X-Files Mulder and Scully DLC

Not sure if I posted this thread for a suggestion in the right section, but I just wanted to post a chapter DLC suggestion for an X-Files crossover dlc. If the respective copyright owners of the X-Files agreed to license it, I would love to see an X-Files DLC that features Fox Mulder and Dana Scully as playable survivors.😝
Could be interesting. Lots of potential killers there too. Might be interesting to see like Eugene Victor Tooms or something iconic from the series.
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Hey, glad you would find it interesting. I would love any kind of X-Files corossover dlc content.
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Mulder & Scully's perks could be based on investigation skills and detective perks.
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Ooooooh would like this!
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Oh man, we X-Philes would love this.
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Oh yeah I want to play as Fox Mulder, and human bat is a good choice for killer
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U.F.O Mori!
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"I Want to Believe" 👽️