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Addon Suggestions for the Hag's worst addons.

HagathaSimmons Member Posts: 236
edited June 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I personally don't use any of these addons when playing my main but I acknowledge "some" people do. Honestly, these addons sabotage Hag more than help and are more likely to make you lose a chase/game.

Trap radius increasing addons (Bog water, Bloodied water, Bloodied mud):

Suggestion: In addition to their current effects- After teleporting to a trap (or when a phantasm trap is triggered [either/or]), the hag has a 5% haste effect for 3 seconds.

Rational: The increase in trigger range "sounds" good on paper seeing as her base radius is 3 meters. However, it reduces the chances of getting an insta-teleport-swing. As well as increasing the distance survivors have after bullying your traps. Making this addon in many circumstances a hindrance rather than an aid. I acknowledge that "some" Hag mains utilize this addon in unconventional ways to make it work, however in most circumstances it's mostly for the meme. My suggestion allows the opportunity for the Hag to "catch up" with teams that harass her traps, a very common and sound strategy. As a 110% killer this buff would be incredibly useful at ending chases more effectively.

Body blocking addon (Scarred Hand):

Suggestion: In addition to its current effect- a survivor making contact with the phantasm will scream and drop their items (items do not lose charges on the ground).

The inability to teleport to traps is removed.

Rational: "Chase Hag" is a meme and not an enjoyably one at that. My suggested change returns the Hag her ability to use her power without sacrificing the fun effect of phantasm collision. In addition to now being able to use her power again, the additional effect of survivors dropping their items is a counter to flashlights. A common and very frequent perk used by many Hag mains to combat flashlights against her traps is Franklin's Demise. For this reason, the additional effect gives the Hag some counter-play to the survivor counter-play without reliance to a perk. However, the survivor will only drop their item when running into the phantasm, which means the Hag must make the decision whether to teleport to the trap and when not to in order to efficiently utilize the addon.

Fast Hag (Waterlogged shoe):

Suggestion: The inability to teleport to traps is removed.

Rational: Waterlogged shoe is frequently and commonly used in conjunction with Scarred Hand, due to their shared effect of removing the Hag's teleportation ability. However, either addon used by itself has very little synergy with any of the Hag's other addons. The effect of increase speed and hindrance application to survivors are strong effects in and of itself. The issue is the removal of her teleportation, quickly turning her into a basic "M1" killer with no map control and less than ideal chases.

Ringing noise addon (Disfigured ear):

Suggestion: Successful basic attacks after teleporting to a phantasm will apply the blindness status effect to the survivor for X seconds.

Removal of ringing noise effect.

Rational: I'll admit I had trouble brainstorming an adequate replacement idea for this addon. It's current effect is...undesirable and ineffective. I found it fitting for at least one addon should apply a status effect, seeing as Hag was the killer that brought in Third Seal. The Blindness status effect is an underrated effect that has the opportunity to cause confusion for affected survivors. Following with what I presume may have been the idea of the addon, to cause disorientation and/or confusion for affected survivors. The Blindness status effect inhibits effective use of many survivor aura perks (Bond, Empathy, Windows of Opportunity, etc) as well as increasing the possibility of delayed hook saves. (Side Note for Devs: Although the Hag has high "snowballing" potential, status effect with less than 60 second duration on a 110% hit and run setup killer would be ineffective at its goal. Please consider no less than 60 second duration for this suggestion.)

Sneaky Hag addon (Grandma's Heart):

Suggestion: Triggering a phantasm trap causes the following effects

-Grants the Hag the Undetectable status effect for 10 seconds (effect cannot trigger more than once in a 30 second time period).

-Increases the Phantasms fake terror radius to 24 meters. fake terror radius persists in the area for 3 seconds after the phantasm disappears at a reduced radius of 16 meters.

Rational: The current effect removes the Hag's terror radius but not her red stain in an incomplete version of "Undetectable". Granting the complete benefit of Undetectable status effect along with a time frame increases consistency and applicability in becoming stealthy or sneaky. Giving more opportunities to sneak up on unaware survivors to interrupt healing and/or generator progress. Increasing phantasm terror radius from current 16 meters to 24 meters increases the possibility of confusing survivors as well as mimicking the Hag's 24 meter terror radius. The additional effect of the remaining fake terror radius in the area of the phantasm after it disappears for 3 seconds at a reduced radius is purely to continue to confuse nearby survivors who may think the Hag has already teleported. In addition, it allows for some fun survivor confusion when traps are triggered while in animation/carrying survivors/ or too far to teleport.


  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    I'd prefer it if disfigured ear was left alone, as its quite unique in that it deafens survivors, which only has one other source in knock out

  • HagathaSimmons
    HagathaSimmons Member Posts: 236

    Other than being unique its effect does not accomplish anything and wastes an addon slot that could be used for an effect more productive.

    If anything, the noise effect can still be part of the addon but personally the addon itself needs something else to make it both useful and fun. From the killer POV you don't know "how" the survivor is affected by the noise just that they are.

    If it applies the Blindness affect it'll have to be more of an "Disfigured Eye" instead I guess lol.

    I also played with the idea of the addon applying "incapacitated" when phantasm triggered for like 30 seconds. Not many addons/perks apply the effect. (Incapacitated prevents survivors from repairing gens, cleansing/booning, and I think healing too).