Most boring killer to play as or against?

We all obviously have our favorite killers to play as and against but recently I’ve been getting SO MANY Billys and Legions. Honestly the gameplay is just so boring and predictable to go against. I’m trash at avoiding chainsaws and with Legion it’s just stab, stab, stab, stab, stab....

I also think Legion and Leatherface are pretty boring to play as.

No offense if you like these killers, I just personally don’t and would like to know other opinions.



  • Captain_Spaulding
    Captain_Spaulding Member Posts: 587

    Legion is the most boring and unfair killer to play against. Plain and simple. Good luck losing him. Good luck surviving the chase. Stab stab stab stab....More than likely they will have franks mixtape which in that case just brain dead. Playing as I would say clown or Micheal because clown will laugh in your face and Daddy Myers is just chilling.

  • Circlesho
    Circlesho Member Posts: 22

    To me, junior and amanda are the least fun to play as. Junior is just not that good himself, and his ability is easy to work around. Amanda is just meh and her ability isn't exactly engaging or exciting. You put them in their headcrabs and now you have more objectives to defend. Not fun to play as.

    Hate playing against carter and evan cause carter just removes stealth as a whole, and carter just means every step is frightful, not to mention ######### teammates ######### up the game by stepping in every trap possible. I haven't played against fjsj yet but I cant imagine they'll be fun to play against.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Blueberry said:

    Legion for both. Either he has Franks tape and you get downed with no counter play or he doesn't and just follows your blood. Both requiring no skill on either side and both having no counter play.

    Other than Legion I hate playing against Billy's. He isn't punished enough for chainsaw miss plays and the chainsaws reach/maneuverability feels VERY forgiving. When you go down it just

    Lol when he gets sucked through windows as his chainsaw hits people....

    But remember according to some people Billy is "ThE mOsT bAlAnCeD kIlLeR!"
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Captain_Spaulding said:
    Legion is the most boring and unfair killer to play against. Plain and simple. Good luck losing him. Good luck surviving the chase. Stab stab stab stab....More than likely they will have franks mixtape which in that case just brain dead. Playing as I would say clown or Micheal because clown will laugh in your face and Daddy Myers is just chilling.

    Since when are survivors actually trying to lose the killer during a chase? No, its just braindead runing in circles which is the reason why nurse is so strong

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @MegMain98 said:
    We all obviously have our favorite killers to play as and against but recently I’ve been getting SO MANY Billys and Legions. Honestly the gameplay is just so boring and predictable to go against. I’m trash at avoiding chainsaws and with Legion it’s just stab, stab, stab, stab, stab....

    I also think Legion and Leatherface are pretty boring to play as.

    No offense if you like these killers, I just personally don’t and would like to know other opinions.

    As a survivor who plays 99% solo and prefers stealth I find Freddy incredibly boring to play against. Sure he isn't great but its basically boils down to "hear song, hope your in the right spot to hide, get found by random/inconsistent power tracking".

    As Killer I find Nurse boring to play. Sure you can do really well in a match but half the time you are just admiring the floor graphics...

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    The most boring killer is hands down the legion.

    Other than him, I don't know. If the team is bad, going against spirits and nurses is just frustrating because you do everything you could do and then the next person gets downed in like 10 seconds. I don't find them boring though.

    The most enjoyable killers to go against is hillbilly and huntress.

  • LightsOut88
    LightsOut88 Member Posts: 123
    edited February 2019
    I like clown, but I find his playstyle to be super lineal. 1Dimensional. Sure i can rack up 4ks with him but his playstyle is really boring and unrewarding. I defs find clown the most boring as far as fun games for everyone go. 
    An Anti-Looper killer w M1 yay!! How entertaining! 
  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,221

    Against: Evan (just watching where you're going) and Freddy (can't hide from what you can't see).

    As: Freddy, Evan, Sally, Kenneth, Leatherface, Philip. These 5 just don't have enough in their ability to be engaging. The others I can get at least SOME enjoyment out of, but these 5 are basic and boring to me.

  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187

    Against: Freddy rather boring seeing the same strategy every time.

    As: Billy, chases are usually closed way too fast

  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187

    @VolantConch1719 said:
    Against: Evan (just watching where you're going) and Freddy (can't hide from what you can't see).

    As: Freddy, Evan, Sally, Kenneth, Leatherface, Philip. These 5 just don't have enough in their ability to be engaging. The others I can get at least SOME enjoyment out of, but these 5 are basic and boring to me.

    Don’t you dare talk crap about Wraith

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited February 2019

    Boring to play as: Nurse. Her gameplay is quite stagnant thanks to addons which are basically just blink more or blink further. I prefer more flexible killers.
    Boring to play against: Freddy. Very little space for stealth, even less for jukes and mindgames. Against him you just run as soon as you hear the lullaby and then try to keep him buisy as much as possible because "you can run, but you can't hide". Legion is second, but at least he can be stealthed properly.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392
    Legion. Poke, run away, mend, poke poke poke run away mend, poke poke....

    Hes just as boring to play as. I am no elite killer by any means, but I honestly feel like I am gaining no ground through frenzy. 
  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392
    Legion. Poke, run away, mend, poke poke poke run away mend, poke poke....

    Hes just as boring to play as. I am no elite killer by any means, but I honestly feel like I am gaining no ground through frenzy. 
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    @Master said:

    @Captain_Spaulding said:
    Legion is the most boring and unfair killer to play against. Plain and simple. Good luck losing him. Good luck surviving the chase. Stab stab stab stab....More than likely they will have franks mixtape which in that case just brain dead. Playing as I would say clown or Micheal because clown will laugh in your face and Daddy Myers is just chilling.

    Since when are survivors actually trying to lose the killer during a chase? No, its just braindead runing in circles which is the reason why nurse is so strong

    Some survivors actually DO try to lose a killer during a chase. I run Iron Will, Calm Spirit, Self Care, and Urban Evasion on my Claudette. If I go against a Doctor, his power is pretty much useless. I like to stealth a lot of the time and so do a lot of survivors.

    By the way, Nurse is strong because her power makes pallets worthless and makes a lot of survivors defenses useless, she is unloopable. Not because survivors “run in circles”.

  • Beverly
    Beverly Member Posts: 184

    I find Freddy super boring as survivor, to be honest. His ability just isn't very fun to counter to me. The whole getting put to sleep/spamming spacebar for a skillcheck gets old pretty quickly. When it comes to playing, I did not enjoy trapper much. The process of placing traps just felt dull and stagnant.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I find Freddy boring to use and to go up against. The most enraging killer to go up against for me is huntress because of her latency hatchets.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    My favorite to go against is nurse because on console it’s usually a guaranteed win. XD

  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    Legion is boring because it literally consists of tunneling people off the hook over and over until they die, then they proceed to lose the game because they tunneled unless your teammates are just not smart

  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650
    edited February 2019

    Nurse and Billy i don't like vs'ing, because there is an overabundance of them at red ranks.

    Love vs'ing Pig. Her pallet stun noise is the best.

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    Legion cause zero perk diversity so have to play him in so few ways. Freddy doesn't play like freddy and is easy to avoid and boring cause he doesn't mess with anyone.
  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337

    They're all rodeo clowns for survivors, except Nurse.

    What's your point OP ?

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Legion is most boring to play against. Even though Spirit, Nurse and Hag have 4 second chases, they are at least fun to play against. Against Nurse and Spirit there's fun in mindgaming them and against Hag it's fun to predict them.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @NathanExplosion said:
    They're all rodeo clowns for survivors, except Nurse.

    What's your point OP ?

    Except Billy, Hag/Spirit. The top tier killers are never rodeo clowns, they're dominant as hell.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @TreemanXD said:
    My favorite to go against is nurse because on console it’s usually a guaranteed win. XD

    Agreed, but I really enjoy when you find that 1 God Nurse on PS4 who shows you true fear. I use to be decent but the commitment for Console Nurse is too much for me.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @MegaWaffle said:

    @TreemanXD said:
    My favorite to go against is nurse because on console it’s usually a guaranteed win. XD

    Agreed, but I really enjoy when you find that 1 God Nurse on PS4 who shows you true fear. I use to be decent but the commitment for Console Nurse is too much for me.

    The god nurses are fun

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @The_Crusader said:
    Blueberry said:

    Legion for both. Either he has Franks tape and you get downed with no counter play or he doesn't and just follows your blood. Both requiring no skill on either side and both having no counter play.

    Other than Legion I hate playing against Billy's. He isn't punished enough for chainsaw miss plays and the chainsaws reach/maneuverability feels VERY forgiving. When you go down it just

    Lol when he gets sucked through windows as his chainsaw hits people....

    But remember according to some people Billy is "ThE mOsT bAlAnCeD kIlLeR!"

    he is the most balanced killer, you just aren't good enough at the game to see that i understand

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Legion, most definitely.

  • BunnyBuns
    BunnyBuns Member Posts: 4

    Nurse, since more than half the matches on rank 1 and 2 seem to be Nurse.

    I'm seriously starting to consider just suiciding against Nurse if it keeps up.

  • JanTheMan
    JanTheMan Member Posts: 495
    Blueberry said:

    Legion for both. Either he has Franks tape and you get downed with no counter play or he doesn't and just follows your blood. Both requiring no skill on either side and both having no counter play.

    Other than Legion I hate playing against Billy's. He isn't punished enough for chainsaw miss plays and the chainsaws reach/maneuverability feels VERY forgiving. When you go down it just

  • Eesane
    Eesane Member Posts: 27

    Legion for both. stab everyone, you get stabbed and you, and you. It's either franks mixed tape OR they stab you with frenzy then moonwalk or look up to drop chase; while technically still following you so your timer goes down.

    For those complaining about billy might have never played him and tried chainsawing someone in an open field and having them move out of your way at the last second to miss. Remember there are bad billys, that's why they might run noed.

  • KoolaidInMyCup
    KoolaidInMyCup Member Posts: 20

    Speaking of Legion I actually tried out an alternative to Franks Mix Tape and Stab Wounds.

    Fuming Mix Tape (See Gen Prog while Frenzied) with the new Surveillance Buff and Discordance you can actually play Gen Protector Legion which is alot more balanced and fair.

    Considering this option exists now, If youre running Franks youre literally just being a ######### for no reason.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    @BunnyBuns said:
    Nurse, since more than half the matches on rank 1 and 2 seem to be Nurse.

    I'm seriously starting to consider just suiciding against Nurse if it keeps up.

    Same. I’m on PS4 so I didn’t have a reason to fear Nurse players because usually they aren’t great even at red ranks. Let me tell you...more than HALF of my games last night were God tier Nurses. I appreciated it at first because it was a rarity but dying over and over and over again to the most powerful killer in the game just seemed cheap. There isn’t anything you can do to a Nurse but hope her prediction is wrong and mind-games herself.

    All you can do is hope you aren’t the first one caught because if you are, you’ll have to be good at surviving and hope your teammates aren’t potatoes and actually fix generators.

  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183
    Amanda to play (even I like play against, for the idea of another task to survivor).
    To play against i think Legion, too boring..

  • Kherma
    Kherma Member Posts: 24

    @MegMain98 said:
    Same. I’m on PS4 so I didn’t have a reason to fear Nurse players because usually they aren’t great even at red ranks. Let me tell you...more than HALF of my games last night were God tier Nurses. I appreciated it at first because it was a rarity but dying over and over and over again to the most powerful killer in the game just seemed cheap. There isn’t anything you can do to a Nurse but hope her prediction is wrong and mind-games herself.

    All you can do is hope you aren’t the first one caught because if you are, you’ll have to be good at surviving and hope your teammates aren’t potatoes and actually fix generators.

    I wouldn't say it's cheap, if someone has practiced a lot to get good with Nurse. On console especially.
    I play at rank 1 with Nurse on PS4 and i see survivors doing same mistakes over and over again. Then it's a very "cheap" victory for Nurse. For example, a survivor keep pallet looping the Nurse. Or a survivor try to "backtrack" the Nurse. Okay, it's much better way than pallet looping but still doing it every single time… Easy to predict. And you can see this kinda stuff at rank 1, i am a very disappointed (lol not really, i can't even myself survive against god Nurses). :lol:

    Most boring killer to play against is the Legion. The hole game is just healing... And when Legion use thanatophobia and sloppy butcher and you don't even have self care, it's gg then

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    @Kherma said:

    @MegMain98 said:
    Same. I’m on PS4 so I didn’t have a reason to fear Nurse players because usually they aren’t great even at red ranks. Let me tell you...more than HALF of my games last night were God tier Nurses. I appreciated it at first because it was a rarity but dying over and over and over again to the most powerful killer in the game just seemed cheap. There isn’t anything you can do to a Nurse but hope her prediction is wrong and mind-games herself.

    All you can do is hope you aren’t the first one caught because if you are, you’ll have to be good at surviving and hope your teammates aren’t potatoes and actually fix generators.

    I wouldn't say it's cheap, if someone has practiced a lot to get good with Nurse. On console especially.
    I play at rank 1 with Nurse on PS4 and i see survivors doing same mistakes over and over again. Then it's a very "cheap" victory for Nurse. For example, a survivor keep pallet looping the Nurse. Or a survivor try to "backtrack" the Nurse. Okay, it's much better way than pallet looping but still doing it every single time… Easy to predict. And you can see this kinda stuff at rank 1, i am a very disappointed (lol not really, i can't even myself survive against god Nurses). :lol:

    Most boring killer to play against is the Legion. The hole game is just healing... And when Legion use thanatophobia and sloppy butcher and you don't even have self care, it's gg then

    Understandable because it is SUPER hard to master Nurse on console, I’m trash at playing Nurse. I went against probably 8 Nurses last night and it was the same thing over and over again with a long chase and my teammates doing nothing. I can predict pretty well where a Nurse thinks I’m gonna go and go the opposite way so she mind games herself, but it only takes two mistakes on my part and I’m are downed and hooked. Just feels kinda cheap to die over and over again to THE BEST killer in the game. Just nothing you can do against a Nurse besides try to break line of sight and make her mind game herself.

    I was just having a bad night due to the abundance and Billys and Nurses. I’d honestly rather go against a Nurse than Billy though, I HATE going against Billys.

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464

    Hillbilly or Bubba for sure. both to play as and against.

    1. Find survivor
    2. Walk behind survivor
    3. Press RC

    Fun and interactive gameplay.

    Bonus points for movement speed addons on Bubba or Charge time on Billy.

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337
    edited February 2019

    @Poweas said:

    @NathanExplosion said:
    They're all rodeo clowns for survivors, except Nurse.

    What's your point OP ?

    Except Billy, Hag/Spirit. The top tier killers are never rodeo clowns, they're dominant as hell.

    I agree that these 3 are indeed top tier compared to the others.

    But against an optimal survivor team, only Nurse stand a chance, and even there it's tedious.

    Buffing the lower-tier to Billy's level would be a good start, indeed.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    @NathanExplosion said:

    @Poweas said:

    @NathanExplosion said:
    They're all rodeo clowns for survivors, except Nurse.

    What's your point OP ?

    Except Billy, Hag/Spirit. The top tier killers are never rodeo clowns, they're dominant as hell.

    I agree that these 3 are indeed top tier compared to the others.

    But against an optimal survivor team, only Nurse stand a chance, and even there it's tedious.

    Buffing the lower-tier to Billy's level would be a good start, indeed.

    Not every killer will be nor needs to be on Nurse/Billy level. Tell me how exactly Freddy or Wraith will EVER be as powerful as those two? Their powers are just not as good as top tier killers. If they stand any chance of being buffed it needs to be their OWN power that gets the buff. Not a general killer buff. Nurse and Billy don’t need it, Freddy and Wraith do.

    Sorry if I may have misunderstood you, but that is how I interpreted it.

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337
    edited February 2019

    @MegMain98 said:

    Not every killer will be nor needs to be on Nurse/Billy level. Tell me how exactly Freddy or Wraith will EVER be as powerful as those two? Their powers are just not as good as top tier killers. If they stand any chance of being buffed it needs to be their OWN power that gets the buff. Not a general killer buff. Nurse and Billy don’t need it, Freddy and Wraith do.

    Sorry if I may have misunderstood you, but that is how I interpreted it.

    Of course i'm talking about changing them individually to, at least, close the gap between them and Billy.

    I know that everyone of them are different and that they can't mechanically all be at this level, but i also know for sure that actually the difference is so big that it's laughtable.

    But hey, knowing these Devs, i know it's not gonna happen ^^

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582
    Spend most of my time against Leatherface sitting on a hook staring at his face so I'd say he's up there.
  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    @Delfador said:
    The most boring killer is hands down the legion.

    Other than him, I don't know. If the team is bad, going against spirits and nurses is just frustrating because you do everything you could do and then the next person gets downed in like 10 seconds. I don't find them boring though.

    The most enjoyable killers to go against is hillbilly and huntress.

    Lmao, you serious that ######### possy killer? the huntress aka broken hitboxes? yeah instachainsaw billy is "fun", the only fun killer to play against is pig and scary myers.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Arroz said:

    @Delfador said:
    The most boring killer is hands down the legion.

    Other than him, I don't know. If the team is bad, going against spirits and nurses is just frustrating because you do everything you could do and then the next person gets downed in like 10 seconds. I don't find them boring though.

    The most enjoyable killers to go against is hillbilly and huntress.

    Lmao, you serious that [BAD WORD] possy killer? the huntress aka broken hitboxes? yeah instachainsaw billy is "fun", the only fun killer to play against is pig and scary myers.

    Please for the love of god, fck off if you don't know how to talk to people.

    Why am I a killer here? I am a solo survivor and I rarely play killers and even then I just play the clown. I almost never touch hillbilly as well.

    My play ratio is less then 9 to 1, 9 being the survivor.

    Lmao, you serious that ######### possy survivor? Pig aka the worst killer? Yeah scary myers who can't catch up is so fun.


  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Nurse and legion to play against.
    To play as Freddy. His power is just boring and not effective.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    @NathanExplosion said:
    They're all rodeo clowns for survivors, except Nurse.

    What's your point OP ?

    So you just thinks that the spirit, hag and billy are rodeo clowns? They are extremely deadly in the hands of expierience player.

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337


    @NathanExplosion said:

    @Poweas said:

    @NathanExplosion said:
    They're all rodeo clowns for survivors, except Nurse.

    What's your point OP ?

    Except Billy, Hag/Spirit. The top tier killers are never rodeo clowns, they're dominant as hell.

    I agree that these 3 are indeed top tier compared to the others.

    But against an optimal survivor team, only Nurse stand a chance, and even there it's tedious.

    Buffing the lower-tier to Billy's level would be a good start, indeed.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Legion... Everything about him is so brainless.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    As: Nurse.
    Against: Legion.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @NathanExplosion said:

    @Poweas said:

    @NathanExplosion said:
    They're all rodeo clowns for survivors, except Nurse.

    What's your point OP ?

    Except Billy, Hag/Spirit. The top tier killers are never rodeo clowns, they're dominant as hell.

    I agree that these 3 are indeed top tier compared to the others.

    But against an optimal survivor team, only Nurse stand a chance, and even there it's tedious.

    Buffing the lower-tier to Billy's level would be a good start, indeed.

    You're sort of wrong. Billy and Spirit do well against SWF. Billy can slug the hell out of them and Spirit can end chases faster than Nurse (I seriously need to learn Spirit, Nurse was so easy but Spirit is hard) so she'd be great at beating a SWF. It's just Hag. If you trap certain loops only, Hag will not do well against SWF. Only time I can see Hag doing well is if the Hag shuts down their path not the loops. So their path to the loop is closed. Kind of like how Tru3 does it but way more unpredictable.