Time to be a survivor main bois

With survivors now getting 4-5 health states, a basekit meta perk and free endgame escape perks. Only an idiot would wanna play that joke of a role they call kiLLeR, better start transitioning to the power role that has always been survivor. I don't see anybody apart from camping Bubbas wanting to play kiLLeR after the meta update rolls out.
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Just make sure you have three competent friends to play with ❤️
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One Thread wasnt enough?
I mean, this 4-5 Health State-Stuff is still BS...
From what you post you just seem to be really bad at playing Killer.
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Brutal strength is 20%, basekit is 10%. And 10 gens added to gens is a joke along the 2 secs regression kicking gens does. Killer meta is destroyed, survivor meta still stays decent. Killer's 0.2% this and that buffs is nothing compared to survivors getting 5 stacks of armor.
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Ah yes, all those poor killers. Like, in casual games the killer now has it even easier than before. But lets just look at those two or three games high mmr people play against each other which makes up like 1% of all games, maybe.
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So you do agree the 4-5 health states is BS but i'm a bad killer for stating it? That's all i've been doing. But okay lol.
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No, stating that this will be a common occurrence in the game is nonsense. Ever played with MoM? You know that you wont get the Stacks for free?
Only because some big Streamers show 4-5 Healthstates in staged scenarios does not mean that this will be the case in actual live games. Especially because said streamer has a history with stuff like that.
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Good luck, mr Bias, now that camping and tunneling is getting buffed i'll consider playing a Lot more killer.
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So is it BS or not BS, make a final decision.
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This content has been removed.
Claiming that staged 4-5 Health States will be a common occurrence in regular gameplay is BS. 100%.
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And now you're at 4.
Wonder how many more you got before the inevitable ban.
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If I wanted to join great BDSM society and seek pain and suffering, I definetely would. With new meta I could have 30 health states, what good it would do if I couldn't do a single gen.
Looks like matches will be extremely boring and long with SWF and completely miserable for Solos (but I don't know is there any way for Solos to be more miserable)
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I'm at 4, what is that supposed to mean?
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One of the great mysteries of life, my friend.
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Is it, though? I feel like every major PTB has some change before it hits live.
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"Able to shred solo teams"
Dude...every killer has the ability to shred solo teams.....ITS SOLO Q.
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"none of those players actually became survivor mains"
Can you verify this?
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Called it.
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You literally have builds on the PTB making gens take 4 minutes to complete. Stop your crying.
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I have to question that statement again- are the majority of these changes unpopular? It seems like the only thing people on either side really have a problem with is Off the Record bodyblocking/Endurance stacking. A few seem concerned about Overcharge being buffed too, so we'll toss that one in, but the rest seem either neutral or pretty positive overall.
If people say something negative, it seems to be that these changes don't go far enough, not that they're a bad direction.
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Oh that's right, I did forget about DS- I was thinking more along the lines of the base game changes, which seem to be going over pretty well for the most part. Though, you are just straight up wrong that it's easier to tunnel a survivor out, considering they now have basekit anti-tunnel protection and a ton of methods of evading you via Endurance. DS may be less effective, but it's not the only tool anymore.
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Well, if this is how it all goes, I'm going to stop playing dbd. I also play both sides, but I'm more the killer main.
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Future teller. Great call
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lmao, when I saw your icon I thought this topic was banned and closed... oh boy LOL
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Yeah you spend a bit too much time over here. Congratulations.
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I can only say that I encountered it in a normal game during the PTB. No one was throwing, no one was doing anything special and then, during the endgame there was this Meg that I hit 3 or 4 times and then she run away and I was so confused.
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Dredge? A beast? lmfao you're not playing the same game
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Do I, or is my keen sense of prognostication hyper-developed to borderline transcendality?
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As a killer main I agree. Time to look for a game where the devs give a damn about all of their player base and not just a portion. Also, did you get jailed for speaking the truth and the devs didn’t like it?
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I mean, I would not disagree that this can also happen in regular gameplay. However, what I have seen so far was staged - a Content Creator getting 3 MoM-Stacks, getting unhooked and then letting himself hit by the Killer.
And I also think, if in regular games a team goes to this length to tank a few Hits AND still manages to get 5 Gens done, they would have gotten the 5 Gens anyway. So it does not really change the outcome for the Killer, they would have lost if the team would have been super-efficient and just doing Gens anyway.
(But I know that you cannot say this in this forum, every Survivor is bad and they are all only carried by Perks)
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troll bait
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Don't be silly, we all know that there are unpleasant and dumb people on both sides of the fence. Here is the thing: yes, you gotta go out of your way to orchestrate the 5 HPtank, but just one step down and 4 HP become not that tought to pull off. And just an abundance of 3 HP on nearly every survivor is so oppressive, I mean we went from "you got one hit. If he catchs you after that you are dead!" to "after he hit you the fun begins and you can just bait and evade and zoom off with your 3rd health state" to "you basically now how 3HP plus other shennanigans". Thats like rulebook power creep, and the survivors using the tools given to them aren't even at fault, but the game just moves and evolves far too slow in order to keep pace.
I feel that far too few brain cells are picking up the fact that survivor players just got BETTER then the game ever accounted for. Survivors these days run every. single. loop soo tight and perfect that you have to do the same just to keep up, and in doing so they greed every. single. palette like mad and far beyond whats reasonable, and they get away with it. Against people like this the base +10% better at everything buff that killers get is necessary just to play a normal game. I mean, you can't fault people for playing good, thats not the problem, but the base premisse of the game is getting more and more strained: a survivor hunted will have to trick the killer and get away or they will inevitable go down. This inevitability isn't that certain any more. Paletts used to be a rare and valuable ressource that you had to expent to get away in the mid game, so that in the endgame everywhere was a dangerous place. But if you take 1min to whittle down 1 palett and then its off to the next and you don't have just one god looper how can do this, but they all do? What are you supposed to do? Oh yeah, camp that poor guy that you somehow managed to down and guard them with your life. And tunnel them if they ever get off the hook.
No party is at fault for this vicious feedback loop, but its the inherent limits of the game. After 1-2k hours a lot of survivors are good enough that they strain the limits of the games mechanics to its breaking point. And this players still got to play full meta builds, even though their skills are that high. This are insurmountable odds for most killer players and this leads to all this frustration that a snarky "lul git gud" or "then just dont tunnel" wont be solving. So I have high hopes for the basic killer buff, as this is really what the game needs.
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I don't know why but your all posts looks same with different words.
If you are really burned on DbD that much, give break tho.
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You know what's funny about this?
Posts like this with people saying they quit because they think game is gonna be killer sided starting next update.
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Being survivor main is painful solely because of que time tbh.
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I have a feeling you're missing the point entirely and just thinking its better someone who is bias towards survivor quit the game than to stick around and keep playing which supports the game's future.
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In EU, survivor queues are pretty fast. Maybe it is you or your zone.
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No,i'm saying the game should never be balanced favoring 1 side than the other,just because the people that only play one side will get upset about it and quit.
Play both roles and even if you cant understand and quit even after that,then I dont think there's many games like this that will satisfy you honestly.
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But thats the great debate with this game... balance! Survivor mains and killer mains will always have some level of bias in their opinion about how they feel the game is balanced towards one side or the other. It doesn't mean they are right and it also doesn't mean they are wrong. At the end of the day people are just trying to have fun in this game and again what matters the most is players finding a reason to keep playing rather than quitting thinking the game will never be fun for them again.