Nurse, Nurse...another Nurse...then another...and another...and-

I'm so tired of Nurse. Like, I'm trying to mess around and just chill, enjoy the game. But I feel like every other game as soon as I hear her screech from across the map it's like instant pain.
Currently watching this 5 minute DC timer go down because I just can't take it anymore. Need someone to discover another game breaking Nurse bug so she can get killswitched for another month. I'm just so tired.
Nurse, Legion, Nurse, Wraith, Nurse like whyyy must you curse me God.
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I just played a nurse... solo Q, the other 3 guys got 2 hooks each with 5 gens still pending...
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"But nurse is a super balanced killer! All killers need to be brought up to the same power level as nurse! Every single player in the game just doesn't know how to play against Nurse well! Even top players with thousands of hours who claim nurse is broken just don't know how to go against Nurse!"
- Every Nurse Main, lying to themselves for years
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speaking of dc's. I'm finding that a lot of people really hate Plague.
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The vomiting effect and sound trigger me, I can't play against her
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Yeah she's up there. Plague with Thana is as bad as Legion with Thana. Just kill me.
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Most of us are. I think this game would be better if Nurse was removed.
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Then I'm sorry in advance then....but I could play My evil very evil Demopuppy....but that seems to get the same effect at times
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So you've reached the mmr rating, where you only encounter nurse.
What exactly do you expect to encounter, if nurse gets actually nerfed? Just asking.
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That's the thing, there's no way in hell my MMR is high enough to encounter nurse this often because I constantly throw games to meme around lol.
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Maybe you'd see more Ghostfaces and Trappers or something if they weren't getting teabagged and flashlight clicked the entire game because they're hilariously underpowered compared to Nurse and Blight. Survivors only want to play against a killer they can run for 5 gens, not one that can actually compete with 4 man SWF baby mode
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But what if you really reached the soft cap?
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Trapper...My God I have not seen my beautiful Trapper in ages!
By far my most favourite Killer, but sadly I cant play him because of the amount of ridicule and suffering every Trapper needs to endure...
Traps are basically useless because any good Survivor will immediately know how to disable his power, with his power gone he is just an M1 Killer.
Last time I played Trapper during this event I got flashlight clicked and spammed by Survivors to come and chase them, before all my traps got popped and 3 Gens were done by the time I got my first hook.
Such fun, very interactive and fun gameplay to suffer immensely just because I wanted to play my favourite Killer again.
Apparently chill and fun time is only allowed for Survivors, but God forbid you wanna play Trapper or Pig you are throwing a 50 50 coin toss hoping that you get lucky and face against bad Survivors so you can enjoy yourself.
Oh and the cherry on top of the damned cake is when they escape, they have the audacity to type in your direction and say "gg ez lol bad Killer lol, get looped cx"
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Slightly below the Nurse MMR is the Blight/Blight/Blight/Nurse/Nurse/Blight MMR.
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So your saying you should be playing against mid range killers. The ones that get nearly infinite at the garden of joy map, haddonfield? The ones that waddle across rpd gigantic corridors. These maps don't even affect nurse they just screw over the weaker mid range killers. Nurse growing popularity is likely due to another map with awful design being added to the game. The map design team needs to cope on this is the third awful map design in a row. Think about it would you play a typical killer when the past few maps have been Gideon meat plant, garden of joy, eyrie of crows and rpd. Oh were also going to be getting hawkin's back if the leaks are to be believed so yay I guess. These maps aren't built for giving killers and survivors an equal chance loop wise. There obnoxious to traverse and absolutely obssessed with giving survivors a ridiculous number of safe pallets. Let not make another slinger incident please. Nurse will become way less of an issue if they stopped screwing every other killer in the game.
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And every single MMR is DS, Dead Hard and Borrowed Time. No matter what MMR you play atleast 2 or 3 Survivors have those Perks.
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Not after the patch hits lol.
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Maybe because it is the only viable killer in the game...?
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I hope so! Believe me I truly hope so!
Because then we can finally see the return of some iconic favourite Killers like Trapper, Pig, Freddy, Clown and more!
Believe me, I'm not a fan of Nurse or Blight. I think those two Killers are way too much, but the current game is situated in this crappy spot where if you really want to 4k as a Killer and not get bullied by good Survivors, you need to play a Killer thats good.
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I don't know about you, but I actually see a good amount of Trapper and Clown both. And they are usually very difficult to play against.
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Her nerf is coming. Do not worry.
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So Killer mains who make threads about Clown being weak or Trapper being unplayable are just talking out of their keyhole? Including content creators with thousands of hours included?
Hey I see and had games where I escaped from a Nurse and Blight, doesn't mean my couple personal experiences is the utmost highest experiences of every collected human being on the planet.
You get good games and then you get terrible games.
It only starts to become a problem when you see discussions being made about the same topic over and over and over again. Discussions that are being made by people with thousands of hours in the game that see a problem.
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I think Clown is in a good spot yes, Trapper could be reworked a bit though.
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Me when I lie.
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Small sample size, you are not matter. The only thing that matters is data at the dev office.
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At least I can heal against a Nurse. Plague disables an entire function in the game, like a third of survivor perks and medkits, and gets free health states just because of her basekit. Real neat!
Source? She was already nerfed to be balanced years ago.
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So Blight matches only. Can´t be long until all the "Nurse OP" threads turn into "Blight OP" threads.
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op this is the reason why you find only nurses in your games... people are tired of being mocked by survivors who keep being toxic and escape thanks to their perks (and being in a SWF) and not for their skill so they'll follow what survivors usually says to the killers "deal with it, git gud, adapt and just apply pressure 4head". As for me i just started to main bubba the few times that i still play the game (you are free to do whatever you want but then don't complain if the killer will do the same)
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See a trend here? Nurse OBVIOUSLY needs a rework, and so does Blight.
You view it as hostility towards you and your fellow killer mains. But in reality there are legit reasons behind why theres so many threads about these 2 killers.
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Going through TLs into Jungle Gym into another Jungle Gym into Shack, just isn't fun for M1 killers. Hence nurse.
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not nearly infinites... those are INFINITES, yes even with bamboozle in the case of 4.4 killers... and before their last patch went live haddonfield car hitboxes were literally "giant minecraft blocks" (ranged killers were literally powerless since every hit was stopped by an invisible wall), so yeah, map design sucks
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Y'all talking a whole lotta nothing like i do not care. I'm a solo queue player who throws games making self-care and bite the bullet plays so what's all that gotta do with me. Y'all find holding W and hiding behind tiles and hoping a nurse misses her blinks fun? Cuz that's all you can do.
If God is good it'll be sooner rather than later.
Nurse literally disables an entire function of the game with pallets tho. And despite her being "Nerfed for balance years ago." it's crazy how she's still not balanced.
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The only trend I see is, that my fellow survivor mains don't want to improve.
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Improve? Nurse ignores every mechanic in the game there's only so much you can do.
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If survivors spend a fraction of the time that nurse players use to become "unbeatable", to learn how to play against nurse. Then no one would see her as a problem.
Instead I get teammates that instantly disconnect or suicide against her.
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Didn't you know? If you ✨i m p r o v e ✨ suddenly Nurse isn't a problem. No, I won't elaborate any further.
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Okay, but none of this changes the fact she's still busted lol. 3120 hours in DBD I feel like I've learned every "counter" to nurse. Lemme guess "Be unpredictable, double-back, break line of sight, use bloodeh ded 'ard!" Absolutely none of these things matter against a good nurse lol.
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But how many good nurses are really out there? She has the lowest kill rate of all killers for a reason.
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You're right. Let's buff Nurse.
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You realize that the top Nurse players during tournaments barely get a 2k with NOED and camping against top survivor squads. Do you?
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Meh, I think Blight is fine when compared to Nurse, a killer who can ignore the majority of DBD's game mechanics. Blight is a killer you can actually counter with something other than "be unpredictable".
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I think you are using straw man here. Tsulan give a reason for that. Let me explain clearly to you in statistic term
Bad Nurse will only appear in low mmr as they lacking situation awareness or still learn how her kits work properly. Newbie picking her up will end up with low kills and low hook naturally as she need alot of gaming knowledges etc. Map layout, awareness, loop, blink etc
In High or mid mmr nurse, most of the people in forum complaining here are killers who have put hundreds of hours into this game to master her kit and they also have alot of knowledge of this game too. So, in high or mid mmr, you will somehow face majority of strong nurse as oppose to bad nurse (since they are stuck at low mmr).
And please for the your future argument sake, dont come and said BS like "Oh, Nurse is easy to play and I can get 4k easily".
Probably, you are right now in the range of mid or high mmr right now, which mean killer are become more prune toward skill based, high reward based killer.
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How do y'all get Nurses all the time? I almost never see her.
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Tournaments lol.
When are y'all gonna realize that every player in the world isn't a tournament (can't even say it without laughing, sorry.) player.
So let me guess. That top tournament Nurse player was going against 4 other tournament survivors who were running full meta builds and were on comms? Right, right.
If not for a couple of Blight's add-ons. He is actually one of the more fun killers to go against ngl. He's actually interactive in a way that can be fun.
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While you think he´s fine now. Just wait until they actually nerf nurse. The threads will instantly shift.
Just look how Legion was considered OP after their rework. No one would argue now, that Legion is OP.
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Tournaments are highly restricted. No double loadouts.
So what is it now? Either you argue that top nurses are OP and need to be nerfed. But then you also have to take top survivors into account.
Or you take into account that not every player is playing on tournament level, which includes nurse, which, as already said, has the lowst kill rate.
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Yea, everyone was probably good and running meta stuff. The game shouldn’t be balanced for people who don’t learn the game.
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Please post the game in question. A nurse on Leary’s or Red Forrest may be tieable, but I highly doubt they were playing on Wrecker’s Yard or Blood Lodge. Regardless, almost every tournament Nurse I’ve seen recently has only gotten 4ks, which is why she is usually saved in the killer rotation until the final matches. I imagine for a tournament Nurse to get a 2k she made some serious errors.
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Should be nerfed. "Killers you can't win against" design should go. It's pvp game not killer winstreak simulator. Old Spirit, Blight, Nurse it's all crap from the same basket
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except nurse is an easiest killer to win against if people actually tried even once.