Still waiting on that nurse nerf....

This Nurse had the balls to say ggez in endgame chat, after spending the first quarter tunneling this one person, and refusing to chase anyone else, so ofc he then died but we were able to get 3 gens done. So after that she hooks someone else and is proxy camping the hook and people are trading and eventually it ends up with everyone but me dead. So I look for hatch, get found, get downed. She then drops me near hatch (and it was obvious she was trying to bait me and then close it) so she proceeds to close it, hook me, and the hit me on hook.

I don't know what her deal was but like damn. You'd think I'd of called her names and teabagged and flashlight clicked, but nope.

Nurse needs her addons nerfed asap! Still can't believe they haven't been nerfed yet, they give the nurse way too much wiggle room for blinking, even if she makes a bunch of mistakes and the survivor does really well using objects to block her, those addons allow her to easily make up for those mistakes and down survivors quickly.

And these nurse mains always seem to have this same attitude of being toxic for no reason, and that they're too good and these addons are heavily carrying an already powerful character, and then adding tunneling and camping on top of that, like yikes.


  • adam1233467
    adam1233467 Member Posts: 1,166

    Imagine saying gg ez with double range lol

    "You go play shes hard to play" just walk until you have vision on the survivor in the chase

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,271

    You better remove those screenshots or censor them. Theyre breaking the name&shame rule.

    Also yikes DSDH survivor complaining about meta nurse.

  • SimplyPixelated06
    SimplyPixelated06 Member Posts: 469
    edited June 2022

    First of all, did you even read lmao. No names are shown but mine.... Killer wasn't their name if you somehow thought that, I put that there so they knew what the nurse said lmao. Secondly DS and DH is already being nerfed... so wdym.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Thank the Devs for shadow buffing range addons (the killer used both) recently. They literally brought Omega Blink Nurse back.

    If you are not aware: Omega Blink is a term for the range addons back when they made EVERYTHING about blinking better and faster, making them insane. They nerfed it when nurse got reworked, but about 6 months ago there was a bug that the blink speed with these addons was increased. They fixed it, but brought that bug back as a feature in 6.0.0

  • Gindaen
    Gindaen Member Posts: 374

    This patch so far.

    1. Omega Blink Nurse was a problem we nerfed, lets bring it back
    2. Decisive Strike have a 3 second stun was a problem and buffed to 5 seconds, lets bring 3 second Decisive Strike back.
    3. Spirit was an issue so lets buff Iron Will, lets nerf Iron Will

    It's like the developers don't learn from their past mistakes.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Omega blink nurse has been there since beginning and dev never fixed it.

    Even mandy said it's just working as intentional.

    Calling it a bug just shows how people never really even played or knew about nurse.

  • Snivo
    Snivo Member Posts: 11

    As a nurse main, this not only wont happen, but seriously isn't needed. the case you've shown here doesn't really give a reason for a nerf first of all. All you've really said is "heres a toxic killer that played nurse, now give me a nerf". On top of the "Nurse add-ons need a buff", as a nurse main I'd actually argue those are some of nurse's weakest add-ons lmao. To me, range add-ons are terrible on nurse since they mess with the muscle memory of the blink, speed of the target location etc., mainly what you look to run are blink cooldowns, and if needed some recharge add-ons

    Ataxic Respiration & Catatonic Boy's treasure is an insane add-on set to run, if not imo the best for nurse.

    Ataxic Respiration reduces your fatigue from the first blink by -0.25 seconds (which is seriously much more effective than you think)

    Catatonic Boy's treasure decreases Chain Blink fatigue by 100%, effectively making your blink cooldown a faster first blink for both your first and chain blink.

    The added range really isn't needed, and you should really just shoot for having the faster cooldown so instead of getting more range/speed, you get base range but use it twice as fast, effectively giving you more overall range and offensive pressure that running speed/range.

    ANYWAY, small little thing since you mentioned the add-ons, I will mention one add-on. It's a common add-on, the Plaid Flannel. It allows you to see your target blink location, and that takes away basically all of the skill part of nurse. It helped me master nurse extremely quickly, and I feel its extremely unfair. Huntress doesn't have an add-on where she can see the trajectory of her hatchets, Pyramid Head doesn't get a hologram of how far and where Punishment of the Damned will go, so Nurse shouldn't be able to see where her blinks go. It's part of the entire skill ceiling, and it literally cuts it in half, if not even more since you can literally see where you're blinking. Other than that, listening to the argument about nurse's add-ons needing to be nerfed is silly, especially the ones you're talking about. The main issue with nurse in the past was you could literally have SEVEN BLINKS LMFAO. The most you can have now is three blinks with the Ultra Rare add-on "torn bookmark", but that warrants you a 50% recharge cooldown (Considering you have 3 blinks to work with now, 50% is agonizingly crippling), and the most you can relieve off of that is 13% with the uncommon "Dark Cincture" add-on. Theres a reason Nurse isn't getting any "nerfs" or "reworks", and thats because from the original Nurse to now, shes been nerfed to the ground. You can't "rework" nurse without making her either A: just completely terrible, or B: literally not nurse. The argument of "nerf her cooldown" is something I can see and get behind. The entire reason Ataxic & Catatonic are so good is because without any cooldown essentially, you basically have free range to blink whenever, warranted you're good enough to blink correctly and work around the cooldown. The big thing here is this is also entirely an add-on set if you're SKILLED at nurse. If you have no idea how to control the blink, I promise you this add-on set, hell any add-on set without the flannel is absolutely useless to you, which is a reason why I feel plaid flannel needs to be removed. Nurse is an extremely powerful killer, if not the best in the game obv. The fact that an add-on like plaid flannel exists is baffling, this should not be an accessible killer. If it was an accessible killer, everybody would use her, which kinda furthers a "if shes so broken why doesn't everybody just use nurse then". I play nurse not to win necessarily, but since its extremely satisfying to see your growth in skill and handling with blinks, and getting good reads and punishing bad plays is an extremely satisfying feeling knowing I'm using an ability with a high skill ceiling. Other than Nurse, I main Spirit and Pyramid Head, and the same applies there. I feel people really whine too much about Nurse, shes not getting any nerfs and she really doesn't need any. The argument of "she can just blink through pallets and wall vaults" is really silly too, why are you wall vaulting and pallet vaulting knowing that information??? If you know you're putting yourself in a situation where you can be punished by the Nurse, why do it? Thats not the Nurse's fault, that's yours lmao. Only nerf im for on Nurse is the removal of Plaid Flannel, other than that shes completely fine base. Her cooldown doesn't need any type of cooldown, but if one were to emerge it'd really just be more of an inconvenience than a hindrance, and wouldn't really change the way nurse operates, hence probably why she hasn't and wont be getting a nerf.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Maybe our definition of Omega Blink is different. Some use this to refer to the range addons in general. Some (including myself) reference the hidden bonuses in the addons those addons had, like faster blink, faster charge etc.

    They removed these hidden effects with Nurse's rework a long time ago. Then the blink speed was bugged with 5.5.0 I think. They patched it in the next big update only to bring it back as a feature.

    And just assuming that I never really played or knew Nurse is just ignorant. I have been part of this community for almost 4 years now (and 5k hrs). Yes I am no nurse main, and I play her mediocre at best but I faced her long and often enough to tell. I also read every ######### patch note the Devs put out there.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited June 2022

    And I'm saying faster blink for range addon is, always there.

    Charge speed is the one nerfed and it's still nerfed, there is no such things as "omega blink bug" in current nurse.

  • SimplyPixelated06
    SimplyPixelated06 Member Posts: 469

    Yeah, disappointed they've reverted changes they know are needed.

  • SimplyPixelated06
    SimplyPixelated06 Member Posts: 469

    I think nurses addons are definitely in need of a nerf. Whenever I have a miserable match against one, or other people have miserable matches against one, it's always the same 3 addons used. They are the problem, in my opinion. But if you think they're not, that's fine, you do you. But I heavily disagree.

  • SimplyPixelated06
    SimplyPixelated06 Member Posts: 469

    Sigh. Yeah, nurse is already pretty strong, she really doesn't need those addons being so extremely oppressive