Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Which killers need buffs and how the buffs would function

I understand this is quite a basic and very repetitive concept that people often talk about but this comes from a place of balancing and improving the fun rather than making the game feel the same regardless of the killer.

the killers i will talk about who needs buffs are genuinely weak in most scenarios and the buffs i wish are pushed forward will still suit their kit even if it's a full rework.

Finally Take this list with a grain of salt, these are my opinions on killers and how i would rework them, i'd love to hear your reactions on these reworks, what parts you agree with and what parts you disagree with, also i'd love to hear people's ideas for reworks

The killer reworks will Highlight:

their current ability

their pros

their cons

rework idea

how it fixes cons

how it increases pros

all the killers that need buffs are






The common issue between all these killers are they all rely on their basic attack to down survivors or certain scenario's need to fit into place for their ability to work meaning that their lethality is most often inconsistent which is the downfall since consistency is everything for a killer, if you disagree with this look at some of the top dbd killers such as nurse, executioner, plague, hag etc while all the weak killers above have to spend time making their ability work and if they don't use it properly they are punished top killers can use their strong abilities without any repercussions.

(btw all killers that I'm mentioning will have a % bonus to breaking objects & vaulting)

Myers Rework

To suit Myers in the film as an unstoppable evil His Evil Within System and his Stalk System will be reworked

Evil Within 1

Doesn't change

Evil Within 2

Breaks Pallets, Generators, doors and vaults 20% Faster

Evil Within 3

Increase Movement Speed by 15%

Infinite Duration

Can be Pushed down to Evil Within 2 if Myers is stunned or uses a basic attack

Stalk System Rework:

When stalking there is no longer a cap on how much myers can stalk but instead the more he stalks a survivor the less evil he gains, similar to how survivors will gain evil over time this will instead be reworked to the rate of evil rather than evil itself.

If a survivor has been stalked at their max stalk limit Myers will only get 25% stalk from them

Description of rework

Myers' current issues is that his ability is extremely strong but needs to be used wisely which made it extremely weak, since this only affected his basic attack good survivors can just loop him until his tier 3 is wasted, this new rework is designed to help him in both chase by increasing his vaulting and breaking speed.

His greatest Rework is His tier 3 Evil Within and Stalk system itself, currently myers struggles end game since he has no ability and just becomes a basic killer, the endgame is the hardest part for most killers and for myer's it's a scenario where they just give up, this is because of the evil within cap, to fix this huge issue Myers can now stalk survivors without having a restriction but the more each survivor is stalked the less evil he gains, this is done to make him equally strong as other killers but has to use his ability properly. His Tier 3 is Now Unlimited but has the huge drawback of only having one hit This is done to fix his problem against good survivors since they can kite him for his whole tier 3 duration, this ability now acts like a double edged sword, once myers uses his tier 3 he's made completely weak but this also swings in Myers' favor since he can now use his ability more often making his lethality stronger.


Unlike Most Killers, Trappers design is iconic to the Game So Reworking Him Is impossible But there are some quality of life changes that can be made.

20% increased interaction speed to everything (breaking any object, snuffing totems, vaulting, opening lockers, setting bear traps, picking up bear traps etc)

10% movement speed increase

2 less bear traps spawn on the map

You gain a loud Noise Notification if a survivor is Disarming a trap

Trapper's kit is iconic and cannot be changed, since we understand that he's extremely weak we've increased all his interaction speeds by 20% and his movement speed by 10% To increase his ability to oppress survivors as well as set up, since his Bear traps are strong but passive and only help in certain scenario's similar to how nemesis' zombies notify him if a survivor is nearby trapper can now know when survivors are disarming his traps.


Pig is an extremely hard killer to balance, mainly because of how sensitive her Reverse bear traps can be when it comes to balancing them to do this we are reworking the hook system with pig, she will also get some QoL changes to her base kit while her ambush is getting a few small buffs

Movement Speed Increased By 5% this increases to 20% when she's not in a chase

Terror Radius Reduced 32m>24m

Vaulting speed, breaking pallets, doors and gens 15% faster

Lunge Distance Increased 20%

Ambush speed increased by 15%

Ambush attack Recovery speed decreased by 10% on a landing hit, if the ambush misses recovery increased by 25%

Ambush Now Applies Deep wounds

These changes are designed to fix her core issues of being a killer that solely relies on basic attacks while fixing her design to be more stealthy while still staying a hybrid killer, everything she does is now more lethal, we've increased the recovery time on a landing hit to balance her new deep wounds effect, this is done to provide an extra layer of slowdown to pigs kit, currently experienced pig mains only use ambush to mind game their opponents and not for stealth as originally intended so the buffs to ambush were needed.

Pig New Ability: Tamper

As well as reverse bear traps Pig will have an extra ability, while crouched in front of a generator instead of kicking the generator pig can tamper with generators

Tamper: while crouched in front of a generator the pig can tamper with a generator

Tampered Generators regress 150% quicker

silently regress (sparks cannot be seen)

Tampering with a generator takes 200% longer than kicking a generator

Any Survivors that interact with a tampered generator Will be notified

if a survivor with an inactive bear trap interacts with a tampered generator their bear traps will be instantly activated

Gen Regression perks work with tamper.

Tamper animation is identical to survivors fixing generators

this ability is designed to fit the style of saw itself the whole idea of life threatening challenges and puzzles with booby traps everywhere, tampering with generators is designed to be a stealthy approach to damaging generators while increasing the lethality of the pigs Reverse bear traps.

Hook System > Countdown System

Throughout all the saw movies every trap has one thing in common which is time, each trap is timed to put pressure on the victims, when reworking pig we thought it was crucial to implement this feature in a way that could balance Pig into being a strong killer but has it's counters.

How the Countdown system works

Each Survivor Has 120 Seconds

when the timer reaches zero they die

Whenever a survivor is hooked The timer starts

when a survivor is unhooked the timer Pauses

each time the timer pauses the timer counts down quicker

Active Reverse Bear traps can start the timer

When a survivor is placed on a Hook they can only take the chance to escape within the first 60 seconds

each chance to escape takes 20 seconds off the timer

Pig can only carry one reverse bear trap at a time

The pig can get more reverse bear traps from basement lockers

the countdown system is designed specifically so pig can apply active pressure and ensure consistent slowdown, as strong as this may seem it acts as a pseudo nerf in certain ways a great example to show this is that survivors can be placed on hooks more than 3 times and still have the chance to escape as well as pig only having one reverse bear trap players then have to make the choice of finding a new survivor or traversing the map to get more reverse bear traps.


Currently sadako one of the newest killers has been under flak regarding her consistency within matches with people complaining about how all parts of her kit are underwhelming, especially her condemn, since her kit has links to many other killers abilities we've taken inspiration of what makes their ability stronger than sadako's similar ability and tuned her kit to fix her problems.

although sadako's abilities have been underwhelming most players are mentioning that her greatest weakness by far is her chase potential and condemn mechanic, we have focuses on these issues to increase her lethality as the merciless killer she's designed to be in the film

Base Kit:

terror radius reduced from 24m down to 16m

Base Movement speed increased by 5%

Vaulting and Breaking speeds Increased By 10%

all noise created from sadako's abilities are audible at half the current range (projecting, manifesting/demanifesting etc)

Sadako Gains Blood lust 2x quicker than other killers


Sadako moves 15% quicker while Demanifested

Sadako's Vaulting and breaking speeds are doubled while demanifested

While Demanifested Sadako can only be seen by within her terror radius instead of 24m

No Reduction in Movement Speed while Manifesting/Demanifesting

TV/TV Projection/Tape

TV's power on quicker 60s - 45s

The Movement Speed Bonus Removed

Whenever a survivor places a tape into a TV they only lose one stack of condemn and their condemn bar starts regressing and are immune to gaining condemn until one stack of condemn has regressed


Reworking Condemn was the hardest parts of adjusting sadako to being a solid killer since her condemn is passive so improving the ability to make it noticeable but not broken is hard to find the right place, amongst the community, many players mentioned that condemn should function similar to doctors madness, what we've done is taken the concept of madness as passive gen slowdown and reworked it into her own version.

Survivors under the effect of Condemn Now

Interact 2% slower per stack (up to 14%)

gain 7.5% more skill checks per stack (up to 52.5%)

Skill checks are 5% smaller per stack (up to 35%)

Skill checks move 5% quicker per stack (up to 35%)

When a survivor Reaches Max Condemn stacks, sadako can no longer use exhonorable stare until final hook, instead the survivor will be exposed, if a survivor places a tape into a TV, the max condemn effects linger for 5 seconds

overall her rework highlights her issues with her lack of chase potential and anti loop while still increasing her map presence, slowdown and stealth mechanics, while still keeping her kit the same.


Legion has an extremely hard time in matches since his ability is extremely limited in what it does, although legion can keep survivors injured for most the game they're a basic killer after that, to resolve this we want to enforce legion players to keep survivors injured

For each survivor injured legion

Moves 3% faster (16% max)

Breaks objects 5% faster (20% max)

Vaults 10% quicker (40% max)

recovers from feral frenzy 25% quicker (100% max)

Removes movement speed bonus for each feral frenzy hit

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  • Member Posts: 213

    No offense, but giving trapper less traps is like reducing the amount of times huntress can collect her axes. Sure, it's not a big deal- there's plenty of opportunities anyway. But in trapper's case he really doesn't need to be kicked while down. His map presence is already not that good.

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    I like the tampered gens idea for pig, but all the other ones are vastly OP. Just casual 125% base speed on many killers? That won't fly.

  • Member Posts: 138

    I feel bad about how much effort went into this considering your idea for Trapper is to reduce how many bear traps he has and give him 125% movement speed.

    Never give a killer more base movement speed as a buff. If you thought Trickster should be 4.5m/s (112.5%), sure, but no killer should ever be permanently above 115%

    "While Demanifested Sadako can only be seen by within her terror radius instead of 24m" You realise her terror radius while demanifested is 0? That's just old Freddy true invisibility with almost none of the drawbacks.

    My criticism with every single proposed change is that they give base stat bonuses instead of making the power better. If you want Legion to be stronger, buff Feral Frenzy. You instead proposed nerfing Feral Frenzy and giving Legion more movement and interaction speed. You literally proposed giving Trapper less bear traps.

    I'll give a pass on proposing base stat buffs on Myers, his whole thing is having three different base kits depending on evil within. But still against movement speed buffs, and strongly against making EW3 end after a basic attack. Ew3 snowballing is Myers' biggest strength, you want to take that away and give him base kit brutal stremgth.

  • Member Posts: 3

    noted but there's a few things i want to clear up

    first of all don't write it as if you're testing me it's rude and insulting

    second of all i'm not good at maths when it comes to fine tuning (as shown in the movement speed bonuses) the % increases/decreases are just showing that something needs to be increased/decreased.

    third of all Sadako kinda does have a Terror radius while demanifested you read the buff wrong, her ability deluge of fear states that while sadako is demanifested she can be intermittently visible at 24m (same as her terror radius, you can also hear a lullaby but no heartbeat or chase music) my idea was to change it so she's intermittently visible at the same range as her terror radius so if you're running something like monitor and abuse she's visible at 16m while demanifested.

    "My criticism with every single proposed change is that they give base stat bonuses instead of making the power better. If you want Legion to be stronger, buff Feral Frenzy" my intention isn't to make them a worse killer by nerfing their abilities but instead understanding how their abilities limit them at what they do so buffing them as a base killer, every killer i brought up for a rework and proposed ideas that i had to use an example legion is very similar to plague in the sense of being able to constantly injure survivors, what separates legion and plague is that when survivors remove that weakness the killer gets stronger, this works well for plague since it suits her design and story, you can't just give the same thing to legion and expect him to be both unique and a killer that's strong, every killer i mentioned struggles because of their abilities solely, not because they're bad but because they're either inconsistent, Niche or just underwhelming, with the killers mentioned above they're all M1 killers because their abilities cannot be changed to fix that problem. Long Story Short buffing their abilities to end chases quicker doesn't matter if it's through movement speed increases or vaulting/Breaking increases, I've been playing DBD for 2 months (don't let that sway your thought on my game knowledge i've hit iri 1 for both seasons and im currently devotion 1 lvl 50) and main sadako, i've only lost 4 games out of the 70 or so i have on her, the 4 games i have lost i was steamrolled and abused because her chase potential is so weak and because the survivors i went against are better at mind games than i am it doesn't matter what addons or perks i brought, nothing counters that and that's arbitrary.

    the way that you also said that I've only buffed killers base kits and nerfed their abilities i found kinda funny because each buff i talked about was supposed to enforce using killers abilities (except for trapper) such as myers getting stronger for each EW tier, pig gets a completely new ability and a ton of buffs while crouched, sadako becomes more powerful at restricting survivors while demanifested and teleporting to tv's and legion gets bonuses for keeping survivors injured which is easliy done through his ability feral frenzy.

    I can see where you're coming from with the unlimited tier 3 on myers but the only reason why i've placed it like that is to counter myers' one issue which is endgame, myers needs his ability to play well and if he can't have that then he's useless my proposal to buff him was to filter the evil gained in a match so he hits tier 3 less often and make a counter for it such as if he misses or is blinded or stunned he is instantly taken back to tier 2 and has wasted his time stalking and chasing, if bubba can have a chainsaw that he can use every 10 seconds that can instantly down multiple survivors as well as break terrain i don't see how it's unfair that myers can have a counterable one hit ability every 2 minutes.

    Btw i'm not upset and i don't want anyone to take this as a way to start an argument i genuinely understand where you're coming from but things aren't always easy, sometimes to make something feel better overall just change the simple things rather than the nitty gritty

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    I agree with some things here and there, but increasing the speed of some of these killers is a bad idea

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I will admit that the Tamper ability for the Pig is cute. I don't really like any of the other changes you made for her, though. The main thing that needs fixing for her right now is her crouch/ambush. It needs to be easier to utilize, given how many hoops you need to jump through just to land one hit with it.

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