Prove Thyself nerf?

This perk must be nerfed. If you have team of survivor when they are going together on gen, they have 45% speed which is crazy. This must be nerfed
No. All it does is offset the 15% repair speed penalty for each additional survivor repairing a generator. Killers are also getting 10 second longer repair times per gen, a number of gen defense perks buffed, and 2.5% base damage when kicking a generator.
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The 15% penalty? What?
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So, by default, currently, a gen takes 80 seconds to repair. So, you'd think 2 survivors could repair it in 40 seconds, no? Well, you'd be wrong. It's about 47 seconds. Survivors get diminishing returns on more people working on a gen. For 2 survivors, it's not too bad, but it's typically not worth it for 3 or 4 survivors to all work on the same gen. Prove Thyself removes those diminishing returns, making it so you DO do a gen in 40 seconds with 2 survivors.
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The things you learn after 1411 hours.
That's incredibly bad design though, the game rewards with more bloodpoints actions that make it more difficult to win. It doesn't even make sense from a game design perspective to punish players from doing the same thing, but together.
The Opposite would actually make more sense, repairing gens should be FASTER when working together, not slower. (Not necessarily faster than current numbers, but faster relatively to working solo)
You're already at an advantage when repairing separately, basically the game tells you that if you want to win, you should be solo on a gen, but you will lose a lot of BloodPoints in the process. (since you need to solo 5 gens entirely to get 8k objectives BPs)
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It's *sort of* faster. Pressuring multiple gens is obviously very good, but sometimes you need to speed through a gen while the killer is occupied before their attention turns back to patrolling, like if you get 3gen'd or something. I think BHVR's thinking is that if gens can be done in 20 seconds with 4 survivors working on them, that gives the killer very little time to interrupt if the survivors are coordinated. Generally, gens where you CAN work on all 4 sides are somewhat rare. 2 or 3 sides with the intent of only 1 or 2 being used at a time (gives room for survivors to shuffle about to avoid detection) seems to be their goal.
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Naturally, if you have 2 people finish working on 1 gen, and then they go to another gen to do the same thing, they've spent 47 seconds each, twice, for a total of 188 seconds of survivor time. So in that situation, it's better for them to separately spend 80 seconds each for a total of 160 seconds. But, it's pretty likely one of them will be interrupted. So it's a trade off.
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Imagine how much faster games would go if there were no co-op repair penalties. Prove Thyself gives you an idea, but actually after the calculations still doesn’t completely offset the co-op repair penalties (hence the progress bar remaining red and not gray or yellow). It’s a little strange that only repair times have co-op speed penalties. Co-op healing is a standard 200% speed.
They really should buff solo generator repairs to 2,000 total BP each, not including the skill checks. It’s pitiful how much you get right now.
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It's not a tade off, it's absolutely in favor of the survivors to have one be interrupted while 2 others work on gens.
It's frustrating to be the one being interruptd, but if your mates complete 2 gens (or even 3) while doing so, that's good!
Without mentionning the gen repair speed, it's a huge tactical advantage to start separately.
It's another reason why it never made sense to give killers the separating offering and survivors the grouping offerings. And that's why they're never used, with the only exception of survivors using Prove, but again, it doesn't give any repair speed advantage, just bloodpoints.
Also, in the case of a tri gen, working on all gens separately is still a huge tactical advantage.
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The fact that there's a debuff when more than 1 survivor is repairing a generator, is also shown on the progress bar of the generator - it's red as opposed to yellow (red negative, yellow positive).
It's actually not preferable for survivors to all work on the same generator from a survivor gameplay perspective either, it's far more effective to all split up and do solo generators and put more pressure on the killer.
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That's why I said NOT relatively to the current numbers. I'm not saying gens should necessarily take faster to complete. I'm saying giving a reversed prove to all survivors makes no sense considering you gain bloodpoiints by working together.
They could, for example, remove that reversed prove effect, and make the gens even slower to complete. (slower than the incoming change). Like, make it 100 charges, but remove that malus.
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Yes. But then why does the game reward survivors with more bloodpoints when working together?
I get the idea by itself when there aren't many gens left, but then why should survivors get punished forr soloing gens and helping the team escape?
Ironically, you gain "coop" bonus bloodpoints when there is no other reason to work together other than personal bloodpoints gains, which is selfish.
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You’re not “punished” for solo’ing gens.. but you’re definitely not rewarded as much as you should be. Hence what I said above. Sadly, the person who often does the most work for the team in DbD (except perhaps unhooks) ends up with the least amount of points. You see it time and again.
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While true at the start this thought process doesnt take into account targeting center gens or focusing out a 3 gen before it becomes a 3 gen. Its most powerful when theres 1 gen left.
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I mean, you earn more than double points by doing gens together.
So if you're doing gen in a double advantage way (faster, and more strategic), you're not even going to 4k BPs even if you open the door...