Idea for Nurse Nerf/Rework

1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141
edited July 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Although I know many people don't think Nurse really needs too many changes, I just wanna get this idea out there and just know what people think of it.

  • The Nurse can no longer attack after blinking if she blinks through any obstacles
  • An indicator is shown to tell whether or not the blink you're currently holding goes through an obstacle

Of course this is just a little concept and is not very fleshed out. Things like movement speed, fatigue, recharge, and addons could all be changed along with this and be dependent on which type of blink you use, but I personally feel a 4.4m/s movement speed would be fitting with this.

I am also unsure whether you should be able to attack after an initial blink that goes through an obstacle but a chain blink that doesn't, as well as the limitation possibly being less strict similarly to the old effect of the 3 blink addon.

The point this is to keep Nurse's ability to traverse the map in the unique way that she does while (hopefully not too severely) limiting how oppressive she can be in chase. This also preserves most of her original mechanics in a way that I think would be interesting.

Please let me know what you think of these ideas!

Post edited by 1ettuce on


  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited July 2022

    Would make her literally awful. Is literally counterintuitive to her design. The entire point is she bypasses barriers. Also what the hell would she do on indoor maps then? Or literally near any indoor/complex structure whatsoever that she can't navigate otherwise fast enough for an actual chase?

    She does not need a nerf or rework to her basekit.

  • WeslleySim
    WeslleySim Member Posts: 35

    Sorry, Nurse literally needs a nerf. She is by far the strongest killer in the game, and in the hands of someone who knows, at least, to play with her, have high destructive power.

    Whenever I play with my friends and it's a match against Nurse, the first thing everyone does is complain, because we know that the chances of losing are very high.

    And unfortunately, the current perks, especially after the rework, don't do much to counter her.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    It's better than nothing, but I think that it would make Nurse too weak, which is a common trend I see when people suggest nerfs for her. That's why I think it's better to just give her a full rework. I hate reworking killers because it destroys what makes that killer... Well, that killer, but it's the only option I see for Nurse because her current power is extremely unhealthy for the game.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    That would make her too weak especially on indoor maps

  • konochivu
    konochivu Member Posts: 146

    People don't know how to versus a good nurse because she requires skill and knowledge hence why most survivors have bad time facing nurse simply because it's rare to see a good slugging 4k 5 gen nurse.

  • Elan
    Elan Member Posts: 83

    Simple changes to nurse would be:

    1) Make her blink attacks special, means she can no longer utilize from sturstruck + floods of rage or make your choice + floods of rage so badly.

    2) Rework range add ons to something else. Being able to travel half of map at light speed is not what she could be able to.

    3) Remove third blink add on.

    With those changes she would be still strong, but not overkill with specific builds.

  • geni
    geni Member Posts: 150

    Make her lose all blinks when stunned, not being able to blink trough pallets and blink attacks counts as a special attack (m2), that would be enough for me