killer perk) but not it working when pallet stunned while carrying a survivor. It being a bug for only a few patches sounds right.
And Enduring is fine without countering pallet saves.
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Enduring never worked when carrying survivors, that's why you don't find it in the patch notes. A lack of information about something usually means it doesn't exist, not that it was probably just forgotten somewhere.
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Now that it's being said out loud, maybe it should work while carrying survivors 🤔
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It wouldn't allow any distance to be made for the survivor who is rescued from the killer's grasp. Same problem we're going to have with the upcoming DS nerf on a lot of killers. So basically a wasted pallet.
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Your probably right 😔
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Apparently, it did for a while, but that was a bug. It just so happened that it only came up for me during that bug period. Also, the clarification was added without anything in the patch notes either. Combined with the bug that it used to work, it made the situation confusing. The lack of information was that the text was added without being mentioned.
As for not working on pallet stuns, to make no distance, it would have to be combined with Spirit Fury. If you are using two perks, it is not an OP situation, you are literally burning half your perks to do it.