Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Killers tell me whats wrong with the game from your perspective?



  • DY86
    DY86 Member Posts: 570

    Yea to everything u said. I play GF and in maps such as Mothers Dwelling its certain I will not get more than a 2k in the best case scenario.

    The difference between a S tier killer and a B tier killer is abysmal, when it should actually be a matter of play style preference. Also Pig needs a rework asap

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    "Is it possible a killer can gain too much of an advantage due to a map"

    The only killer thats ever gotten a buff from a map, as in straight up linear buff, has been Nemesis. And even thats a stretch considering its pretty much random as to if a zombie will cover a hallway. As for the rest of the roster, high mobility killers ignore maps, doesn't matter to them, they can get from point A to point B with the quickness. But say I'm clown or trapper or Doc, I gotta do all the same things I did before, and the only times a map has an effect on my performance is when its in the negative, because the map is huge, or has some ungodly path for stairs, etc. These maps are not designed with killers in mind or else characters like Huntress wouldn't scream under their breath at the sight of an indoor map with tons of walls and LOS blockers. They don't even make modifications to killer powers to accommodate for those scenarios, the only killer with a bouncing projectile to even make situations like that bearable is the Kpop guy, and that costs and add on slot.

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    The constant battle of me not wanting to lose or get bullied and running meta perks but then making the game unfun for survivors when I run what I do. I can't feel good about winning when it's stomp after stomp, yet if I try running what I want that's fun, I cant keep with 16 meta perks. It's just poor game balance, something I hope is a little better after this update.

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463
    edited July 2022

    I love how the response I keep seeing is "well there's toxic killers as well. Both sides have toxic people." Which just shows they didn't read your post. Yeah but which side is more toxic? I've mostly switched over to survivor since 2022 started(killer sucks right now) and I can't believe some of the stuff I see. Yes, there's 4 times the amount of survivors than killers, but I see maybe 1 toxic killer out of 10 games and I see numerous toxic survivors throughout those 10 games. I'm usually apologizing to the killer on my teams behalf, I've actually made a lot of steam friends from the killers because of it lol.

    Post edited by Zeon_99 on
  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    Ill try to list them in order of important or need of adjustment.

    1: Map balance - Some maps are one sided going both ways, randomly generated tiles can also create insane loops or dead zones.

    2: Survivor Items/Addons - Survivors being able to bring very strong items that can easily win them the game without perks.

    3: Killer addons - Some addons are useless to detrimental, while others can win you the game for free.

    4: Regression Perks - Not only are they boring, but they also don't feel good to play against.

    5: Strong killers - They make it harder to put in strong perks and the game ultimately ends up being balanced around them.

    NOEDENJOYER Member Posts: 237

    Map design & balance continues to be the most frustrating and unfair aspect of playing killer. So many maps are survivor-sided beyond belief that it becomes far too difficult to actually apply any tangible form of pressure on half-competent survivors.

    Maps are far too big and far too safe. If you're playing any killer that isn't Nurse, Blight, or Spirit then it takes SOO long to actually down a survivor. It can easily take almost 2 minutes just to down a good survivor, considering how they can waste 30-40 seconds by just holding W in the chase before and after taking their first hit, then begin the looping process, then get a reset with Dead Hard, then get more distance if they have plenty of safe pallets to use.

    Oh, and if you drop the chase to go somewhere else. They'll use COH or a med-kit to erase the damage you did in less than 30 seconds. So you effectively waste 1-2 minutes trying to get a down, only to achieve nothing. No wonder why it's so common for 2-3 gens to pop before the killer gets one down, and then proceed to hardcore tunnel and camp because the game is almost over at that point.

    I'd call myself a killer main, but whenever I get a streak of games which are against very good or competent survivors with meta perks (everyone has DH..) then I just stop playing killer. I play mid-tier killers like Wraith, Bubba, Demo, Artist & Dredge - and I'd rather just play survivor than play Nurse/Blight almost every game.

    If maps were smaller, survivors couldn't hold W as much and spread apart, and if there were less pallets (safe ones) then it would be easier to actually down people. But at the minute, it takes MINUTES to down one survivor unless you're one of three killers, and by then, the survivors have already done 60%+ of their objective.

  • Eredestra
    Eredestra Member Posts: 49

    1 Killer vs 4 Survivors and 5 Gens.

    You chase and hook 1 Survivor, 3 are on 3 different Gens and get popped after getting your first hook, leaving only 2 Gens and still there are 4 Survivors left in a 2 Gen map...

    Do you see the problem? The ratio of Survivors and Gens combined with the ratio needed to hook a survivor for a sacrifice?

  • ButterFlee13
    ButterFlee13 Member Posts: 269
    edited July 2022

    Gens get finished before you find even survivor. I think implement a mini corrupt intervention of1 gen for 20 sec, can be a good thing. This is why killer run corrupt intervention and that perk becomes meta for that reason.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    What is wrong in my opinion:

    1- SWF is omega broken and community knows it and abuse it A LOT. I respect the idea of playing with friends, but if you have the power to choose who is in your party, I should have as killer the power to choose if I want to play with your group or not, reason why we need two options

    • Mark on lobby who is on SWF and who is not.
    • Separate queues and give killers a massive BP reward if they choose to suffer the pain that is facing SWF groups.

    I don´t want to play against russian bully squads during midnight, so I should know if they are SWf or not and decide, same as survivors does when they invite their friends.

    2- Maps are trash. The last year and a half, maps has been terribles, omega survivor sided with tons of resources and safe loops, not fun to play on that maps. Haddonfield - Garden - Crows - Coldwind - Puzzle - Red Forest (Both) - Gas Heaven - Ormond are unplayable maps for killers, super trash maps. Stop releasing killers and fix this maps, please, I do not want to play a new killer on a mega broken map with 20% chances of winning.

    3 - Matchaking is garbage, the old one was trash, but MMR is worst. You win 1-2 games, good luck, next game is SWF bully squad or Genrush Squad. Not fun to play.

    4- Killers. 90% of killers are weak, the only one playables at high mmr against good survivors are Blight - Nurse and Spirit with addons , maybe Artist if you are a master of crows. Yes, you can play every killer, but try to win with wraith against a good team, GGWP tbag at gates. Fix it, I do not want more weak killers as sadako, I want decent killers to play with.

    5- Gens are mega easy to complete, this means more tunnel and more camp. Fix gens to give killers a reason to not tunnel or camp, I will not leave the hook if one chase on Puzzle costs me 2 gens, I will camp and tunnel that survivor until my last breath.

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809

    Full time killer main here for 3.5k hours on xbox, changed to pc to play another 2.2k hours in about 40/60 ratio. So here are my thoughts:

    Matchmaking doesn't exist, we all know that. Especially the "separate mmr on different killers". If MMR exists, why I'm getting lobbies full of people under 100h that don't know how to hit a skill check. And my absolute newbie of a brother faces 14+k hour sweatiest swf? Do you use games like that to "balance" the ratio of kills and escapes? Jokes on you, I'll never take advantage of the weaker survivors. Easy 4k isn't a win. I'd rather end the game on no kills than get them handed to me.

    Lack of balance between killers and their powers. Ofc there's always gonna be a killer more viable than another, but absolutely ignoring weaker killer's viability, makes attracting new players kinda hard. There's absolutely NO reward for mastering the killer you actually enjoy. Good example is probably Myers, the one killer that interested MANY people into joining the game. But after few games as him, you'll be absolutely stomped every game. Don't get me wrong, all killers can be played at high levels of play, but even those people who main trash tier killers know, that it shouldn't be like that. Every killer should be able to progress at similar pace. And because a lot of people care more about being competitive than having fun, it's the reason why we rarely see anything besides Nurses and Blights. Don't take it as insult, if you main them, I'm fully aware of the absolute learning hell they are, but would you really still play them if they were in the trash tier?

    Maps are the bane of many games, there's always maps that some people like and some people dislike, depending on how annoying it is to play on them. I don't like to hate on any of the dbd maps, some of them are super nice to play on, some are an absolute hell. But for me it's just a matter of learning how to play on each. Loops on some maps tho, are a different topic. Every loop tiles should be thoroughly tested before seeing the light of the day, to see if they can be abused into infinity.

    Survivor toxicity isn't as big of a problem as people make it to be, like i don't care, you waste your own time. It's the tools that give them enough safety to act this way. the "you can't do anything to me, so I'll use this time to absolutely bm the hell out of you". It got widely accepted that survivor is the power role in this game, there's more people playing survivor, because it requires barely any effort compared to killer. And survivors know that, that's why they won't touch the killer role. It's easier to bully someone with no punishment than fight bullies. I play survivor too, and i find it really sad that this game started as deadly hide and seek funtime, and ended up as "which side will dc first" competition. Take away survivor's safety tools (especially with the incoming endurance 5-6 hit meta) and you'll see that toxicity was caused by the absolute safety they feel. Killers should be feared.

    Kills/Escapes as the indicator of skill is a hell of a mistake to do. I think we all hate either hiding survivors waiting for everyone else to die, or super tryharding killers, that speedrun their kills. What if we reworked that into an actual check of skill. Ranks don't matter now, so what if you made like a new, and actual ranking system based on points (like in many competetive games). Game is already aware of any of the player's actions counting towards certain emblems, but what if we removed the emblem cap, and we would get a more accurate showdown of what we did throughout the game. Like good job at doing X, but you did it in not optimal way, so you'll get points deducted. And in the end we could build like stats that people would be able to check in lobbies to see like "this person is very altruistic, but doesn't care about objective", "this person does avg 3 gens per match, but dies quickly", etc etc. Also being able to check killer's profile in lobby should be possible too. It can be made without telling survivors what killer it is. Ranking seasons could last longer than a month, and rank would actually matter, cuz of the points system. And Kills/Escapes wouldn't need to be the main indicators of skill.

  • MrJack20252
    MrJack20252 Member Posts: 390

    Too many pallets, Dead Hard, Hook spawn is garbage in some maps (scourge hook rng is bad too), FOV is too low and i don't want to waste a perk slot to get more, the rest is fine tbh i even accept to play against SWF, they are not so horrible to play against.

  • MauriceMaverick
    MauriceMaverick Member Posts: 276

    OK, so after the edit you can say, Basicly other players are the problem, am I right?

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I wish the endgame just started automatically when the last-gen was done. It would require perk reworks but it is an exciting mechanic that is not allowed to play out most matches.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699
  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    The biggest problem with the game in general can be explained in three words: Survive with friends.

    Nothing in this game is more broken than communication outside the game, it literally kills the game's basic foundation.

    What's worse, the disparity between solos and SWFs is so enormous that it is impossible to balance it without making solos suffer much more. IMO, BHVR has two options to solve this problem, either make an in-game voice chat and balance the game around it or finally treat these two different things (solos and SWFs) as different and maybe give debuffs to survivors if they are playing together.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Survivors run away from me when i try to hit them....

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    TBF, survivors are to be toxic and it is expect for a single reason: They are the team role. IRL, you feel much more validated to be an toxic bully if you have friends to back it up because even if you are being an ######### they are still your friend and they are gonna defend you even if you are wrong.

    On the other hand, killer is the solo role, so of they play toxic there are 4 people to call them out for being toxic. Not only that, but being a target of a bully squad feels terrible because it's 4 people ganging up on you. I imagine that if there were a 2v6 mode, killer would feel much less stressful because you would have a friend to back you up if a squad tries to bully you.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Killer perspective;

    * You can't play casually, you are under pressure from the get go and are forced to use gen regression perks to give you buy you some time. Usually a gen or 2 are done as you get a hook against decent players. I've played brilliantly with Oni in my last few games, yet survivors still managed to get to 1 gen left or even the exits powered.

    * Survivors out perk you 16-4, you cannot counter them all plus they get a 5th perk in the form of an item

    * Survivors get items which you can only counter via perks such as lightborn or franklins which waste perk slots.

    Survivor perspective;

    Don't have too many issues when playing as a solo survivor. I like the challenge. Lack of maps is a downer and tomes are pretty boring now.

  • MilManson
    MilManson Member Posts: 939

    Too many reasons to note but mostly generator speed, map size and good SWF teams who coordinate so well you can do anything.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,615
    edited July 2022

    Well, you name all the problems of playing killer generally speaking... I personally DESPISE toxicity and swf above anything else, followed by map layouts. Certain maps are TOO MUCH SAFE, no matter what killer you are using (except nurse obviously)...

  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 240

    This. You either clown on them and get a 4k, or they all walk out unhooked.

    I think this is because, as a killer, your success inherently compounds itself. Getting a stab is going to cause the survivor to cry out and bleed, making subsequent hits easier to get. Hooks force the other players to rescue, which gets you more hooks. An early kill makes all subsequent objectives harder (or even impossible) to get.

    But as a survivor, getting a gen done doesn't make the others any easier to do. In fact, depending on where they're located, it could make the remaining ones HARDER. And god help you if it was the final one and you just activated NOED...

    So survivors are forced to play very conservative and boring to prevent the killer from getting any momentum

    re: toxicity

    There's just as much toxicity on both sides, but you see 4x as many survivors per match, so they are 4x as toxic.

    Plus, it's kind of the killer's JOB to be toxic. You are literally trying to stop the other players from having fun.

    I wouldn't even complain if they just gave better BP rewards. I should never get a 4k and earn less than the full 32,000. ######### the categories, I got the job done. If killers are 4x as important to the game's future, they should be rewarded 4x as much. (Survivors, in contrast, can contribute differing amounts to the objectives, so simply "escaping" shouldn't guarantee you max pts or anything...)

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Map Design is number one, It can and usually does give some ridiculous setups for survivors. Number two disparity between killers. The power level is just way too stratified and most killers need to be reworked to fix that. And then large groups of SWF can be a problem, though its by no means universal, but instant communication and coheshive play makes it very challenged for many killers, see problem two.

  • Risky_Biscuit
    Risky_Biscuit Member Posts: 95

    For me personally, it's the following:

    - Killers feeling powerless as the supposed "power role".

    - Too many second chances for survivors. No real punishment for them actively messing up. Way too easy to simply run away from the killer, or worse yet, loop them.

    - Gens getting done too fast, combined with an inability to pressure gens. There's barely any point in kicking gens since the regression is minimal and survivors just blast through them.

    - Chases taking too long, thanks to maps being too big, too many pallets, too many vaults, jungle gyms, walls, loops, etc... It's just too time consuming for the killer to commit to a chase when the gens can get done by the rest of the survivors, and a single survivor can literally waste 3 gens worth of a killer's time.

    - Killers aren't threatening. Survivors will actively run around in circles around you just to make you miss a swing or to simply waste your time. They'll t-bag at pallets while you sit there like a clown, having to break the pallet while they flashlight blind you, wasting even more of your time.

    Basically it feels like things are heavily stacked against the killer. Their time is too easily wasted by overly aggressive survivors who feel no fear running directly at the killers and actively trolling them because of how weak the killer side is.