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So sad that people actually justify playing swf

Member Posts: 275

I get it, you are insecure about your own skills as a survivor,but always doing swf is so sad. Like my god can someone please tell me what the point of playing killer is if I'm versing 4 perfectly coordinated least during the event I can dc so they don't get there 25 lunar points.

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  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    I try to play solo when I can. Sometimes my friends want to play though.

    Regardless, you have tools to your disposal to avoid SWF if it bothers you so much. Not to mention killer queues are instant right now due to this event

  • Member Posts: 1,796
    Okapi said:

    Dodging will be useless soon. 

    Or way more prevalent, just to be safe.
  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    @Okapi said:
    Gamzello said:

    SWF groups has a higher chance of winning against killers. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that all SWF are good. I play with my bf on PS4 and we’re like average. We still have our moments of losing or dying mid-match.

    Just dodge if you see a 4-man?

    The devs are going to change how lobbies work so all 4 survivors load in at the same time no matter if they’re 4 solos or a full SWF squad.

    Dodging will be useless soon. 

    That's not even a reliable way to judge SWF right now though. The best way is to check the survivors' friends lists. If they have their lists privated? Dodge

  • Member Posts: 1,457
    There’s nothing wrong with swf, other than the fact that they have an advantage with voice communication.

    I think swf should have a downside to it. I suggested before that swf should be limited to their perk load out. Unlike solo players, swf can not use the same perks. This will increase the team to be more diverse with their perk load out. 

  • Member Posts: 1,510
    I play with my friends a lot but we actually play. We’re not trying to deliberately make the killer miserable, we just want to play together. Which is how it should be. If they outright took swf away, I think it would be bad for the ps4 where a lot of us play with friends and solo equally. 

    What is NOT okay is the groups that do try to make the killer miserable. Body blocking. Dsing. Blinds at the pallet. Wantonly tea bagging. 360ing. REFUSING TO LEAVE THE MAP AFTER THE GAME IS OVER AND GATES ARE OPENED. etc. And that needs to be resolved. 
  • Member Posts: 8,223

    @Iceman said:
    I think swf should have a downside to it. I suggested before that swf should be limited to their perk load out. Unlike solo players, swf can not use the same perks. This will increase the team to be more diverse with their perk load out. 

    This is exactly what I've been saying. SWF should be about team builds, not 4 solo builds with comms.

  • Member Posts: 4,299
    Show me games which are multiplayer that don't let you play with friends?

    It's unbalanced but until the devs see fit to do something you will just have to deal with it, maybe instead of crying you could come up with something constructive on how to help solve it instead.

    Either that or try playing another game that doesnt cause you to rage post on the forums and make yourself look silly.
  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @Okapi said:
    Gamzello said:

    SWF groups has a higher chance of winning against killers. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that all SWF are good. I play with my bf on PS4 and we’re like average. We still have our moments of losing or dying mid-match.

    Just dodge if you see a 4-man?

    The devs are going to change how lobbies work so all 4 survivors load in at the same time no matter if they’re 4 solos or a full SWF squad.

    Dodging will be useless soon. 

    Thats already the case btw.

    What do you mean with dodging will be useless?

  • Member Posts: 1,167
    Master said:

    @Okapi said:
    Gamzello said:

    SWF groups has a higher chance of winning against killers. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that all SWF are good. I play with my bf on PS4 and we’re like average. We still have our moments of losing or dying mid-match.

    Just dodge if you see a 4-man?

    The devs are going to change how lobbies work so all 4 survivors load in at the same time no matter if they’re 4 solos or a full SWF squad.

    Dodging will be useless soon. 

    Thats already the case btw.

    What do you mean with dodging will be useless?

    The new matchmaking system will cause all four survivors to appear at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 3,154

    I usually play solo. When I play swf is because I want to play with my friends

  • Member Posts: 1,131

    Why anyone has to justify playing with friends?

  • Member Posts: 1,775
    If SWF played like 4 solos normally would all the time, I doubt anyone would have a problem with them.

    Thing is, they don't, usually.

    It's not SWF in and of itself, it's all the enhancements to their gameplay survivors love to tack on. 
  • Member Posts: 45

    I play SWF and we out-right suck when playing together.
    We're far too reckless and stupid. Plus we talk a lot, and don't really coordinate perks. Killers usually have a field day when playing againt us. We lose 8/10 matches

  • Member Posts: 3,918

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    Okapi said:

    Dodging will be useless soon. 

    Or way more prevalent, just to be safe.

    No.... he was right. It’ll be useless. Any killer that does it more will just never enter a game. From that update on, dodging will only work for items, which last second switch can counter

  • Member Posts: 87

    Survive with friends is fun if you're a survivor. It's a load of dog poop if you're a killer.

    The game is already weighted against the killer but SWF gives survivors a game-breaking advantage.

    One of the difficult aspects of playing solo survivor is that you don't always know where the other survivors are, what they're doing, or ask for help if you need it. In a normal game survivors can't talk to each other - they can't tell each other where the killer is, they can't come up with a plan of "one person pallet loop him for a bit and the others rush gens", they can't tell each other where the killer is and send someone to the other side of the map to do gens, not to mention the fact that SWF get a free 'Empathy' because they can just say "I'm here, come heal me".

    It must be difficult for the devs as they obviously know that SWF is ridiculous in ranked play. But because it draws people into the game they can't change it because without it a lot of people wouldn't play. Sadly, it all comes at the expense of a lot of a killers enjoyment of the game and will ultimately deter good players from the game.

    SWF is here to stay but one way around it to make it sweeter for killers is to make it so they don't lose rank when playing against SWF and get bonus blood points.

  • Member Posts: 1,073

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    Or way more prevalent, just to be safe.

    you're never going to get a lobby then.

  • Member Posts: 816
    edited February 2019

    It's just simply fun to play with others. Some people like co-op, some don't. It seems the original poster here doesn't seem to understand or care for a mode where you get to play with friends.

    Some do enjoy it.

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    Hello, killer main here.
    (I feel I need to say this or otherwise I will be marked as an entitled survivor main)

    I play SWF because during my experience grinding for Rank 1 Solo, I realized one thing.
    Everyone in Solo is a ######### moron. So I apologize if you think I am cheating when I play with my mates, because I know they are more competent than your average DBD Player.
    We don't even use Voice Comms that often, we just play the game to have fun and not be sandbagged by players who obviously shouldn't be in High Ranks.

  • Member Posts: 864
    Okapi said:
    Gamzello said:
    SWF groups has a higher chance of winning against killers. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that all SWF are good. I play with my bf on PS4 and we’re like average. We still have our moments of losing or dying mid-match.

    Just dodge if you see a 4-man?
    The devs are going to change how lobbies work so all 4 survivors load in at the same time no matter if they’re 4 solos or a full SWF squad.

    Dodging will be useless soon. 
    Haha you are misguided if you think killers can only guess SWF from the load in.
    PC users can quickly check FL of loaded players and make an educated guess in the time it takes to countdown, Dodging will stay exactly how it is until the imbalance is addressed, it’s the only cause of action a killer has because their issues are not being addressed or acknowledged 
  • pemberley said:
    I play with my friends a lot but we actually play. We’re not trying to deliberately make the killer miserable, we just want to play together. Which is how it should be. If they outright took swf away, I think it would be bad for the ps4 where a lot of us play with friends and solo equally. 

    What is NOT okay is the groups that do try to make the killer miserable. Body blocking. Dsing. Blinds at the pallet. Wantonly tea bagging. 360ing. REFUSING TO LEAVE THE MAP AFTER THE GAME IS OVER AND GATES ARE OPENED. etc. And that needs to be resolved. 
    The OP was one kind of funny, but seriously, you have a problem with survivors evading those killer swings? (They need to reward BP for that, it's a hard skill to get the timing right on) Tea bagging is nothing lol. DS is annoying, but only a one use perk. Survivors mostly body block to help cover a team mate that's usually being tunnelled. Blinds at a pallet are legit, it gives best survivors a better chance to increase distance from the killer or make the killer chase someone else.

  • Member Posts: 731
    I agree, how dare you people come in to a game with your friends and have fun. Hope the devs start dishing out bans.
  • Member Posts: 5,176
    edited February 2019

    People legit just wanna play with their friends. Why should we deny them that? I like to play with my friends and we don't always have 5 people for a kyf. Normal SWF aren't much of a problem unless they're deliberately trying to ruin your matches or be toxic and if they do that just bring noed from now on or just camp. Camping normally works against them cause the wanna save their buddy. As for the whole communication, most of the problems with swf can be resolved by improving normal gameplay mechanics such as better hex totem spawns, adding another objective needed to escape ect. Until them tho, just run BIlly or Nurse or be a camping Leatherface idk. Just play however you want, I don't care, as long as it isn't hacking or exploiting bugs. But most Swf aren't hat bad, Iv'e rarely faced one with 4 decisives, Spring burst, Adrenaline, Self care.

  • Member Posts: 1,224
    edited February 2019

    We all know it is fun to play with your friends. That is not the issue. Always brought up like a damn straw man. The issue is the voice comm advantage that makes the game horrendous for the killer. Always talking about "we are just messing around" but you know damn well as soon as the killer has the upper hand you go into swat communication mode. Give killers more bp for dealing with that crap.

  • Member Posts: 1,607
    Some perk effects and items should be solo-only or SWF-only. Problem solved.
  • Member Posts: 1,714

    Casual mode! Open - for everyone KYF! All these SWF teams saying they only want to have fun need casual mode!

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    @ColonGlock said:
    Give killers more bp for dealing with that crap.

    Killers already get way more bloodpoints than survivors.

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    I think it’s good people can play with and even make new friends.if only people would say gg instead of go burn in a fire... maybe things would end up ok.

  • Member Posts: 10,200
    Watery said:
    Master said:

    @Okapi said:
    Gamzello said:

    SWF groups has a higher chance of winning against killers. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that all SWF are good. I play with my bf on PS4 and we’re like average. We still have our moments of losing or dying mid-match.

    Just dodge if you see a 4-man?

    The devs are going to change how lobbies work so all 4 survivors load in at the same time no matter if they’re 4 solos or a full SWF squad.

    Dodging will be useless soon. 

    Thats already the case btw.

    What do you mean with dodging will be useless?

    The new matchmaking system will cause all four survivors to appear at the same time.

    As I said, that's already the cas
  • Member Posts: 835
    SWF isnt the problem. CWF is.
  • Member Posts: 281
    When you have no friends so you complain about people who play with friends. :'(
  • Member Posts: 337

    @PiiFree said:
    SWFs be like:

    "Killer mainz BTW"

  • Member Posts: 1,463
    Until rank system is fixed survivors will keep playing SWF

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