Can anyone explain the point of DS nerf



  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,748
    edited June 2022

    "Play badly before EGC", you say that like spreading hooks is a bad thing. Should the killer be punished for spreading hooks and actually give the survivors a chance, or do you want them to tunnel someone out every game? Cause what's gonna happen now is they'll hit the unhooked player every time and probably try to tunnel them out even harder than before thanks to increased gen times and nerfed DS. Sure OtR will take its place but many killers can get around that. I'm fine with the DS nerf. But camping is too powerful. Time on hook should be increased to 80.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I didn't agree with the stun time change at all -- as others have said, it seems like a decision to force people to run OTR instead, which will be, if used for an anti-tunnel perk, providing more value than current DS did (a longer window of protection, and you're not going down if you're actually being tunneled and get hit).

    I agree with the new deactivation conditions -- I have happily abused current DS by getting hooked in Endgame and immediately jumping onto an Exit Gate while my rescuer heads off to either unhook someone else or take a hit, and I've never understood why that was a thing that didn't deactivate it before. But the stun time, especially against certain killers, seems so inconsequential that it won't matter. There was a time not terribly long ago when DS was bugged against certain killers and it became against those killers largely ineffective in its use -- that's pretty much what the new stun time amounts to now against everyone, and against the killers that could already get around it with more ease (Nurse, Blight, etc), it'll be next to useless.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    DS stun duration was originally 3 seconds. It got buffed to 5 seconds because Enduring was affecting it, making it useless. When the Enduring bug was fixed, they neglected to revert the stun duration.

    This part of the change just reverts DS to it's original duration, which also brings it into line with pallet stun duration.

    But yeah, I suspect they also just want to force the meta to change. Which it most definitely will now that they've confirmed that you can chain Endurance hits to require 4-5 hits for a down.

  • Dreadnight
    Dreadnight Member Posts: 128

    BHVR logic: We wanna nerf second chance perks, so we nerf DS because is very oppresive and sometimes inevitable for killers.

    Also BHVR logic: Now Off the Record is a second chance perk with 80s and can be used multiple times and combined with the new Dead Hard you have 3-4 health states.

    BHVR logic: We wanna nerf Self Care because Medkits are broken.

    Also BHVR logic: Now Medkits can heal faster than before with botany and you can change self care for Streetwise or Build to Last because Self care efficiency was too op in the right hands.

    The new meta is... Unhooked injured survivors are gods and they have to protect healthy survivors from a killer who probaly doesn't want to tunnel.

    Am I the only one who thinks that a unhooked survivor should run to safety and not face the killer?