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Survivors are not having fun with this game anymore



  • Member Posts: 374

    Is there any reason to insinuate I'm biased and narrow minded?

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    Sure, you started off your thread by putting every single survivor in the same bucket. You were already called out for this, I shouldn't have to do it again.

  • Member Posts: 3,581

    To be fair, people DC or let themselves go on hook over the smallest of things. I dont tunnel or camp, nor do I use strong builds (I use Hillbilly with BBQ, Shadowborn, and Bloodwarden on some occasions) but people still DC and such. I play both sides, and I can understand getting upset because of the killer using a strong build, or camping and tunneling, but I do neither.

    I think people just get tired of DbD, or burnt out on the game. People need to take breaks. If they keep playing over and over, they are bound to find something that upsets them a lot, leading to more frustration since they are already upset, it can build up a lot if unmoderated. But this happens on both sides, this isnt exclusive to just survivors or killers alone.

    SoloQ can also be super painful since you have 4 people with some idea what they are doing but literally no coordination whatsoever... Ive said this for a long time. DbD needs voicechat, rather it be proximity based or just VC in general, I wouldnt mind. Survivors need teamwork to win, it's by their design, but literally nothing about the game's design supports teamwork in the slightest. "But killers win because of weak links, and SoloQ enforces that", I dont care, SoloQ shouldnt be as terrible as it is.

  • Member Posts: 374

    I agree, people DC because they're first down, playing against a Nurse or their house is on fire. It happens.

    But I'm personally seeing survivors DCing when they're getting camped at gen 5 while the killer can take 1 step and re-down the survivor and it's happening much more often than it use to happen. I have around 2,000+ hours in the game, with it being about 1/2 killer and 1/2 survivor (It may be more killer to be honest, I don't remember exactly when my friends started wanting to play the game with me). And I can see a large uptick in camping/tunneling at gen 5.

    And again, I totally understand camp and tunneling in a bunch of situations as killer. However, not at gen 5.

  • Member Posts: 37

    When is the last time someone who was in a SWF decided to NOT Genrush because it's not fun for the killer? Probably not often, if not never. Survivors GenRush because it it the most effective strategy. Period. The Killer's feelings or "fun levels" are never taken into account. Anyone being honest with themselves knows this to pretty much be a fact.

    Tunneling and Camping are not "the only way", but they are the most effective strategies, regardless of your personal feelings, skill levels, or moral compass. They work, and that is just a fact. You might use it at a last resort when your down to 1-2 Gens to try to shift things in your favor. You might try to tunnel one person out of the game immediately, to shift numbers in your favor.

    I don't believe any survivor/swf is EVER going to alter their strategies and gameplay for my Killer's "fun", so why should I be forced to do it for survivors. Don't want to be tunneled, loop better. You have to be caught to be tunneled, and if you're good, and you know the killer wants you, there's nothing stopping you from taking him on a 2-3 Gen ride. Not proud, but it's been done to me, and all I can do is ggwp.

    Being camped, do Gens. As a Survivor, I literally have to tell every team, "If I get hooked and camped, just do Gens". Every game, I have to tell people that, and by now it should be common knowledge. I don't mind getting hooked and camped, if the team uses the time to smash Gens. When they all come and try to be heroes and 1 down turns into 3 down, that's when I get mad.

    I'm just saying that Killer or Survivor, most are going to do whatever it takes to win. This is a competitive game, and if that's not your jam, that's cool. We don't need BHVR trying to turn players made up "survivor ethics" rulebook into game mechanics.

    Getting smashed is not fun, for survivor or killer. I've gone on horrible streaks of getting smashed by EVERY team I went against, and it wasn't fun. What I needed wasn't more rules, nerfs, buffs, etc. What I needed, what I still need, is more TIME and more PRACTICE. I need to improve my own skills so that I can make the game fun for myself, instead of expecting others to do it for me.

    This is of course, just my pea-brained 2 cents. 😉

  • Member Posts: 445

    What is the Endurance meta? I Googled it and can't find anything on it.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    On the PTB. Survivors can use OtR, DH and MoM to gain 4 health states.

  • Member Posts: 315

    Everything OP said "is subjective and changes from player to player"

  • Member Posts: 374

    I definitely think that standing close enough to a survivor on a hook so that you can take 1 step and hit the survivor is way more rewarding than the effort it takes to do it. My biggest win streak, getting 3 to 4 kills, as killer was when I did 50 games in a row, standing about 1 step from the survivor. Near the end of it, I was getting survivors way more skilled than me and I assume I was at the top of MMR since it was 50 wins in a row.

    However, my biggest grip is when someone does it from the start of the game and just judging from my games, that has increased a lot. (Also, there's a lot of forum threads about camping and tunneling which makes me think the same).

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Today I had the strangest of games. We were against a slinger in Midwich Elementary, and after getting the drop on one of the survivors that one DCed, shortly to be followed by another survivor.

    Me and the Claudette did what we did, I got hooked, Claudette unhooked me and then .. DCed. The Slinger cornered me and gave me the hatch, but that was the most sad match I ever had the misfortune to load into.

  • Member Posts: 374

    I play in a 4 man SWF and tell my other 3 teammates to DC and I still escape 100% of the time.

    Trust me bro.

  • Member Posts: 297

    And which oder asymetrical Horror Game with licensed Characters could you possibly mean? Spoiler: There is no such Game which could be even close to DBD at the moment.

    All the other Games out there are like a Shadow of DBD, like a bad copy. Sorry, thats my opinion.

    To say somebody should just play other games is always a good answer if you don't want to solve issues and instead provide unsubstantial informations or comments. It reminds me a bit of Politicians or marketing representatives... xD

    My comment is not meant to be an attack, but to make you rethink. in my Opinion the forum is also there to share one's problems with others and to find solutions to certain problems together.

  • Member Posts: 3,755

    My comment was more meant to be funny. I joke around in hopes that everyone will stop being so serious and try to have fun in the game, but it doesn't matter playing to win is what's important not having fun. Play something else just means play something else there's thousands of games out there. It doesn't have to be another asymmetrical horror game. If horror is the choice there are tons of horror games out there.

    There is no working together to find solutions when killer/survivor mains exist.

  • Member Posts: 297

    I think "working together" can exist. For example: I'm a Killer Main (Nurse) and i played some matches in the new PTB Update and i think Nurse is too strong compared to the live build. That's my honest opinion about this topic and i believe we all can find solutions for new problems which occur.

    I also play A LOT Survivor with my friends. We play a few hours every day and i'm aware of the problems which every role naturally comes with. If everyone in the community would play both roles, we could have a better understanding of the real problems i guess. As you have already mentioned, there are hardcore killer mains and hardcore surv mains out there which won't touch the opposite role at all (besides some daylie missions) and this is a problem related to the evaluation of balancing in general. In some cases, it also distorts the amount of likes of comments in the forum and it can lead to a incorrect assumptions, beacuse of the asymmetrical Player distribution in DBD.

    Personally, I also had less fun on the PTB build as Survivor than on the live server. Maybe that's just the first impression that speaks from me. However, I had the feeling that the top tier killers like Blight or Nurse were overperforming.

  • Member Posts: 854

    I still have a lot of fun as survivor.

  • Member Posts: 3,755

    I tried before all I get is arguments. Neutral players that play both sides opinion doesn't matter.

    Mains will always pick fights with you for their side. Until the day when they play both sides and see what it's like there will never be together.

  • Member Posts: 1,623

    "Dbd is a competitive game"

    -Devs stat they want an average of 2 kills, 2 escapes per match. 🙄

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Lol, exactly. I'm totally sure they're shaking their head "no" at me because they don't want to camp me. /s

    I don't see campers all the time, but I wouldn't say they're rare either. And when you do encounter them it's really lame. It's the equivalent of spawn camping/killing in a first person shooter. You're preventing a player from actually playing the game.

    There are times and situations where the camp makes sense strategically and is relatively fair to the person being camped. But your standard twitch streaming killer with four viewers is legit just doing it to be a turd.

  • Member Posts: 3,755
  • Member Posts: 1,623

    Well, I didn't read all the comments. And with the internet of nowadays you can't really know.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    This. If you're not of the extreme ideology there is no room for you. We see this concept play out in the real world all the time too.

  • Member Posts: 147

    Killer mains input isn't useless. Just because someones a killer "main" dosen't mean they never play as a survivor. I consider myself a killer main but i play more swf. If my team is getting camped at 5 gens then we actually do gens. We don't wait around for the next one of us to get tunneled/camped.

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    I sincerely hope that Off the Record buff doesn't make it past the PTB. Its too much.

  • Member Posts: 464

    rarely get tunneled and when i get, i simply dont care, is understandable, sometimes the killer gets punished for it and i escape, sometimes i dont, survs just need to be smart to see the payoff, no huge deal and a non-issue

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Wait... are you saying you face camped survivors 50 games in a row? Yikes...

  • Member Posts: 164

    Gotta cry at least as loud as survivor cried on deathslinger so he could at least get nerfed

  • Member Posts: 82

    Nah, better yet, cry as much as killer did for dead hard and i'll assure You that perk is getting nerfed on PTB, lmao

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    Please don't try and speak for "most" survivors and stick to your own experience. Hyperbole is a great way to invalidate your stance from the very beginning.

  • Member Posts: 463

    Im enjoying the game still, but sometimes a few killers make me want to just suicide on hook. I'm sorry to anyone who plays these killers, but Pinhead, Huntress, and Nemesis are so boring to me that its hard to stay engaged, nothing wrong with playing them tho. Overall I still love the game, but everyone is going to have things in games that they don't like, its just how it is for games that have so many characters and perks.

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