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Why do people genuinely defend Nurse?



  • Member Posts: 4,903

    The usual counter is pretty simple. Take the Nurse and show the rest of us how easy it is to win with her (without having thousands of hours more than your opponents)

    Some public streak would be fine.

    Strangely, nobody has done it yet. The issue of course is that it requires to make some effort and spend a lot of time learning her. (Crying is easier though.)

  • Member Posts: 285

    yes you do, give someone who is not good at blinking double range and they will still get juiced by the most basic double back

  • Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2022

    RE Nurse's low kill rate: that probably stems from her high skill ceiling, meaning most baby Nurse's probably gets little-to-no kills, and mid-tier Nurse's manage a couple of kills. She's by far one the most power-reliant killers because, without a good knowledge and skills with her blinks, her M1 and movement speed is the weakest in the game, therefore low/mid MMR Nurse's who are less skilled with her blinks probably really suffer as a result of that. All of her kills and 4k's will come from the higher MMR players.

    From experience, I find this happens a lot with Nurse's: they're either really easy to counter and aren't able to effectively blink at the right time/place, or they're absolute gods and it feels like they can read your mind. There's very rarely an in-between and I think that's because new players either stick with her, practice, and get really good, or they find her way too difficult and abandon her.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    So...killers like slinger has a chance OF COURSE, why didn't I think of that, if only I knew that, I'd be playing nothing but slinger

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    I would love to see a full match of these advocates juking a gawd tier Starstruck/Infectious fright nurse. No body blocking. Just witnessing them using her “counterplay.” Actual GOOD nurse players with over 1.5K hours.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Why? That's a small percentage of the playerbase and more people than that like to play her. Besides, if we're going to balance around a small portion of the playerbase why not balance around Team Oracle or WimaTV with 383 escapes in a row. I'm assuming they played at least one or two Nurses and still lost. If we're going to balance around a small percentage, let's make Killers able to get a 50% kill rate on them.

    Or we could just admit that balancing around a small percentage is a great way to ensure that the game is incredibly not fun for most people.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    It may be true. However if a Nurse "reads your mind", she has probably a lot of experience (or is just consistently lucky this time, it happens).

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    How is your hearing? I usually find survivors just hearing their breath. In a chase, when I'm on cooldown, most run away making enough noise to know where they are going.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I've got more than 2.5K hours and she is my main killer. I often verse weak teams (MMR issue) but I also get teams of good players who manage to get 2 or 3 escapes (or 4 when they are that much better). Yet, I've been called a "god" Nurse on many occasions. A few days ago I really really wanted to win (securing a pip) so I've used a strong build and I still lost with 1k. Worse, it was on Midwich. But they were stealthy, they knew how to play, they even used a flashlight to slow me down. It has been stated many times : the biggest weakness of a Nurse is detection. Don't get caught.

  • Member Posts: 207

    Snarkiness aside, my hearing is shot due to working the flightline in the military. Unfortunately, background noises tend to drown things out. That said, I stand by my Nurse assessment. She is my favorite to vs, but I'm not very good with her.

  • Member Posts: 82

    All You need is less than 30 games to learn the muscle memory and the distance, and you're able to use those addons and play like a boosted nurse. You don't need "5k hours, 24/7 DBD" like some people here make it out to be.

    Seems to be nurses mains don't want people to learn her, so they realize how much of a broken mess she is.

  • Member Posts: 419
    edited July 2022

    The only thing I agree with you on is that the Nurse's skill-floor is always misjudged by most people. Hillbilly, Blight, Artist and Oni have a higher skill-floor in my opinion because they have to play at a consistently higher level in order to produce the same results as Nurse. Outside of that, I don't consider Nurse to be overpowered at all. The main and only reason people feel she is OP is because the rest of the roster with the exception of a handful is buttcheeks. She only looks like a 20 because you have her standing in the same room next to 1s and 2s when in reality she's just a regular 8-10. Are there insanely strong builds on Nurse? Yeah, so do a lot of other Killers

    If they stopped catering to boosted players more than the intermediate/veteran players than the meta for both sides would shift, there would be more diversity and less complaining. It's the equivalent of saying that a pool of warm water is boiling hot even though there's plenty of people in that same pool that aren't getting burned right next to you. Is that water really boiling hot or are you just accustomed to spending all of your time in the freezing cold pool next door? AKA, Is she really broken or are the majority of the M1 killers so weak that it feels like a shock when you go from playing a Trapper to Nurse from one match to the next? I truly believe that bullying the weaker killers for so many years has trained people to believe that whenever there's an A or S tier killer that doesn't allow them to play the way they're used to they claim its broken or boring.

    Post edited by AJStyIez on
  • Member Posts: 4,903
    edited July 2022

    I didn't mean to tease or anything like that. My question was pure curiosity (something I'm quite too often guilty of) and would have been followed with some headphones and sound settings suggestions.

    I can only imagine how such tough work has hurt your earing.

    Give it time. Being good with Nurse, whatever some like to pretend, takes really a lot of time. I know of one guy in this forum (or was it Steam's?) who has managed to be decent with her in only 300 hours (just for her) and that was fast. I feel the difference between me after 6000 blink attacks, 10000 and 22000. I'm pretty sure I'll improve still.

  • Member Posts: 1,700

    When Killers (like me) lost 2-3 games in a row with a low-tier killer, they switch to a strong one to win and feel better.

    Why? Because everyone plays for having fun. Getting teabagged in the exit gate isnt that much fun. Instead of just leaving, a lot of kids (no matter how old they are) think its fun to blamr the other human, who played killer, which means only with these guys they get a game.

    Just be nice to each other, but that seems really rare in worlds humanity since a couple of years.

  • Member Posts: 22
    edited July 2022

    Nurse is a killer that requires you to actually dedicate time practicing versing, add ons like range are undeniably broken, but otherwise nurse is not as uncounterable as people make her out to be. There are some things that could be nerfed, that are not related to anything most people will say, double stun from pallets back, as well as not keeping progress for 2nd blink if nurse blinks with only 1 blink back. I'm not going to extreme detail of every single counter to nurse, mainly cause that is something that you have to directly show, and not just tell someone as well as the assumption there will be people that will just go, lol nurse OP not gonna read anything you say xdddddddd.

    2 things I can guarantee majority of people that people that say nurse is OP and needs to be nerfed have not practiced doing is, using pallets, and using flashlight to stop blinks. I can use some clips as examples, but due to the complete inconvenience uploading from PS4 is, they will just be what I already have saved.

    Pallets are not useless verse nurse, they definitely aren't as good since they removed double stun (pallet stun + fatigue) which is one of the changes I would advocate for, any decent nurse will not monkey first blink into the pallet, meaning the 2nd blink you can bait out by being patient, and paying attention to what direction the nurse is facing when blinking, or with pathing to block LOS such as like this

    Streamable Video

    Or if you do not have LOS, you can mindgame by faking dropping on one side, which you bait on the side further away from the nurse, as it gives you slightly more time to reaction time drop the pallet if the nurse short blinks into the pallet

    Streamable Video

    Flashlights which take a lot of practice, is predicting where the nurse will land from first blink based off what direction they're facing, as well as how long they charged the blink for to stop them from using 2nd blink. An easier method of using this is when the nurse is chasing another survivor who is injured, is holding the beamer on the nurse so they are forced to walk, so the survivor you're trying to help can just W away.

    Streamable Video

  • Member Posts: 828

    There needs to be a strong killer to combat strong swfs,,,no killer except nurse + blight can keep up,,,The problem with nurse and what makes her extremely unfun is her range addons ,,pair those with perks like starstruck / MYC + sadako scourge hook,,I would love to see range addons gettin nerfed to oblivion same as alchemist ring / adrenaline vial for blight but her basekit is fine

  • Member Posts: 871

    The fact YOU play solo doesn't concern the nurse.

    SHE doesn't have to be removed because YOU play alone 🤔


    Not only is what you say totally right, but it hits a nerve.

    What you are talking about is LEARNING to play against her, SPENDING TIME to learn a NEW way of playing the game, sometimes even QUESTIONING what you know how to do, or think you know how to do.

    And a lot of players are too LAZY to do that.

    So what do we do? We come and cry that the nurse is OP.

    As usual.

  • Member Posts: 871

    Nurse is not OP.

    And SWF is not OP.

    And I'm a nurse's player 😁

  • Member Posts: 871

    What do you want, when some players can't have fun provoking, taunting, and rolling over the killer, then their little world collapses, and as a result, the cause is bound to be that "The ugly killer is OP."

    PS: mind you, I remain objective, I do think it would be interesting to look at the acceleration that her range addons allow the nurse to have below 20 meters.

    But otherwise, yes, I want to say to them : "Git gud."

  • Member Posts: 871

    Yes, you need to be.

    These addons will allow the nurse to go, technically, further.

    But if the nurse in question doesn't have good muscle memory, doesn't know how to anticipate the actions of the survivors, doesn't have in mind the length of her teleportation and/or hit window, and doesn't know how to teleport while spinning around to optimize her view of her surroundings, addons or no addons, the survivors will be laugh.

    And I know what I'm talking about, having seen players try to "play nurse with range addons" for example, challenges, or other, when they are not at all nurse regular players.

  • Member Posts: 871

    The only change it would make sense to make to her range addon would be to ensure that they don't cause tp acceleration below 20 meters.

    Other than that, they are fine as they are.

    And let's not forget that in the future, Scourge Hook will no longer allow the killer to have information, since the affected generator will no longer explode.

  • Member Posts: 1,742

    Because Nurse is the only enjoyable and non-toyable / Bulliable killer ?

  • Member Posts: 828

    I am talking about Onryo's scourge hook ,,the one that shows auras,,not pain resonance

  • Member Posts: 2,209
  • Member Posts: 230

    i don't mind going against nurse, even if the team gets stomped, just hate when someone dc's beginning of trial when they realise who the killer is, without even giving the game a shot. I've had it happen on two games today :(

  • Member Posts: 421

    If you lost to nurse, you got outplayed.

    It means she had to calculate (and execute) the chase exactly to her specifications, taking into account your perks and hers, the position of line of sight blockers, the progress of generators and the general "feel" of the match (an ability that has to be honed through years, maybe decades of what you call merely "gaming").

    Indeed, to be killed by Nurse is to realise that you have found your better, both as a player and as a man. Your mettle failed you, but the Nurse player is solid steel -hard, cold, reliable- and as she secures slugs and you anxiously await the bleedout timer, her mind is still operating at full capacity preparing strategies for a near infinite number of possibilities.

    I'll be taking my BPs now, make sure you do your offerings correctly next time.

  • Member Posts: 857

    Technically, not every single person using her has mastered her, so she isn't select to win.

  • Member Posts: 207

    My apologies, I'm used to people being less than polite on these forums and mistook your curiosity for snarkiness. I appreciate your curiosity and engagement.

    I don't sweat not being good at Nurse or the limitations I face as killer in general. I still enjoy playing many killers and consider myself to be competitive, at best in matches. It is more the toxicity that wears me down than anything.

    Happy hunting.

  • Member Posts: 514
  • Member Posts: 4,167

    I see alot of survivors that have no clue in chase when standard looping isn't an option. Even with that understanding, players have to know whether or not they are out positioned for a chase.

  • Member Posts: 841

    The general consensus of why people defend Nurse is because of the existence of sweaty 4 man SWF's.

    But as a killer main with 3000 hours, I can tell you the amount of legitimate sweaty death comp pro tournament level 4 man SWF's I have faced is merely one game.

    One game where I genuinely lost because I wasn't Nurse.

    If you seriously think the fabled 4 man sweaty SWF is a common occurrence, you're simply wrong. Most SWF's are just chill, average players wanting to play with their friends. The amount of SWF's who legitimately sweat, rush gens, leave, and play in a way which is unwinnable unless you're Nurse/Blight/Spirit is exceptionally rare.

    It's pure whataboutism to defend Nurse because of a SWF's potential to be that fabled sweaty comp squad that's only counterable by Nurse.

    Nurse doesn't deserve to stay overpowered, unfair, and anti-fun for every survivor just because of SWF's. Nerf her, buff solo queue and nerf SWF's as well.

    I've picked solo queue up some more and every 2-4 games there's a Nurse who stomps the entire team. It's getting tiring.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Good to see a post from someone who actually seems to have good knowledge of the game.

    It is getting tiring seeing these nurse main defenders in here lying to people with thousands of hours in the game, saying they just haven't learned to play against Nurse. It is so insincere, and obviously just nurse players defending their OP toy because they don’t want to play in a fair match.

  • Member Posts: 871

    To say: "If Nurse is OP, it's because of the ugly SWFs who are OP!" is indeed an aberration.

    The famous "god-swf" are actually quite rare; you can meet SWF, yes, it's quite possible, but it doesn't mean at all that they will be overpowered.

    So in the same way that putting the nurse in the hands of someone who is not good at playing with it will mean that it will be very weak, well four survivors in voice, if they are not good at the game, will not be overpowered at all.

    I totally agree with that. Neither the nurse nor the SWFs are OP.

    At the risk of upsetting some people, the survivors are very far from being good, for many of them, against the nurses.

    And I know what I'm talking about: I'm a hand nurse, I have a level that is, I would say, between correct and good, but no more, and yet, when I face survivors, I see the tons of mistakes they make.

    I've seen survivors get screwed up by simply backing up after passing a corner of a building, because they thought the nurse was going to preshot.

    (When in fact it is the BASIC part of the nurse's learning process to teleport to the spot where she lost sight of the Survivor).

    I've seen survivors not know how to do double backs: do them too early or too late.

    I've seen survivors go to dead zones on the edge of the map when they had all kinds of anti-LOS loops at their disposal.

    I've seen 3500+h survivors run straight ahead without looking back, and get picked off in 10s on the clock.

    I've seen survivors get stupidly screwed at a paddle because they fast vault immediately after lowering the paddle, giving me the opportunity to just grap them after waiting around.

    That's why every time I read a comment made by someone who says "Naughty Nurse is OP, you have to nerf her at all costs!", I just want to see a dozen videos of the person in question, to find out how they play against her.

    Fix his range addons so they don't cause teleportation to accelerate below 20 meters, I agree.

    And by the way, when I say show us your ability to deal with the nurse, I mean it.

    I frequently ask people for this kind of video, when I see them coming to cry against the nurse, but strangely enough, no one ever has the guts to show how they fare against her.

    Yet, if she's that OP, it should be easy to check, right?

    Show us.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Honestly I just skimmed through what you wrote.

    Twitch: omansonion

    Playtime: 6k hours

    Been in several tournaments. Been asked to help top teams practice. I know exactly what to do when facing nurse. You can find any matches against Nurse if you want. All of my played matches are in there.

    Unsurprisingly anytime I post my profile there are no replies. Why? It doesn't fit the nurse main narrative. If they keep lying that no one knows how to go against Nurse, then they must ignore people who actually know how to face her, and still call her brokenly OP.

  • Member Posts: 871

    To say that no one knows how to deal with the nurse would be a lie, and that is not the case anyway.

    The fact is that a LOT of survivors don't know how to deal with her.

    Your baits and jukes are really beautiful to look at, and if all four survivors in a game played the same way you do, the nurse in front would have a much harder time on her game.

    That's what I'm urging: that the survivors who don't know how to play against her watch this kind of replay, and they will indeed become better !

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    My server doesn't have a very large population so I often see the same killers and the same survivors in many games.

    There have been many instances where I have found myself in a game with 3 survivors equal in skill to me and a nurse I know who is just as good, too.

    The nurse wipes the floor with us. It isn't a fair matchup.

  • Member Posts: 871

    Was the result 0 generators made for 4 deaths? Not really, is it?

    Also, what build did she use?

    I remember being very happy when I saw that Scourge hook: pain resonance was going to be nerfed, which would prevent the fatal combo with Dead man's switch.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I think I'm agreeing on all counts. I can also confirm I have noticed the same behavior from many players. A while ago I've even killed a (well known?) Trapper main with 8k hours (no, not Otz). That was kind of disappointing. It feels like many people don't use their brain.

    Thankfully I also verse a lot of players with not so many hours but who clearly think about what they are doing and understand the "mind" part in mind-games.

    And yes, I could do without the speed boost in the range add-ons too. I'm not sure why they did it. Maybe to handle big maps without having to play as an utter bastard? Doesn't feel right.

    No one? I've replied one of your posts, about a week ago. You didn't followed-up though.

    Remember? That post were you stated you were basically better at playing an versing the Nurse than anyone "defending" her in that thread. (Many of which have way more experience than you. I could check since you gave your profile with its 6k blink attacks.) My reply was about hubris and the fact that you being good against her (allegedly) showed one didn't need that much experience playing her to verse her properly (or something of that effect).

    I'm not very fond of twitch but maybe someone will watch and be amazed.

    Stranger things have happened.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Oh, yeah, didn't feel the need to respond.

    No point responding to inflammatory comments with no basis, ya know?

    Hmm, I'm a little bit disappointed in myself for reaching that many blink attacks, which is way more than needed to know how broken she is. I realized how broken Nurse is a long time ago. Only play her when my viewers ask me to.

    Same with Spirit, actually, when she was busted. I just stopped playing her due to how easy she was to win with. Some people want to have a fun, balanced game, and not play a mismatched, unbalanced game.

  • Member Posts: 871

    "And yes, I could do without the speed boost in the range add-ons too. I'm not sure why they did it. Maybe to handle big maps without having to play as an utter bastard? Doesn't feel right."

    It would be interesting to have an answer from the developers about these addons.

    Is the fact that they accelerate the tp speed below 20 meters due to the fact that they don't know technically how to fix it without affecting the speed above 20 meters?

    Or is it a choice, and I would be interested, without any ulterior motive, just for the sake of discussion, to know the details.

    "Thankfully I also verse a lot of players with not so many hours but who clearly think about what they are doing and understand the "mind" part in mind-games."

    Yes, when you meet some players who have more than 3000 hours of play and who continue, while they are pursued by a nurse, to go almost straight ... (obviously this is NOT a generalization, of course, BUT, still ...)

  • Member Posts: 601
    edited July 2022

    I wouldn't say she doesn't have her problems but I think people blow out of proportion how bad she really is. I think that anyone can make a post on these forums regardless of skill, and when you see people complaining about Legion of all killers, or you see complaints about just about any killer that's really good at what they do, you start to have difficulty understanding how accurate what they're saying is in comparison to the level of skill they have, or if they're just lying.

    I think most people don't know how to play against Nurse, have no interest in learning how to, and if people spent some time learning to juke one to extend a chase against her for just enough time, while spreading out on gens, they'd not have such drastic opinions. I think most complaints against her are from bad players who would've lost to any killer and are so predictable/give up on first hook that they'd of lost to any killer anyway. Or they're from more valid people who most likely see her every game because they have much higher than average MMR, where you are far more likely to experience Nurse's and Blight's. I'd be frustrated having easy matches in any game that isn't against a Nurse or Blight with SWF, too.

    So, you have good players and you have bad players that can easily come to you and say these things pretty easily. Up to you to decide for yourself tbh

  • Member Posts: 440
  • Member Posts: 50

    IMO she exists for survivor's "but we have a nurse that op, because of that we need [insert broken mechanic] to counter her".

    I am a killer main and still thinking that bhvr needs to nerf her(and blight probably). After that we will see overall winrate on high mmr dropping from killer side, and then bhvr will understand that killers should be buffed in general(again)

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