Survivor sided game. SWFS ruin the game

As the title says.
Can't even play the killer with any other build aside from meta.
Always a 4man sweat face every game.
10 seconds added to gen time is nothing and completely stupid if they think that'll fix the game.
SWFS need their own matchmaking.
Solo-Mode needs to be a thing.
Oh I totally haven’t seen this before!
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Just like 80% of any other thread in this forum, huh
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I doubt they'd ever do anything to nerf SWFs at all, but I'd kill for a mode where you could avoid SWFs (aside from having to check every steam profile in your lobbies and dodge constantly anything that looks the least suspicious).
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They'll never have a separate SWF mode because very few killers will participate
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Finally, someone brave enough to say it.
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it's quite clear they have no intention to fix SWF itself despite that is a biggest problem of all, at least they are trying to properly balance killers for SWF so that's good.
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Survivors crying all over the forums about Nurse because she's the only killer that has a realistic chance consistently against 4 man try hards on comms. Can't nerf SWF cause we'd punishing them for having friends so we need to punish the ######### out of the player that queued up as Ghostface
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Here it comes
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No* killers would participate 😆
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(That should show how dumb SWF's are if every killer wants to avoid playing it)
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SWF isn't an issue.
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SWF dOeSnT GiVe AnY AdVaNtAgEs
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It's the try hard swfs that bring the campers and tunnelers
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Why very few killers will participate? Maybe because SWF is broken AF? xD
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Best joke ever made
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This seems more Paramount Comedy than a videogame Forum xD Or maybe he is from an alternative universe where Behaviour listen to community and SWF is balanced
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Iron Grasp, Agitation, Starstruck, Mad Grit and you will tear apart most teams if they want to be aggressive.
Some matches are not winnable. That is ok. Even the best lose sometimes. Once I started placing more importance on blood points than 4k, the killer role became more enjoyable.
I like scaring them in creative ways and making memorable moments that they don't see every match. I will still kill any that fall to my blade but I no longer feel like a failure if they escape. There are too many variables and we still have subtle cheaters who run as fast as the killer and other cheats.
Take things less seriously and you will enjoy the game more.
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I wish there was a concede option, it would make playing as a jerk have actual consequences for the killers and survivors.
It makes no sense that I have to sit in a corner for ten minutes just waiting until a sweaty swf that's way too good for me decides they're going to let me go by finishing the last generator, and I don't want to play hide and seek with the last two survivors on rpd for 10 minutes either. it isn't fun and there's no reason for me to just be trapped in unfun games.
It's good for survivor play too, if a killer decides to be a jerk and just slug me for the entire match there's nothing a survivor can do about it, but with a concede option if I'm getting slugged for my entire health bar at 5 gens I can just go, why does the game make me subject myself to ######### for no reason?
The mmr is a bullshit it's a fake forced competitive mode that isn't even competitive. Competitive games are supposed to have balanced matches. Basekit Legion going up against a stacked meta 4-man isn't how a competitive matchmaking system should function, and neither is a random 4 survivor solo lobby going up against a sweaty Nurse or Blight with the best perks and addons. If the game isn't competitive there shouldn't be a consequence for a disconnect.
Maybe something would be done about Blights and Nurses if every game they tried to play ended in an immediate disconnect, and maybe stacked sweat squads would tone it down if the killers they went up against could do something other than just mald in the cuck corner after the fifth flashlight save with no hooks on one gen.
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Aren't those about nurse?
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Solo-Mode needs to be a thing.
strongly agree
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Game would die, its alive because of SWF.
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This is so easy to fix I don't understand why people make this so complicated with weird suggestions like swf q which dont make any sense. Why is DBD so busted with comms when other games arent? ITS THE INFORMATION. Other games actually give you as much information as possible as they can to make it close to having comms. In dbd it's the opposite. They don't give you anything. So when you have comms you get a ton more info and the game is way easier.
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It's not just ten seconds of gen time though, is it?
It's also 10% faster kicking of gens, pallets and walls, and 2.5% innate regression on every kick, and faster bloodlust stacking, and shorter injury sprints, and a shorter attack cooldown.
Don't just single out one buff and say 'that's not enough'.
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This is a lie. The game is alive because some masochist players like me stills playing as killer, not because SWF.
The game earns money from SWF, speaking about money, yes, it is alive thanks to survivors (Vast majority of playerbase) but speaking about the game itself, is alive because there isn´t another game that can bring a similar killer experience, if that game exist some day in the future, and its more balanced than DBD, this game will die due to the lack of killers, sorry but that´s the truth.
Main killers will move to that game looking for a better and fair experience, same as Overwatch players did with Valorant.
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For some reason I didn't saw him saying same thing in those thread though.
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Its impossible for other game to come out which offers better killer experience.
Like imagine that when game came out everyone thought killers are overpowered for a year. Now we know that dbd was very survivor sided at release.
But if the game would have released in its current state which is lot fair towards killers, it wouldnt have survived, thats why if a balanced game comes out, players are just refusing to play it.
Recent example would be Spirit Detective, it was balanced around 5 survivor on comms vs an extremely strong killer. Solo/Duo had 0% chance. Trio like 10%. Etc so game died
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Maybe he did, its hard to keep track with the amount of threads about this.
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Every Asymethric Game Will die ( I don't think so) if survivors cant Smash Killers with Zero effort.
Why is this? Because when people play other games, they compare It with DBD and that is the issue. So, survivor players in all that games Will want to win every single Game or they Will quit, because this is what DBD does, easy Mode as survivor. Not all the games are developed for braindead users, some games demands you skill and that is what bother survivors and the reason why they refuse to play any game, just DBD.
For example - You suck at Lol, stucked on Iron or Bronze.
You suck at WoW PvP, your Max rating is 1.200, my 7 years cousin can reach 1500 without effort.
You suck at CSGO, stucked on Nova forever.
You suck at OW.
But, you play DBD and Guess what, you are omega pro playing survivor. Why a person that is mediocre on every competitive Game is pro on DBD survivor? Because It doesnt demand any kind of skill to play It, because the Game gives you all the tools you need make you feel good player without being good player.
This is the reason why the other games doesnt work, because survivors need to inprove, and they doesnt want to, not because they were balanced.
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i would probably will... but only with bubba 😈
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game would be better, it's frustrating and not funny because of SWF
fixed for you
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SWF doesn't always give advantages.
Only a select few high MMR SWFs play like this. Most are in pairs or groups of three, and may not even be using voice comms. They may include players from a range of skill levels, or players who don't know how to effectively communicate in DBD. Sometimes insufficient information can be worse than no information, causing SWFs to make bad risky plays that they wouldn't do while solo.
This is my experience, I have way more successful games as a solo survivor than I do with my friends.
You can't effectively nerf SWFs because in doing so, you also penalise every regular survivor who is simply playing with their friends for fun.
A separate SWF mode would be dead, because killers wouldn't queue into it. Not because "SWF is broken AF", but because killers perceive SWF to be broken AF. They think, as demonstrated in this topic, that every good bully squad is a SWF and every SWF is an unhookable bully squad. That's a fallacy.
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- No tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering.
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They can’t make a SWF mode. First, unless they give killers a massive BP boost for playing, no killer would play. And even with a massive BP reward, all the killers would use are super sweat try hard killers and builds. Imagine being a SWF and all you face is Nurse, sweat build Blight, cracked Huntress, etc.
Ive always said they should nerf the amount of perks SWF can run. So a 2 person team loses one perk. A three stack loses two perks per person. And a full SWF can only run one perk each. But this presents it’s own problems. Mostly that most SWFs are super sweat tryhards. Plus it will drive people away from the game.
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There’s a dev post thanking her team for carrying her in swf games, its never going away
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they just need to let the killer know if one if two players are on a swf together or 3, would help a lot against distasteful players
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I actually agree with them… long as they agree that current Nurse and Blight are not issues and don’t need nerfs.
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Alr so if SWF are gonna have their own matchmaking who tf wanna play against them, just a few "sweats" killers makes no sense. Is like im saying that they should make 2 different dbd's (the old one and the new one) makes no sense what ur saying also i agree with you that swf are way strong but not even a good killer could beat them cuz meta perks, broken RNG'S pretty complex talk abouit about that theme cuz there are a lot of things to talk about it.
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And my game is ruined by my solo q teammates and bad mmr on both sides.I do not think SWF is the problem.Game itself has numerous problems that need to be fixed before we talk about SWFs
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And yet many of us who play killer think SWF is fine.
You only like SoloQ because survivors are randomly chosen regardless of their skill and don’t rely on each other as much as they do in SWF. Get a good soloQ team and they can stomp you just as much as a SWF will.
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Again, I must address that BHVR should make it so that you can see in the lobby who's in the same SWF team. Overwatch has it. So why not DbD?