Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Why take what people love and lower it

So you look at all the wonder data of what perks are love and used the most. Then someone has a bright idea. Hey, why don't we take the perks that are used the most and destroy them so nobody would want to use them again. Are you trying to destroy the game?

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  • Member Posts: 6,493

    What? This new upcoming patch is all about shaking up the meta, which so many people wanted. It's been years with the same meta perks used at high level games constantly.

    I do think some of the perks are getting overnerfed, but it's certainly good that every one of these perks are getting a nerf, especially Dead Hard.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Because most people only "love" perks because they're the strongest, and that's not justification to keep things which are blatantly stronger than all the other options.

  • Member Posts: 375

    If they love the perks because they're OP invincibility on command perks, then good riddance.

  • Member Posts: 241

    I'm all for a perk overhaul.

    I love Quick and Quiet but it's never seen. Why? because Iron Will fulfills the same role (Confusing the killer about your location in a chase) but better.

    I could go on, but the point stands that too many perks are currently un-loved we've been seeing the same 6 perks for survivor and 8 perks for killer for a long time now. It's more interesting if 15 perks are worth running for each side, etc.

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