Is it only me or anybody else ?

I very love DBD and i have a lot of time in it , but some times , it can pull my brian up soo damn many time , i delete the game , any good idea how i can treat all the things to not stress out dbd , iam only stressed out if it is my 6 match in a row when i get sacrificed , any proven method ? you guys what do when DBD get your brain up ?
Maybe take a break?
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Maybe try killer? You could find out, though, that getting sacrificed 6 times in a row is way less stressful then getting t-bagged, disrespected and ran for a fool for ~10~ ~9~ ~8~ 7min at a time.
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Don't play to escape. Play to get better at the game. Change your win condition to be more than just escaping (good chases, good game decisions, certain amount of points).
If you're just getting tunnelled and camped, try to play more stealthy to not get found first.
Take a break.
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Maybe you right , no , sure you right thank you soo much for the advice
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I Tryed but you know how is working when you got a pro team or a toxic team
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It makes a lot of sense , thank you so much i'am gonna try , thanks for the advice , so true , if the killer don't find me then he can't catch me:))
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i need to admit it you right , if i think about it , it's less stressfull , thank you too for the advice
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i die like 90% of my matches.
but if i sacrifice myself so someone else can escape, thats a win in my book.
try not to care how the MMR works since it doesnt.
what ive found out is that it doesnt matter what you do..
take a back seat and let your teammates carry you some games & if they cant just simply move on to the next.
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Being sacrificed is just part of the game. Most games I'd rather take the altruistic route and risk my own life to rescue someone on the hook at EGC. If I fail, no biggien I knew what I signed up for. Most of the time it's a hook traden they get out, I dont. Either wayn everyone involved ends up with more BP.
Escaping isn't everything.
But if I was tunneled out at the start of the game? Yeah I'd take that a bit harder, and it would definitely get to me if it happened every game.
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You are soo wise , love the see that there is somebody like you , i have the same perception like you , but since then my girlfriend broke up with me i can't follow my old wiseness , but thank you for reminding me what is looks like when you are the smarter and not the life
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Yes it's true , sometimes i forget what is realy important about this game and what's the point in DBD , Thank you soo much :))
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And sorry ... my comment was probably quite snarky, even though you are genuinely asking for a helpful opinion. So, here is a somewhat tongue in cheek explanation of that might be happening that still offers you a solution and way out of your predicament.
All in all I would say that survivors have it vastly easier then the killers: 1) their job is vastly less stressful, with highoctane chases interspersed with chill gen-time and healing others. 2) they got multiple second chance perks that can help you make up for mistakes and give you the time needed to learn the classes tricks to survive 3) they got others to help them and hold their back; the feeling of camaraderie really helps standing against the darkness. So playing killer is already somewhat harder AND harsher then playing survivor.
BUT all this requires a modicum of experience and game sense. Because of the MMR and SBMM (matchmaking rank and skill based match making) there exists a region at the lowest end called MMR hell. Here are all the scared and inexperienced survivors to whom the killer is an unstoppable, monolythic, cyclopean force of nature from a begone age thats out to kill them. This realm of MMR-Hell is lorded over by the NOED-Wraith, a spiteful and weak lordling who rules over his fearful and intimidated subjects with an iron fist, but gets royaly squashed should he even move one foot out into the real DBD world. So after each disgrace they whale down on their subjects with renewed crewlty and malice.
Getting out of MMR hell can be tough, because its a self-renewing-feedback-loop: you lose, get thrown in together with other weak players, and chances are that everyone is too scared to work through this nightmare together. But if you take your time, watch a couple of tutorials, learn how to evade the killer and do your objective instead of just hiding, you will soon escape a few games. Keep at it and after 5-6 escapes you should also escape the MMR-hellscape and reach the DBD heartlands proper. Here you got helpful souls who will fight tooth and nail to get you off the hook and out of the gate and who will tank hits like there is no tomorrow.
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Don't play for surviving? Even if you care about Grades those can be levelled up without living.
Play for the gameplay not the outcome,
- skillckecks
- rescue missions
- running the killer for as long as possible and as efficiently as possible
- flashlight saves
- mindgames
- playing around perks
- usage of map features
- baiting killer for swing
And whatever others are saying..
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Nah I didn't mean it sarcastically this time. Mr Cote once suggested playing something else. A lot of people were mad about it, but actually he was right about it. If DBD gets too much for me, I just take a break. My little puppy thanks me for the time I am with him.
If I didn't do it, DBD would no longer be my main game.
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You can do various things to calm yourself after a bad survivor match:
1 Play killer (warn you, it could be MUCH worse than your matches as survivor, so I won't suggest this)
2 hide the game in your library on steam so you won't be tempted to play it and you'll have more time for doing something else
3 play something else (If you like RTS I suggest you ancestor legacy... For me it worked marvelously)
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Wow.. i don't know what i say. at first maybe thank you , at second no problem buddy you are quite helpfull and the way you tell me these things , it's wonderfull i realy start to believe you are some poetry writer , Thank you soo much for the valuable advice and everything , have a great day my friend:))
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Thank you too , i will try to get better in these things :))
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Maybe thinking that survive a trial should be a victory and not something u get 89% of tge times.
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Haha i know you didn't mean sarcastic me too didn't mean sarcastic sorry if it was , lovely puppy , yes maybe sometimes changing your main game is a valuable thing to do , i remember when i do skating , and there was a time when i miss a lot of time abput my skateboarding practice , and then when i get back to learn pop shove it i done it for the first time , and i say to myself wow , it seems the the break was good.
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That's a great idea too , thank you my friend