And this is why I am a Killer main boys

BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

I tried to play solo q today and 3 games where already enough for me.

First game: A kate was let into struggle cuz no one went for the save, the Trapper wasnt even camping. Why didnt I go? I was on the other side of the map with a gen on 50 with ruin. I saw the other 2 together doing a gen at shack, gens before friends I guess. Kate suicided after that which is understandable. I could go too and let my gen regress but I was expecting for one of them to go.

Second game: Nurse starstruck = gg

Third game (Lobby): I wrote the team that I am gonna use a map offering, I asked politely if everyone is fine with RPD. 2 said no, I asked again with "Haddonfield then?". 1 cursed me for beeing an noob and I am a simp and should kill myself and left. The other one said "Bye virgin" and the last one said "Dude why are you so rude to them? Hope you get tunneled *Left".

Well that was an amazing experience.
