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Worst Killer

Freddy is not the worst Killer. He is actually under rated. Change my mind. 

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  • Member Posts: 1,259

    Freddy is underrated, but it doesn't mean he's even mid-tier.
    I should know, I had his daily non-stop for a few weeks, so I had too much time to learn him. He needs a rework, but he can manage on his own.
    Now, Leatherface... he needs a rework just as badly, so why do not as many people talk about him?

  • Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2019

    I'm not going to try to change your mind, since I get 4k's every game and got to rank 4 before the rank reset just with Freddy. Yes, 4k's every game on purple ranks. I find that people just play Freddy the opposite of how he is supposed to be played, and then complain that he is weak. I also find that other Killers like Trapper, Leatherface, Michael, Clown, and Amanda are weaker than him and have harder time in matches against competent survivors.

  • Member Posts: 3,732

    @perotx said:
    ...Trapper... are weaker than him and have harder time in matches against competent survivors.

    Them's is fightin words boi.

  • Member Posts: 77

    @Shad03 said:

    @perotx said:
    ...Trapper... are weaker than him and have harder time in matches against competent survivors.

    Them's is fightin words boi.

  • Member Posts: 3,732

    @perotx said:

    @Shad03 said:

    @perotx said:
    ...Trapper... are weaker than him and have harder time in matches against competent survivors.

    Them's is fightin words boi.


    I follow only my Lord the Entity.

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    Leatherface and Trapper are both worse, that's for certain.

  • Member Posts: 90
    perotx said:

    I'm not going to try to chanbyge your mind, since I get 4k's every game and got to rank 4 before the rank reset just with Freddy. Yes, 4k's every game on purple ranks. I find that people just play Freddy the opposite of how he is supposed to be played, and then complain that he is weak. I also find that other Killers like Trapper, Leatherface, Michael, Clown, and Amanda are weaker than him and have harder time in matches against competent survivors.

    I'm sorry, Michael's weaker than Freddy? Yea ok, I'll just be over here insta moriing (mori-ing?) some survivors and insta downing them.
  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Most the people who don't think Freddy is bad play at low ranks and don't have very many hours. Their lack of experience influences their opinion.

  • Member Posts: 164
    perotx said:

    I'm not going to try to change your mind, since I get 4k's every game and got to rank 4 before the rank reset just with Freddy. Yes, 4k's every game on purple ranks. I find that people just play Freddy the opposite of how he is supposed to be played, and then complain that he is weak. I also find that other Killers like Trapper, Leatherface, Michael, Clown, and Amanda are weaker than him and have harder time in matches against competent survivors.

    Say that again, but slowly.
  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Freddy used to be the worst. Now Legion is.

  • Member Posts: 604

    The problem with Freddy is that his strengths only work against bad players and only help bad players. As soon as someone falls asleep at high ranks they will loop Freddy for the rest of the match while the other 3 Survivors will hump gens all game. Tracking isn't needed at high ranks because you should know where to find Survivors when you get to that rank. And slow the game down with sleeping doesn't affect high ranks because people actually know how to do gens.

  • Member Posts: 3,255
    Freddy need to be dreamer he was meant to be and honestly leather face add ons need to be fix I see no different when using his award winning chili
  • Member Posts: 460

    Here's my joke: Legion is better than Freddy

  • Member Posts: 464

    Imo the worst killer is The Trapper.

    I love playing him he is one of my Go2 killers and i do enjoy playing him but he's ruined by so many different things.

    1. SWF communication: Once the team knows where he's placed a trap they will disarm it or simply avoid it in chase.

    2. Trap spawns: the amount of times i have had to walk to a remote corner of a map just to fetch a new trap to use is unreal.

    3. Trapper sack addons: This is pretty much a mandatory to use him or laying 1 trap at a time will find 90% of your game taken up by setting up traps. Carrying more than one should be built into his kit imo.

  • Member Posts: 464

    @Blueberry said:
    Most the people who don't think Freddy is bad play at low ranks and don't have very many hours. Their lack of experience influences their opinion.

    I play him at rank 6 and get 4 kills with him easier than i do Trapper, Legion or even Huntress.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    @GraviteaUK said:

    @Blueberry said:
    Most the people who don't think Freddy is bad play at low ranks and don't have very many hours. Their lack of experience influences their opinion.

    I play him at rank 6 and get 4 kills with him easier than i do Trapper, Legion or even Huntress.

    Like i said "play at low ranks and don't have very many hours"

  • Member Posts: 464
    edited January 2019

    @Blueberry said:

    @GraviteaUK said:

    @Blueberry said:
    Most the people who don't think Freddy is bad play at low ranks and don't have very many hours. Their lack of experience influences their opinion.

    I play him at rank 6 and get 4 kills with him easier than i do Trapper, Legion or even Huntress.

    Like i said "play at low ranks and don't have very many hours"

    Lol 6 isn't exactly a low rank it's only 2 outside of red ranks.

    How many hours do you have out of curiosity? you seem full of yourself.

    Like your opinion matters more than anyone else because of some arbitrary number of hours known only to you.

  • Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2019

    @BingBongBoi said:

    Yes, insta mori with an addon that prevents you from getting tier 3 until every last survivor is out of the exit gates. Insta down is strong and can cut down chases(which is the only option for Michael) but he suffers from the same problems that every 115% speed m1 killer does. Additionally, he needs to build up that tier 3, and for that he needs to give up chases early on. So unlike other killers he won't be getting many hits in early game(especially until tier 2). And now you'll ask, well, if Michael is not great, how is Freddy better? Freddy slows down the game tremendously. Many tunnel with Freddy, and that, in my estimation, is a big mistake. Freddy should pull someone in a dream, hit them upon transition(which is almost guaranteed, unless they find a vaulting spot you can't work around) and move on. You break any pellets they dropped and move on. Even if you didn't get a hit but they're running towards the next looping location, you break the chase and move on. You prioritize breaking gens over chasing for a long time as well. You will ask, how is that even remotely better than Michael? At least he can get kills! Freddy has an amazing map control. His power allows him to know exactly where you are after he broke chase, and if you're on a gen - he will know. If someone's waking you up and healing you, that's even better because he pull both of the people straight back into the dream world and get a hit on one. Now it's either two injured people in the dream state or one in a dream state and one hook. If it's the first case, wouldn't the logical thing to be chasing after the injured ones? NO. You turn around and patrol gens, and find the others. You pull them in, get hits, break gens, break pallets. Meanwhile the rest are not working on gens but trying to wake up and heal each other. You probably heard this a lot from Freddys, but I cannot stress it enough how important it is to always pull people into the dream world. You need to walk around and constantly using your power and pull every chance you get. This is the reason range add-ons are a godsend. As the game progresses, you will see less pallets and more opportunities to commit to a chase(be careful with committing though), and therefore will get more hooks. By the time there is one gen left(most of times the game will not reach this point) you need to lead the game into a 3 gen. By this time you will probably have at least one or two survivors sacrificed, but if somehow you got curb stomped and didn't sacrifice anyone you still have a chance to win with a 3 gen strat. Freddy is the best 3 gen killer, better even than the doctor. It is incredibly difficult to win against a competent 3 gen Freddy, and even impossible in some cases(Had a game on Haddonfield when 3 gens were left, 2 in houses right across the road from each other with only ONE access point to both, and one in the middle of the road with three access points). It may take a while to win for Freddy, but it will happen, eventually. In conclusion, Freddy is incredible at slowing the game down to the point where his weaknesses are negated.

    P.S. I didn't intend to write nearly as much as I did. I also looked at just how much I wrote here, and realized there is a TON more I can say about playing Freddy... I was planning to write a guide for him at some point, but I am kind of busy right now, and I don't have time to play and get to rank 1. I'll try to get that done in several weeks though, when I don't have as much stuff to do.

    Post edited by perotx on
  • Member Posts: 13,671

    @GraviteaUK said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @GraviteaUK said:

    @Blueberry said:
    Most the people who don't think Freddy is bad play at low ranks and don't have very many hours. Their lack of experience influences their opinion.

    I play him at rank 6 and get 4 kills with him easier than i do Trapper, Legion or even Huntress.

    Like i said "play at low ranks and don't have very many hours"

    Lol 6 isn't exactly a low rank it's only 2 outside of red ranks.

    How many hours do you have out of curiosity? you seem full of yourself.

    Like your opinion matters more than anyone else because of some arbitrary number of hours known only to you.

    6 is still low and I have 2,700 hours. Hbu?

  • Member Posts: 464

    @Blueberry said:

    @GraviteaUK said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @GraviteaUK said:

    @Blueberry said:
    Most the people who don't think Freddy is bad play at low ranks and don't have very many hours. Their lack of experience influences their opinion.

    I play him at rank 6 and get 4 kills with him easier than i do Trapper, Legion or even Huntress.

    Like i said "play at low ranks and don't have very many hours"

    Lol 6 isn't exactly a low rank it's only 2 outside of red ranks.

    How many hours do you have out of curiosity? you seem full of yourself.

    Like your opinion matters more than anyone else because of some arbitrary number of hours known only to you.

    6 is still low and I have 2,700 hours. Hbu?

    500 currently but playing 4-5 hours a night so will soon rack them up.

    I will see if i can climb into red with Freddy :)

  • Member Posts: 90
    perotx said:

    @BingBongBoi said:

    Yes, insta mori with an addon that prevents you from getting tier 3 until every last survivor is out of the exit gates. Insta down is strong and can cut down chases(which is the only option for Michael) but he suffers from the same problems that every 115% speed m1 killer does. Additionally, he needs to build up that tier 3, and for that he needs to give up chases early on. So unlike other killers he won't be getting many hits in early game(especially until tier 2). And now you'll ask, well, if Michael is not great, how is Freddy better? Freddy slows down the game tremendously. Many tunnel with Freddy, and that, in my estimation, is a big mistake. Freddy should pull someone in a dream, hit them upon transition(which is almost guaranteed, unless they find a vaulting spot you can't work around) and move on. You break any pellets they dropped and move on. Even if you didn't get a hit but they're running towards the next looping location, you break the chase and move on. You prioritize breaking gens over chasing for a long time as well. You will ask, how is that even remotely better than Michael? At least he can get kills! Freddy has an amazing map control. His power allows him to know exactly where you are after he broke chase, and if you're on a gen - he will know. If someone's waking you up and healing you, that's even better because he pull both of the people straight back into the dream world and get a hit on one. Now it's either two injured people in the dream state or one in a dream state and one hook. If it's the first case, wouldn't the logical thing to be chasing after the injured ones? NO. You turn around and patrol gens, and find the others. You pull them in, get hits, break gens, break pallets. Meanwhile the rest are not working on gens but trying to wake up and heal each other. You probably heard this a lot from Freddys, but I cannot stress it enough how important it is to always pull people into the dream world. You need to walk around and constantly using your power and pull every chance you get. This is the reason range add-ons are a godsend. As the game progresses, you will see less pallets and more opportunities to commit to a chase(be careful with committing though), and therefore will get more hooks. By the time there is one gen left(most of times the game will not reach this point) you need to lead the game into a 3 gen. By this time you will probably have at least one or two survivors sacrificed, but if somehow you got curb stomped and didn't sacrifice anyone you still have a chance to win with a 3 gen strat. Freddy is the best 3 gen killer, better even than the doctor. It is incredibly difficult to win against a competent 3 gen Freddy, and even impossible in some cases(Had a game on Haddonfield when 3 gens were left, 2 in houses right across the road from each other with only ONE access point to both, and one in the middle of the road with three access points). It may take a while to win for Freddy, but it will happen, eventually. In conclusion, Freddy is incredible at slowing the game down to the point where his weaknesses are negated.

    P.S. I didn't intend to write nearly as much as I did. I also looked at just how much I wrote here, and realized there is a TON more I can say about playing Freddy... I was planning to write a guide for him at some point, but I am kind of busy right now, and I don't have time to play and get to rank 1. I'll try to get that done in several weeks though, when I don't have as much stuff to do.

    I do like your points however few things.
    1. I mean tombstone piece, not that god awful add-on

    2.Myers is typically used as a stealth killer, not a slow the game down killer, for example reduced terror radius allows you to sneak ip on survivors pretty easily even on tier 2.

    3. It's actually pretty easy to get to tier 2 despite survivor efforts, and despite the chase being extended, stocking on tier can end it vert easily, not to mention Ew3 GODLY lunge

    4. I like your points Freddy though, I can't deny that he is the best 3 gen and game slower, however why does Myers need to give up chases? Getting tier 3 isn't hard unless you have an addon to extend it. In addition, if you have tier 3 built the chase can last less then 10 seconds

    Other than that, I like your reasoning, gg

    P.S. Scratched mirror myers is the most fun thing in dbd history

  • Member Posts: 505
    me. Its me. I'm the worst killer.
  • Member Posts: 1,874

    I don't think he's that awful either. I ranked from 8 to 2 using only him and double pipping most games.

    I like using his Pill Bottle add on but one of the problems with Freddy is his add ons. His are without a doubt for some reason more rare than any other killer. Meaning his better items seem really rare in the skill tree. Then his regular addons are "overbalanced" IMO. Why does a tiny boost need a negative aspect too? That for sure needs the rework. The one add on that causes the obsession to start in the dream world is so rare than having leveled him 80 times I got it once. I forgot it doesn't even sound that great either. Couldn't they just wake up right away?

    Right now having decent luck with Freddy and Ruin, Franklins Demise, Enduring, Dying Light.

    Franklins Demise I like on Freddy because people seem to get really wreckless trying to recover their items after the hook. So more times than not I will go to that are and sure enough.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    Freddy is the weakest killer. He only works against teams that don't play well - and against those teams, you'll win with every other killer, too.

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2019
    Freddy is not the worst Killer. He is actually under rated. Change my mind. 
    The LEGION exist
  • Member Posts: 77

    @BingBongBoi said:

    I do like your points however few things.
    1. I mean tombstone piece, not that god awful add-on

    2.Myers is typically used as a stealth killer, not a slow the game down killer, for example reduced terror radius allows you to sneak ip on survivors pretty easily even on tier 2.

    1. It's actually pretty easy to get to tier 2 despite survivor efforts, and despite the chase being extended, stocking on tier can end it vert easily, not to mention Ew3 GODLY lunge

    2. I like your points Freddy though, I can't deny that he is the best 3 gen and game slower, however why does Myers need to give up chases? Getting tier 3 isn't hard unless you have an addon to extend it. In addition, if you have tier 3 built the chase can last less then 10 seconds

    Other than that, I like your reasoning, gg

    P.S. Scratched mirror myers is the most fun thing in dbd history

    1. My bad, I'm not going to lie, I actually completely forgot that add-on existed.
    2. I think most of the time on most maps survivors will see you coming with a tier 1, unless you are on Lery's. And yes, Scratched Mirror Myers on Lery's is a lot of fun, but if it's any other map it's a big sad :(
    3. I think it's also sorta map dependent, but I think you're right, I may have overstated the time to get tier 2 or tier 3. Besides, I don't mean to argue that Myers is underpowered and can't ever get kills.
    4. What I meant by giving up chases wasn't exactly what I typed. I meant that he has to extend chases by stalking instead of actually chasing. With tier 3 chases can be very short indeed, and a lot of times they are because some survivors get scared of tier 3 and don't think straight, but there are several counterplays to it. If you're a fair distance and Myers pop tier 3, you can still loop him. You have to be extra careful and not at all greedy because of the lunge, but you can still do it. If he waits to get closer and pop it, you can find a pallet and camp it. From there he has two options: hit the survivor and let them run to the next pallet, or pop tier 3 right there and get stunned immediately while the survivor makes distance and runs to the next loop.

    So yeah, Michael is strong, no doubt about that, I think he is in a very good spot and very balanced. But in my experience in playing Freddy how, I think, he is meant to be played and watching other people play the said killers I think that I struggle with their problems very little or not at all, and the problems I struggle with they struggle with them just as much.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I'd say Legion is the worst without purple addons. If he has purples, then I'd put Freddy at the worst.

  • Member Posts: 90
    perotx said:

    @BingBongBoi said:

    I do like your points however few things.
    1. I mean tombstone piece, not that god awful add-on

    2.Myers is typically used as a stealth killer, not a slow the game down killer, for example reduced terror radius allows you to sneak ip on survivors pretty easily even on tier 2.

    1. It's actually pretty easy to get to tier 2 despite survivor efforts, and despite the chase being extended, stocking on tier can end it vert easily, not to mention Ew3 GODLY lunge

    2. I like your points Freddy though, I can't deny that he is the best 3 gen and game slower, however why does Myers need to give up chases? Getting tier 3 isn't hard unless you have an addon to extend it. In addition, if you have tier 3 built the chase can last less then 10 seconds

    Other than that, I like your reasoning, gg

    P.S. Scratched mirror myers is the most fun thing in dbd history

    1. My bad, I'm not going to lie, I actually completely forgot that add-on existed.
    2. I think most of the time on most maps survivors will see you coming with a tier 1, unless you are on Lery's. And yes, Scratched Mirror Myers on Lery's is a lot of fun, but if it's any other map it's a big sad :(
    3. I think it's also sorta map dependent, but I think you're right, I may have overstated the time to get tier 2 or tier 3. Besides, I don't mean to argue that Myers is underpowered and can't ever get kills.
    4. What I meant by giving up chases wasn't exactly what I typed. I meant that he has to extend chases by stalking instead of actually chasing. With tier 3 chases can be very short indeed, and a lot of times they are because some survivors get scared of tier 3 and don't think straight, but there are several counterplays to it. If you're a fair distance and Myers pop tier 3, you can still loop him. You have to be extra careful and not at all greedy because of the lunge, but you can still do it. If he waits to get closer and pop it, you can find a pallet and camp it. From there he has two options: hit the survivor and let them run to the next pallet, or pop tier 3 right there and get stunned immediately while the survivor makes distance and runs to the next loop.

    So yeah, Michael is strong, no doubt about that, I think he is in a very good spot and very balanced. But in my experience in playing Freddy how, I think, he is meant to be played and watching other people play the said killers I think that I struggle with their problems very little or not at all, and the problems I struggle with they struggle with them just as much.

  • Member Posts: 2,230
    edited January 2019

    @Blueberry said:
    Most the people who don't think Freddy is bad play at low ranks and don't have very many hours. Their lack of experience influences their opinion.

    cough cough

    He IS underrated.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    @DocOctober said:

    @Blueberry said:
    Most the people who don't think Freddy is bad play at low ranks and don't have very many hours. Their lack of experience influences their opinion.

    cough cough

    He IS underrated.

    This picture shows nothing to contradict my statement.

  • Member Posts: 2,230
    edited January 2019
    Blueberry said:

    @DocOctober said:

    @Blueberry said:
    Most the people who don't think Freddy is bad play at low ranks and don't have very many hours. Their lack of experience influences their opinion.

    cough cough

    He IS underrated.

    This picture shows nothing to contradict my statement.

    It shows triple-prestiged Freddy on Rank 4. The prestige is mostly to show that I invested into him, not just by Bloodpoints, but also by play time.

    Unlike what you claim, some people here who think that he's not bad actually do play him on high ranks and do good.

    You know, just because you yourself can't pull it off, doesn't mean others can't as well.
  • Member Posts: 1,073
    To the people saying "Freddy is better then most but X, Y, and Z killers are the worst since I can't do well as them."

    I am a terrible Nurse. Like total #########. You will probably only find someone in brown ranks worse at Nurse then me. But does that make the Nurse bad and in need of buff? HELL no. Each person has a killer and play style that suit themselves best.

    Freddy is certainly an underrated killer, but a lot of people die to him simply because they're not familiar with his mechanics having RARELY seen him due to killers generally steering clear of him. In some cases, people that play Freddy at high ranks are actually the first time some people take him on. So you're literally taking on someone completely inexperienced at the killer you're playing and thus have no idea how to counter.

    Against a team that knows what they're doing? A team that knows how to cheese all of Freddy's flaws which are NUMEROUS? You might as well be a Trapper pre-buff with all his traps busted except you can't attack until a set time goes by.

    Freddy is a unique killer with an interesting mechanic, but don't judge people who don't know how to face him with you knowing exactly what you're doing as a tell all "Freddy OP and need no rework." He does and that's why we're getting one.
  • Member Posts: 3,333
    edited February 2019

    @VolantConch1719 said:
    Freddy is underrated, but it doesn't mean he's even mid-tier.
    I should know, I had his daily non-stop for a few weeks, so I had too much time to learn him. He needs a rework, but he can manage on his own.
    Now, Leatherface... he needs a rework just as badly, so why do not as many people talk about him?

    Leatherface is built for hook baiting. The only reason he isn't stronger is because his saw run is slower than Hillybilly's map crossing dash. To make up for it Bubba's ability to down multiple survivors ridiculously strong and when combined with his perks he can stack bodies pretty well. Freddy on the other hand is super conditional with his need to put people to sleep first. Then he is designed perk wise to draw the game out, but since Killers really can't dictate the pace of a game he has a hard time. The best thing about him is his perks, but honestly they are good for him just other killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,187

    Not saying he’s bad.. but he’s essentially a weaker wraith

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited February 2019

    @DocOctober said:
    Blueberry said:

    @DocOctober said:

     @Blueberry said:

    Most the people who don't think Freddy is bad play at low ranks and don't have very many hours. Their lack of experience influences their opinion.


    cough cough

    He IS underrated.

    This picture shows nothing to contradict my statement.

    It shows triple-prestiged Freddy on Rank 4. The prestige is mostly to show that I invested into him, not just by Bloodpoints, but also by play time.

    Unlike what you claim, some people here who think that he's not bad actually do play him on high ranks and do good.

    You know, just because you yourself can't pull it off, doesn't mean others can't as well.

    I have played my P3 Freddy with all perks in the game at t3 unlocked at rank 1 on every reset since his release and I have over 2,700 hours in this game. I think I have a better understanding of Freddy than you think you do.

    "Unlike what you claim, some people here who think that he's not bad actually do play him on high ranks "
    If you really think this I will gladly link my page

  • Member Posts: 1,714

    Console Nurse, maybe? Are there any consistently good ones at R1? Asking for real, I'm curious to know.

  • Member Posts: 2,230
    edited February 2019

    @Blueberry said:

    @DocOctober said:
    Blueberry said:

    @DocOctober said:

     @Blueberry said:

    Most the people who don't think Freddy is bad play at low ranks and don't have very many hours. Their lack of experience influences their opinion.


    cough cough

    He IS underrated.

    This picture shows nothing to contradict my statement.

    It shows triple-prestiged Freddy on Rank 4. The prestige is mostly to show that I invested into him, not just by Bloodpoints, but also by play time.

    Unlike what you claim, some people here who think that he's not bad actually do play him on high ranks and do good.

    You know, just because you yourself can't pull it off, doesn't mean others can't as well.

    I have played my P3 Freddy with all perks in the game at t3 unlocked at rank 1 on every reset since his release and I have over 2,700 hours in this game. I think I have a better understanding of Freddy than you think you do.

    "Unlike what you claim, some people here who think that he's not bad actually do play him on high ranks "
    If you really think this I will gladly link my page

    Then I really don't know what your problem is. I'm doing fine with him, obviously you should too if it's true what you claim.

    Git gud issue?

    Also, again assuming everything you said is true, then you should realise that any rework will quite likely hamper the potential he currently has.

  • Member Posts: 2,230

    Sorry, but people like you just confuse me. Your comments read like they were made by someone who has trouble playing Freddy, hence my assumptions earlier on.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited February 2019

    @DocOctober said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @DocOctober said:
    Blueberry said:

    @DocOctober said:

     @Blueberry said:

    Most the people who don't think Freddy is bad play at low ranks and don't have very many hours. Their lack of experience influences their opinion.


    cough cough

    He IS underrated.

    This picture shows nothing to contradict my statement.

    It shows triple-prestiged Freddy on Rank 4. The prestige is mostly to show that I invested into him, not just by Bloodpoints, but also by play time.

    Unlike what you claim, some people here who think that he's not bad actually do play him on high ranks and do good.

    You know, just because you yourself can't pull it off, doesn't mean others can't as well.

    I have played my P3 Freddy with all perks in the game at t3 unlocked at rank 1 on every reset since his release and I have over 2,700 hours in this game. I think I have a better understanding of Freddy than you think you do.

    "Unlike what you claim, some people here who think that he's not bad actually do play him on high ranks "
    If you really think this I will gladly link my page

    Then I really don't know what your problem is. I'm doing fine with him, obviously you should too if it's true what you claim.

    Git gud issue?

    Also, again assuming everything you said is true, then you should realise that any rework will quite likely hamper the potential he currently has.

    You can't really say "Git gud issue?" when you aren't even at rank 1 with him much less hundreds of hours at rank 1. The difference is I've played him enough to know when you did well because he's "strong" and when it was really just because you had a group of dumb survivors that made a lot of mistakes. I do well with him perk less and addon less quite regularly but that doesn't mean he is good or better than people think he is, it just means the average survivor is bad and you are conflating those 2 things.

  • Member Posts: 2,230

    @Blueberry said:

    @DocOctober said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @DocOctober said:
    Blueberry said:

    @DocOctober said:

     @Blueberry said:

    Most the people who don't think Freddy is bad play at low ranks and don't have very many hours. Their lack of experience influences their opinion.


    cough cough

    He IS underrated.

    This picture shows nothing to contradict my statement.

    It shows triple-prestiged Freddy on Rank 4. The prestige is mostly to show that I invested into him, not just by Bloodpoints, but also by play time.

    Unlike what you claim, some people here who think that he's not bad actually do play him on high ranks and do good.

    You know, just because you yourself can't pull it off, doesn't mean others can't as well.

    I have played my P3 Freddy with all perks in the game at t3 unlocked at rank 1 on every reset since his release and I have over 2,700 hours in this game. I think I have a better understanding of Freddy than you think you do.

    "Unlike what you claim, some people here who think that he's not bad actually do play him on high ranks "
    If you really think this I will gladly link my page

    Then I really don't know what your problem is. I'm doing fine with him, obviously you should too if it's true what you claim.

    Git gud issue?

    Also, again assuming everything you said is true, then you should realise that any rework will quite likely hamper the potential he currently has.

    You can't really say "Git gud issue?" when you aren't even at rank 1 with him much less hundreds of hours at rank 1. The difference is I've played him enough to know when you did well because he's "strong" and when it was really just because you had a group of dumb survivors that made a lot of mistakes. I do well with him perk less and addon less quite regularly but that doesn't mean he is good or better than people think he is, it just means the average survivor is bad and you are conflating those 2 things.

    I care to disagree.

    And regarding that Rank thingy. I didn't have a screenshot of Rank 1 with him, it was the only screenshot I had at hand.

    I'm not saying you have a git gud issue, just that it sounds like one. There's a difference. I may not have hundreds of hours exclusively on him, but I'd say more than enough to also know where my skills lie.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    @DocOctober said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @DocOctober said:

    @Blueberry said:

    @DocOctober said:
    Blueberry said:

    @DocOctober said:

     @Blueberry said:

    Most the people who don't think Freddy is bad play at low ranks and don't have very many hours. Their lack of experience influences their opinion.


    cough cough

    He IS underrated.

    This picture shows nothing to contradict my statement.

    It shows triple-prestiged Freddy on Rank 4. The prestige is mostly to show that I invested into him, not just by Bloodpoints, but also by play time.

    Unlike what you claim, some people here who think that he's not bad actually do play him on high ranks and do good.

    You know, just because you yourself can't pull it off, doesn't mean others can't as well.

    I have played my P3 Freddy with all perks in the game at t3 unlocked at rank 1 on every reset since his release and I have over 2,700 hours in this game. I think I have a better understanding of Freddy than you think you do.

    "Unlike what you claim, some people here who think that he's not bad actually do play him on high ranks "
    If you really think this I will gladly link my page

    Then I really don't know what your problem is. I'm doing fine with him, obviously you should too if it's true what you claim.

    Git gud issue?

    Also, again assuming everything you said is true, then you should realise that any rework will quite likely hamper the potential he currently has.

    You can't really say "Git gud issue?" when you aren't even at rank 1 with him much less hundreds of hours at rank 1. The difference is I've played him enough to know when you did well because he's "strong" and when it was really just because you had a group of dumb survivors that made a lot of mistakes. I do well with him perk less and addon less quite regularly but that doesn't mean he is good or better than people think he is, it just means the average survivor is bad and you are conflating those 2 things.

    I care to disagree.

    And regarding that Rank thingy. I didn't have a screenshot of Rank 1 with him, it was the only screenshot I had at hand.

    I'm not saying you have a git gud issue, just that it sounds like one. There's a difference. I may not have hundreds of hours exclusively on him, but I'd say more than enough to also know where my skills lie.

    Well I've explained why he is weak and we just disagree. Agree to disagree I suppose.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    I think that Trapper might be the weakest Killer right now, since he can't get real pressure exept of his traps and he doesn't have alot of them. He also wastes alot of time picking them up and setting them up. Freddy can slow the game down a lot with his power when you know how to acutally play him. If you wanna trap then I prefer Hag over Trapper, she is more fun, has more mindgame potential and doesn't lose much momentum and gains very much momentum when hooking someone.

  • Member Posts: 441
    The worst killers are Trapper, Clown, and Leatherface. LF would be much better if his chainsaw rev didn't slow him down so much. Why he slows down to 87.5 while Billy only slows down to 100 is completely beyond me.

    Trapper just has no power without Iri Stone. Your traps will be found and disarmed constantly. And he is the one killers where the survivors can disable their power.

    Clown's power just does nothing at this point. If gen times were addressed, he would actually be mid tier. But since gens fly by so fast, the best way to counter his power is to camp the pallet and/or move on to the next loop. It's a shame because Clown is really fun to me (especially since one of my mains is Huntress), but he's just so damn bad and his power does nothing at base.

    Freddy is my other main and I can tell you he's vastly underrated and one of the better killers in the game. Some people say "well, you're gonna leave 3 others to do gens while waiting 7 seconds", but if you sondo put multiple people to sleep at once, you're not playing him correctly. He's a stall killer who can slug well, if that means abandoning someone temporarily to put more survivors to sleep, so be it.
  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Freddy is the weakest killer. He only works against teams that don't play well - and against those teams, you'll win with every other killer, too.

    For some reason I find Freddy more difficult to loop than other killers because he's such a midget. Other than that he's obviously trash.
  • I can't believe there are still people out there that think Freddy is the worst killer in the game, holy #########.
    In conversations like this, people always seem to forget one crucial detail.
    You are literally slowing the game down instantly by holding M2 on someone. Better yet, sleep them and DON'T hit them, and then they can't Self Care themselves awake. When you sleep someone, they can't see you for a few seconds. Pretend to leave, and then surprise them. He has mindgames.

    He is the only short killer in the game with a reduced terror radius and normal speed, allowing for looping mindgames as well.

    The "Worse Wraith" mentality is absolutely ridiculous and you're clearly playing him incorrectly. You don't just sleep and chase. Then, them being asleep has no benefit to you. Mess with them. Sleep them and let them struggle. Only chase when you're absolutely certain that is what benefits you most right now.

  • Member Posts: 36

    @BOGUEINATOR said:
    Freddy is not the worst Killer. He is actually under rated. Change my mind. 

    All killers use powers to their advantage except Freddy. His power is literally starting chases. Any other killer you just have to walk up to survivors and it starts a chase.

  • @doggieman said:

    @BOGUEINATOR said:
    Freddy is not the worst Killer. He is actually under rated. Change my mind. 

    All killers use powers to their advantage except Freddy. His power is literally starting chases. Any other killer you just have to walk up to survivors and it starts a chase.


  • Member Posts: 27

    dude any time I go against a Freddy in red ranks I know it's going to be a bad time. He's seen some things, probably has noed and bloodwarden; might even have remember me. Red rank Freddys mean business.

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