What the actual hell, Legion is so not fun to play against.



  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    @Lateral said:
    Welcome to DBD. This game is made for Killers enjoyment, Survivors are merely NPC's with players behind them.

    Killers, because every multiplayer game needs an easy-mode, hand-held, babied crutch class corrosively eating away at the games community from within.

    And why is it this way? because killers /cried damn hard for their endless catalog of buffs and survivor nerfs.

    Looking at all your posts, I think you're right - you sound like an NPC with the amount of times you've repeated that same exact line of "easy-mode, hand-helf, babied crutch". Change it up a little, your code can't be that outdated! ;)

    But what I don't think you realize is that if you don't count the legion, the game is the closest it's ever been to being balanced especially when compared to the very early days of the game. Personally I wanted fun killers that require some form of skill to use with a proper learning curve like the spirit, not the broken mess that's the legion that can ignore literally everything the game has to offer.

    But to clarify, Legion being busted is not the fault of the community but instead the fact that if I remember correctly on the dev steam, they had to redo legion's power and because of that we ended up with the result we have now. Most of the skilled killers I've seen will agree that Legion in their current state needs to go because their power is neither fun for survivors or killers and removes any and all skill from the game completely while also not being so great.

  • KingSavageGaming
    KingSavageGaming Member Posts: 148
    Just played a match with a Legion that attacked you twice and would walk around you until you were downed. You can’t counter it, because then they hit you. 

    Never understood the hate, but after multiple franks mixtapes and this? 0 counterplay, and require 0 skill.
    most of the survivor tools in the game isn't fun to play against but it's in the game lol just go to the next game maybe it won't be legion
  • Nemonz
    Nemonz Member Posts: 1

    Just Rework Legion #########, its killing the game.

    Players are leaving the match cuz its not fun to even try vs legiond.

    Like the players here are saying, 0 skill champ and 0 counter.

    Pallets: jump over after you

    Flash light: no time to use befor Legion is in your face

    Hiding: Hiting a survivor and can se all survivors

    When did Behaviour Interactive lisen to the fan community last time ? Killing the game

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 12,999

    Legion is not killing the game, balance is, legion will make pallets dangerous to use, same with vaults, his power allows him to see who is in your terror radius I believe, don't try to flashlight a legion vaulting in the first place @Nemonz

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    He just wasn't very good at Legion also the killers iri addon's are pretty crap. Iri button lets you break pallets you vault, but it is bugged cause it never breaks a pallet on the first vault. You could vault a pallet up to 3 times before it snaps. His best addons are frank's and stab wound study. Noed and ruin aren't gonna help him if he doesn't leave the hook. Not to mention noed doesn't work well Legion as it doesn't proc on frenzy stabs.